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37,524 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

  1. If I buy the $39 Multilingual Blog , can I later upgrade to the $99 Multilingual CMS paying the difference or will I have to make a totally new purchase?

    thank you

    • Hello,
      yes, you can make an upgrade, and our system allows this and will calculate the difference, no need to buy again.

  2. Hello,

    I bought the Multilingual CMS WPML plugin for 3 domains and now it has expired and won’t let me add a domain. I have only used 2 domains. There is no right that doesn’t let me add another domain. Purchase the plugin to use with 3 domains. And I’ve only used it on 2 domains. I hope a solution. It’s not fair.


    • Hello,
      Thank you for expressing your opinion. I will share this feedback with our management. I’m sorry but this is how WPML works and it’s covered in the terms of use. Please check the “What Happens If You Don’t Renew” section: If you don’t renew your subscription after a year, you can still log into your account, however, you will: (…) Not be able to register new sites even if you still have available slots

  3. I have purchased WPML Multilangual CMS abd you can fine the information below:
    I did not receive any email about registration and use the Plug in.
    Your help would be generally appreciated.

    [sensitive data – removed]

  4. Hello Agnes,
    thanks for the answer. Thanks, it is not that obvious from the start, but I found the copy function and figured out that automatic the translations with ChtGTP + is a way to get them in.

    And I don’t wanted to “downgrade” your product. Just encourage that you would do your customers a big service, and that it would be a sought after feature, if you would enable Claude and chatGTP. I get that it is likely about your revenue source, but I think there are other ways you could add the value people would pay for.

    Just to give you an example, what triggered my response:
    The system pushed me into the auto translation for my privacy policy (since it is your standard behavior, if someone clicks on the button to add another language version.)

    You system would have needed 6000 credits for that alone.

    Doing it with ChatGTP gave me a higher quality translation, also with the complete WordPress formatting you mentioned: Just add: “please format in HTML, or in WordPress markup” to your prompt, and it will be done flawlessly.

    But not only that, 3 words more, and it not only gives me a top 1:1 translations, a few words more, and it also adjusts the translation to the correct “Legal language” for the given country, and even adds all new legal paragraphs, that are needed to reflect a proper policy when it comes to US vs EU (80% of attorney work is also basically gone, like creating legal texts).

    And the whole thing did cost me 0 cents.

    So, it was not in bad faith to mention that such translation services are dead now, and also can not possibly keep up with the translation quality of an LLM, too, since it can translate it one to one, but can also SEO or marketing optimize the text instantly, or behave as a translator who also adjust the text for the cultural background of the language you translate in etc.

    I would really encourage to add ChatGTP, and just add a few pre-set prompts, you can select, like the mentioned above, if someone wants to tweak the translation, if you want to have it “on rails”. Would be far superior, and you could still charge something, more reasonable, and add extra services on top.
    The only reason the current translation business is still working is, because there are still a lot AI-illiterate people, but that will also change.

    Kind regards.

    We are instantly working on improving the translation quality. We have the glossary system, we have the translation memory mechanism, we have pre- and post- processing of your content to handle WordPress formatting (bolding, italics etc) and internal/external links embedded in your WordPress content, WordPress shortcodes and other stuff. It’s more than just connecting to DeepL or Google Translate. Plus, we are working on new features such as AI assistance etc. BTW, to translate 100 000 words with the Pay-as-you-go you will pay €102.00 EUR. Using automatic translation with WPML is optional and many clients buy WPML for other reason and use automatic translation only when it’s necessarily.