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This release focuses on further streamlining the internal queries and making them even more efficient. It also fixes a security issue in String Translation.

Here are the top ways WPML 4.6.11 improves your multilingual site:

Improved Performance for Automatic Translation Jobs

WPML 4.6.11 improves the way it sends content for automatic translation. Now, even sites with huge databases will see no impact on performance. The system limits how many jobs can run in parallel and prevents them from getting stuck.

Faster Loading of the Settings Page

The WPML → Settings page now loads much faster, especially if you have a large site. WPML 4.6.11 optimizes how this page processes information, making it quicker and easier to manage multilingual settings.

Fewer Email Notifications

This update changes the number of email notifications you get about completed translations. You’ll receive fewer but more relevant notifications, helping to prevent clutter in your inbox and allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Enhanced Security

WPML 4.6.11 and String Translation 3.2.12 keep your site secure by patching a security issue in WPML String Translation.

Ready When You Are

As with all of our updates, we’re releasing WPML 4.6.11 and String Translation 3.2.12 gradually. When it becomes available to you, we encourage you to update and enjoy these enhancements. Let us know how these improvements benefit your site!

8 Responses to “WPML 4.6.11: Enhanced Performance and Improved Security for Your Site”

    • Hi there,
      WPML is fully compatible with PHP 8.1, and we plan to extend support for newer versions (including PHP 8.3) in the near future. lease also note that WordPress itself is currently fully compatible up to PHP 8.1, while higher versions have beta support and support with exceptions.

  1. Please provide more details about the security issue so that I can understand if it requires immediate update or if I can delay for few weeks. Does it allow visitor (ie unregistered user) to perform any action ? Or it requires some privileges ?

    • Hi Olivier,
      Thanks for reaching out. It’s always a good idea to apply security updates as soon as possible, as staying up-to-date is the best way to make sure your system remains secure.
      In this case, you can let the update reach your site on its own (as you probably know, we are rolling out releases in batches) and then update. But yes, once the update is available, we suggest that you apply it.

  2. will this release compatible with latest WordPress version 6.5.5?

    As the plugin page shows warning notification that it is not tested with WordPress latest version yet

    • Hi Ghina,
      WPML 4.6.11 is compatible with WordPress 6.5 and its point releases. Our team tests every WPML release with WordPress versions, but because WPML is not listed in the WordPress repository, it will always show as Compatibility with WordPress: Unknown. This is standard practice for all plugins not listed in the repository.

      • Hi kathy,

        I updated the plugin to the latest version after your confirmation and after that, I got this notification on the plugin page:

        WPML plugin cannot connect to
        WPML needs to connect to its server to check for new releases and security updates. Something in the network or security settings is preventing this. Please allow outgoing communication to to remove this notice.

        Need help?

        See the communication error details and let us know in WPML technical support.


        I have clicked “check again” button in the WP dashbored with no luck, I was giving this notification error:

        Installer cannot contact our updates server to get information about the available products and check for new versions. If you are seeing this message for the first time, you can ignore it, as it may be a temporary communication problem. If the problem persists and your WordPress admin is slowing down, you can disable automated version checks. Add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

        define(“OTGS_DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATES”, true);

        can you please advise on this.