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I had trouble finding a simple solution to translate my website. After trying all other solutions, they have proven to be extremely time-consuming to set up. Then, I discovered WPML and it turned out to be very easy to set up. WPML means more visitors and satisfied customers on my site. I was so glad to finally see my website in more languages.

Michael Luron
December 5, 2022

Before switching to WPML my sites had SEO problems, the support I was getting was bad, and there was no documentation. Now, I have been using WPML for 6 years, and the plugin and support are amazing. I felt the difference literally 2 days after switching to WPML and the whole translation workflow is much better!

Alexandros Kontinopoulos
November 28, 2022

In terms of SEO, it was challenging to manage multilingual WordPress sites. Machine translation is not indexed and automatic solutions that enable indexing risk not being localizable. Updating content was time-consuming as changes had to be made to each language version. Thanks to WPML, it is possible to keep track of the status of translations. With WPML, it is possible to achieve indexing on various search markets, enabling fast and effective updating.

Paolo Margari
Digital Strategist
November 8, 2022

We were having trouble managing our multilingual content before we discovered WPML. We had to manually create and manage translations for each piece of content, which was time-consuming and error-prone. WPML alleviated our pain points by automatically creating translations for us and delivering them to the correct language versions of our site. This saved so much time. WPML is different because it is a complete solution for multilingual sites. It includes everything you need to manage your translations, from creating the translations to delivering them to the correct language versions of your site. We were really impressed when we saw how easy it was to use WPML. It was so simple to set up and manage our translations with WPML, saving us a lot of time and hassle. Now that we’re using WPML, our lives are much easier. We don’t have to worry about managing translations manually anymore. WPML takes care of everything for us, and we’re very happy with the results. Thanks, WPML!

Nate Zuzemberg
Content Manager
November 7, 2022

I was looking for a translation plugin for a very long time and in 2015 I found WPML. Before using WPML, it was so hard to translate all the pages, menus, etc. It is the most complete translation plugin I have ever used. I have been using WPML for 7 years now and this is the best translation plugin I have ever seen.

November 3, 2022

We build WordPress sites for global businesses that serve audiences around the world. Some of our clients have 20 to 30 local country sites. We’ve tried many solutions and WPML is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive. It offers great flexibility whether you have native speakers providing translations or not. It works seamlessly for large multisite projects, and with ACF, and cookie management solutions.

Martin Coates
Technical Director
October 20, 2022

I wanted to translate my websites and wasn’t able to do this the way I wanted. I was very disappointed that I was not able to find a solution. All this changed when I found WPML. It is very practical and easy to use and I was really happy to know that I can have one site in 10 languages and it still works correctly. I feel relieved!

October 18, 2022

Before WPML, the worst part was having to go through the whole manual process of uploading and requesting translations. Now, it’s so easy to submit and manage our translations. WPML simply takes away the manual process. I realized what the difference of using WPML is when we had to translate our whole new website which we did before via Google Docs. Now it’s all copy-paste free. 🙂

E-commerce Manager
August 11, 2022

Creating sites in multiple languages ​​is a challenge for my clients. I have tried pretty much every plugin and translation service for WordPress until I discovered WPML and understood the problem I had with the old ones: they just weren’t enough. I have had clients who have given up on internationalization because they did not have a viable and professional web translation option. WPML is the only truly professional WordPress software that offers everything you need for a completely multilingual site and the internationalization of businesses and projects. In multilanguage the rule is simple: translate everything. And WPML offers tools to translate all content, menus, taxonomies, etc. With WPML you can really translate all the content of a website, nothing is left to chance. Since I discovered WPML, there is no other option when it comes to creating a website in several languages ​​in a professional way.

Fernando Tellado
WordPress Development & Design Agency Owner
July 25, 2022

At WP Rocket, we are working to make the web faster. Translating our site content into more languages allows us to take one more step towards improving the user experience. And for this, we have been relying on WPML for years now. We like to translate our content manually thanks to native speakers but for the rest, WPML makes the publishing process a breeze. WPML works seamlessly with the Gutenberg block editor, allowing us to translate reusable blocks and localize our landing pages in just 2 clicks. Easy peasy!

Agathe Medvedieff
June 14, 2022

Our customers often request a translation of their website. With WordPress and WPML this is possible with just a few clicks. A pure HTML website is difficult to translate. Each element also needs to be customized on the other website. WPML is straightforward to use and works flawlessly with WordPress. We have been translating websites with WPML for a long time. There is no way around WPML. Thanks to WPML, we can offer an international website to any customer who needs multilingualism.

Vincent Rammelt
June 7, 2022

In the past, I had problems translating the strings and other translation plugins are mostly not compatible with WordPress themes. I was also stuck with translation plugins that restrict your capacity to create multilingual, responsive WordPress sites. This all changed after switching to WPML. I love its usability and easy setup as well as its useful dashboard that has everything you need to translate. And you don’t even need to translate it yourself, WPML can automatically translate your content for you. When I discovered WPML, I literally translated everything on my website. Before using WPML, it was a pain to have to access the code to translate complex things. Without WPML, it took me weeks to accomplish the translation. It now takes seconds to complete the task.

May 23, 2022

I knew about WPML since 2012, or so. Every time a client needs to translate their website, the “manual” road is a bit difficult. However, with WPML, everything works like a charm. WordPress is a bit complicated, but with your plugin, everything is working fine. What makes it different than other multilingual plugins is its adaptability. Years ago, when a multi-national client was looking to translate her very big Press website to Spanish, Portuguese and French, was when I realized how useful WPML is. The market already offers a variety of products and services, but I found the best option through WPML. The main criteria for selection were: A) Implement a simple website translation solution that does not affect both the structure and the performance of the translated website. B)Way to translate both simple pages and posts, as well as WooCommerce products or other more complex implementations. C) Simple interface, easy to manage, both by me and by the client. D) An established company with years of experience. E) Solid support for solving any difficult situation (we were all there once). F) Adaptability. After years of experience in all things WordPress, I can say that I have found WPML to be a reliable partner for translating websites, both personal and those of my clients. Moreover, it offers the possibility of an automatic translation of the website content. From experience, I suggest selecting the DeepL engine for automatic translation with WPML. There would be more to add, but the essential word of this review is: Perfect.

WordPress Developer
April 29, 2022

First, I tried many other translating plugins without satisfying results. I wasted a lot of time. Then, after getting WPML, its professional tools and user-friendly plugin saved me time and I was able to translate my site in no time. After a couple of hours, I had my site completely translated. I was also very satisfied with the quality of automatic translations and had only a few corrections to make. Saving time is crucial these days. Now I can focus on many other important aspects of my website. All my translations are done automatically.

Karel Noppe
April 7, 2022

Before finding out about WPML, managing pages translation and keeping track of who translated what and when was terrible. I even resorted to spreadsheets in an attempt to control and manage translations. In a word, a nightmare. I felt WPML was designed to solve my very specific problems. When I took WPML for a spin and started using it, I was relieved. It gave me full control over my website translation management. For example, just allocating translation jobs to different users was a major task for me and very taxing on my time, and still not efficient enough. It was an ongoing frustration considering we translate from English to 10 other languages. Now I have full control of who does what, when, and how. What used to take hours from my time (managing translators, etc.) I can now do in a few clicks.

Taoufik Sabour
April 7, 2022

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