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37,615 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

  1. Hi, question: A client of me has about 14,000 words on his entire (Dutch) website.
    Now, if we want to make an English version also, that would have to be translated to English.

    If we fix this with DeepL, we would need 28.000 credits. I understand this.

    But it is not clear to me; are these costs every month? It seems to be (?),
    but if it’s translated once – it is done. And I want to be able to adjust the automatic translation,
    and keep it ‘static’ (so not have it translated ‘dynamic’ every time a page is opened)..
    Can you make this a bit more clear to me? The website has not a lot of info about this.
    We search for a translate once option > keep the translation and alter it by hand.

    • Hello,
      Yes, that’s correct, to translate 14,000 words with the DeepL engine you will need 28.000 credits. When purchasing WPML you will receive 90 000 credits in the package, please assign them all or some of them to your website and in your case (with only 14,000 words) you don’t need to pay for the credits at all.
      In general, you pay for credits only if you run out of the free credits and if you have something new to translate that wasn’t translated before. In practice, it means, that you will use a lot of credits at the beginning but as soon as you site is translated, you don’t need to use credits at all or only for the content updates. For example, let’s say you updated a few words on a page that you have already translated in the past. You will need to use only a few credits to translate these few words that have changed because the rest of your page will keep the existing translations. Yes, you can always alter the translation by hand.
      So you don’t need to pay every month even if you subscribed for the Pay-as-you-go option because WPML will use new credits only for new content or content updates.

  2. Hi

    Once I buy the plugin for EUR99 and translate the content, is there any content on my website that this will not translate. My developer asked me to reconfirm whether drop down menus and text on carousel and text with animations will get translated?

    • Hello,
      Yes, it can happen that some elements of your websites will not be translated and yes, a carousel is a good example. I can see your website uses the WPBakery plugin and WPML is compatible with it. Please let me know what is the name of the plugin you use for your carousel. Is this the Wow Divi Carousel Lite plugin? If so, indeed we are not compatible with this plugin and you would need to handle it manually. For example, the workaround could be to create two versions of this carousel, each per language and insert the other version for your translation of the page that contains this carousel.

    • Thank you for the link.
      We are not compatible with this slider and the content of this slider will not be translated automatically. As I mentioned in my previous email, there is a chance to translate this slider manually by following a specific workflow, which can be discussed with our support team.

    • Your site uses a very old version of WPML 4.3.12 and is doesn’t seem to be register in our system. We cannot help much here in the comments section. You would need to open a support ticket to get technical help but for this you need to have an active WPML subscription. Please renew your WPML subscription and use our support forum to receive the proper help. If your site needs to be updated, our supporters will tell you how to do this in a safe way. Thank you.

  3. Hello, we have some concerns around WPML impact on site performance. We first tried your system in 2018 and found it to be extremely heavy both on the database and performance of the website. We had to go with a different solution at that time.

    We are now doing a rebuild, and curious if there have been any notable performance markers used to evaluate and improve WPML, and if there is evidence or not of performance improvements since 2018/19.

    Thanks very much

    • Hello,
      Nice to hear you are considering buying WPML again. Yes, the performance has been improved significantly since 2018. You can try to test it yourself and buy WPML keeping our refund policy in mind.

  4. Hi,

    How do you go about managing multi ccTLD websites?

    For example; I have a website called and want to automatically translate its contents and publish on and Then when I get visitors from one of those countries I want them to automatically go to the translated domain for their country.

    Is this something WPML can do? And how do you go about hreflang annotations?

    Thank you

  5. Hello

    I am doing website maintenance. I do not know who was the previous developer. On this website, there is WPML Multilingual CMS plugin. But I do not have access on Wpml account. And I have errors on my website related to Wpml. I do not have access on account therefore I cant write to support about my problem. i also do not know which email is used for wpml purchase to reset account. So, now I am planning to buy wpml plugin. and then I will write to support about my problem. Also on website there is installed wpml Multilingual CMS package and not Multilingual blog. if I will buy Multilingual blog package will support help me with my problem because on website there is installed Multilingual cms package. Also I am interested in is there any other solution for my problem beside buy wpml plugin?

    Thank you

    • Hello,
      If your site uses the WPML plugins from the Multilingual CMS package you have to buy the Multilingual CMS package because otherwise you will not be able to update your plugins. You will be able to open a support forum but you might have other issues with your site and our supporter will tell you to upgrade to the CMS version. If your site is still register (which you can check by going to Plugins > Add new > Commercial tab) you can share the link to your website with me and I will tell you which type of WPML account was used with this site (Blog or CMS).

  6. I’m running a multinetwork site with one main site and five sub-sites using subdomains. I need to automatically translate all content across these sites into Spanish, including custom post types, taxonomies, and theme options managed with ACF. How can I achieve this, and what are the associated costs? Given that I’ve extensively used the Advanced Custom Fields plugin and created numerous custom fields, I’m looking for a solution that can handle automatic translation while preserving all custom field data.

    Thank you in advance.

  7. I trying to purchase using a company card, but it keep want me to buy on paypal and keep asking me personal data, which is not the owner of the company card. do you have others payment?

    • Yes, you can pay with your card too. On the “checkout” page you will see a link entitled “Use a different payment processor” (at the bottom of the page, under the orange button). Please click on it.

  8. Hello,

    I want to use your WPML plugin in my WordPress website but I want to test it on my local machine first. So, can you please tell me how I can set up and test the features on my local machine?

    Thank you,
    Amit Gupta

    • Hello,
      WPML is a WordPress plugin which you install as many other WordPress plugins. If you know how to setup a WordPress site on your local machine, all you need to do is to download the WPML plugin(s) from your WPML account (you will receive credentials after buying WPML), go to your WordPress site, Plugins > Add new and upload the plugin.

  9. Hello,

    We are migrating an existing Magento site to WordPress using WPML.

    The website has multiple domains, all in different countries. For example .com .ca .de etc

    During the development of the new website we are proposing to use temporary domains with a tld. For example;

    Once the website build is completed and we have imported products, we would then need to switch from using temporary domains to the existing live domains.

    Could you please advise us if this would be the best way to proceed during the development of such a site, and that once development has been completed it will be feasible to alter the wpml configuration to switch to the live domains?

    Thanks in advanced

    • Hello,
      Thank you for your interest in WPML. This page explains how you set up WPML to use diffrent languages with different domains. Let me check with our experts of this subject if there is anything special to take into account in your case, where you would like to start with test domains. I will keep you posted.

    • Hello,
      Thank you for your time. I have consulted your case with a WPML developer, our expert for using multiple domains for languages. Here are a few hints.

      When moving staging to production, you should only make a proper move for the primary domain/language and then replace the values in WPML > Languages for the secondary domains. An additional step that may need to be done is to ensure that the old domains are also changed (as links) in the contents pointing to them (if a post X in domain Y is pointing to post Y in domain Y and the dev domain is set there, it should be adjusted otherwise it will lead to broken link and contents that are not discoverable). This can be done in 2 ways – try the “Translate link targets” functionality in WPML > Settings and this should work in most cases (but if it fails you can use the second method that I am mentioning after this one) OR with wp-cli search-replace functionality

      Another thing to consider is indexed links/pages.
      Since you have an already established site on different domains, it is important to either create redirects to the previous URLs that were indexed or to make sure that they are the same so that it is okay for Google.

      That’s from our developer.

      Please note that you can also consider the following approaches:
      1. Start using WPML directly on your production site and hide the other languages until your site is ready
      2. Use WPML on your test site to see how it goes. Translate only a few posts/pages of each type. And then repeat the same steps on your production site without migrating the site.

      I hope this help.

  10. Hello, I am trying to move my review activities from a TMS directly into WPML. My question is, we have a glossary and translation memory already in place in this TMS. Is there a way to import it into WPML?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  11. Hi,
    I made a payment to extend the WPML through the Paypal of 39.00 Euro a few days ago, but it couldn’t activate on our homepage so far.
    I have a slip of the transation of the Paypal and can show you if you need it.
    Please check the transaction and make an activate the WPML on the website.
    [sensitive data, edited]


    • Hello,
      You have two WPML account with two different email addresses. It looks you didn’t extend your previous WPML subscription but you purchased a new one.
      1. Your previous subscription expired on May 24, 2024 – this one was purchased with the same email address you used to post your comment with
      2. Your new subscription started on July 1, 2024 – for this you used an email address with the prefix the same as your domain name.
      I don’t know what you mean by “couldn’t activate on our homepage so far.” If your WPML site is registered with the old account you need to unregister it and register a new key. Please go to your WordPress site, plugins > add new > Commercial tab, unregister the site and register it again with a new key. Before you do so, make sure your are log into your new WPML account.
      If however you purchase your new account with a wrong email by mistake, please contact us directly through this form: to sort this out.

  12. I previously bought WPML with 3 versions and used only one. Currently my licence is expired and I can’t update or create tickets for support. I plan to renew it when I plan full site upgrade for all plugins.
    But why can’t I add more sites to my current license as I bouth it for 3 sites and used only one. Is using my reviously bought licenses restricted with no renew of licence

    • Hello,
      You are right, it’s not possible to register new sites with an expired account even though you have slots available. This is what we explain in the Terms and Conditions (please check the What Happens If You Don’t Renew section). You need to renew your subscription to use WPML on new sites.

  13. Thanks. I never got any credits, so also not the 90.000 start, since I’m a member for decades. So I’m a lifetime member, and never had any credits before. But this is clear, I’ll need to buy the 28.000 for my client.

  14. Hi!

    We’re looking into buying this plugin and our WP theme supports it.
    Major updates are tested on a cloned version of our website first and if all is fine, we only then make changes on the main

    How do we proceed in case we buy the plugin? Authorise the plugin licence on the cloned version, check that everything is fine, then delete\deauth it and then do the same on the version in production?

    Just to clarify – we don’t need to buy two copies, do we?
    Thanks in advance!

  15. Hi,

    I have a WordPress job search website where employers post job vacancies. Job seekers can search for vacancies using a search form by entering the job title. If an employer adds a vacancy with a specific job title in the main language of the site, the search form features an autocomplete function, allowing users to see a list of relevant vacancies by just entering the first few letters of the job title.

    I have a question regarding WPML’s capabilities:

    Is it possible to create a multilingual site using WPML such that job titles and all job-related information are dynamically translated? Moreover, can the job search and autocomplete feature work in the user’s language, so that if a user enters a job title in their language, they can see relevant vacancies in the dropdown list, even if the original vacancy title is in a different language?

    • Hello,
      Thank you for your interest in WPML.
      Can I have the name of the plugin you use for the job search and posting job vacancies? We would need to check whether it’s compatible with WPML. Such plugins (listings, ads, plugins with searches and similar) usually require a special integration with WPML and won’t work out of the box. I will check the compatibility status of this plugin and will let you know the details. If you could also send me the link to the plugin website, it would help a lot. Thank you.

  16. Hi Team,
    I already have and use Deepl with API. Is it possible to integrate my own subscription instead of using the credits for your subscription?

    • Hello,
      Thank you for your interest in WPML.
      It’s not possible to integrate your own DeepL subscription instead of using the WPML credits. Although using the DeepL translation engine as the base for your automatic translation, WPML does a lot of more (pre and post processing is involved, WordPress links and formatting handling) and the final translation you receive/see in your WordPress site differs than the basic output from DeepL.

  17. Hello, we are working on a new, WordPress multisite and want to use WPML in the following ways:
    1. use a subdomain structure for each country/language, eg. for 23 countries/languages
    2. apply automatic translations via DeepL API on a subdomain level for each language. eg.
    3. use one subcategory, which will exclude the automatic translations and will be used only for US-specific content. eg.
    4. have some localized content on the subsites that will not be available on other sites (again within a specific subdirectory eg.
    5. create subdomains for different countries that may use the same language. For example, for the Spanish language, We want it to load on both the Spanish subdomain and also in the Mexican subdomain. Hence we need a structure where I can select which automatic language will apply to each country-specific subdomain

    Are all five of those requirements possible with WPML? If yes, can you please explain how to implement each?

    • Hello George,
      Thank you for your interest in WPML.
      1. Yes, you can set up WPML to use subdomains for languages. Please check this page for details.
      2. We use DeepL API as well but since we also do some extra pre and post processing (to handle translation of internal links, formatting etc.) we don’t provide an option to use your own DeepL Key. You need to use our translation credits.
      3. To exclude some content from translation, you simple don’t select these pages, posts etc for translation and leave them in your original language. Translating pages, posts, categories, tags etc is optional.
      4. Yes, this is possible. You can publish a page, post, product etc in your non-primary language without translating them to your original language. WPML allows this.
      5. Yes, this is possible as well, please check this page how to add so-called custom languages: The best option is to do so when following the WPML wizard as shown in this screen: The screen comes from the linkI shared.

  18. How is it justifiable that the translations cost so much, and do not even use Claude, or ChatGTP, which are beating the “Old tools” by a mile?

    I mean, there is a free version of Chat GTP. The +Version costs $20. It has 8,192 to 32,768 tokens, one token is 4 characters. Per 1 request in the chat… So, we are basically talking cents, or Euros for absolute premium models here when it comes to API Keys.

    And people are supposed to pay €182.00 EUR for 100.000 words – for a translation that can’t be better?
    Only hold up to it, if they are using LLMs in their own products?

    So can you please elaborate the supposed benefits, and why it is 1000x more expensive?

    Translation business and charging that amount of fees is from another decade. Except verified top tier translations, maybe. And even that is questionable, and will be out of business within a year.

    • Hello,
      We are instantly working on improving the translation quality. We have the glossary system, we have the translation memory mechanism, we have pre- and post- processing of your content to handle WordPress formatting (bolding, italics etc) and internal/external links embedded in your WordPress content, WordPress shortcodes and other stuff. It’s more than just connecting to DeepL or Google Translate. Plus, we are working on new features such as AI assistance etc. BTW, to translate 100 000 words with the Pay-as-you-go you will pay €102.00 EUR. Using automatic translation with WPML is optional and many clients buy WPML for other reason and use automatic translation only when it’s necessarily.

  19. we want to buy Multilingual CMS, and don’t need to any update one year later. So can we not renewals after bought?

    • Hello, this theme has not been tested by our Compatibility Team (and that’s why you cannot find it on our list of compatible themes) but looking at their log it seems to be compatible with WPML so you can try it out. Our refund policy allows you to test WPML for 30 days without risking your money.

  20. Thanks, Agnes, for the detailed responses.
    1. You forgot to add the link on point 1
    2. Where can I see the usage cost for the indirect DeepL API?
    3. if I have to do it manually, it negates the whole point/feature of having all the main site content automatically translated by default and having only an exclusion subdirectory. So, from your response, I assume this automatic translation (and the automated exclusions) are both not possible with WPML?