SEO friendly data table demo


Demonstrated features

  • SEO support
  • responsive table
  • default styling

Required skills

  • beginner

Required license

  • premium
IDFirst NameLast NameEmailBirthdateAdded
IDFirst NameLast NameEmailBirthdateAdded

Advanced options to add SEO links to your data table:

    "wpda_seo_links": {
        "link_previous": "<<< Previous page",
        "link_next": "Next page >>>"

Please replace the link labels to fit your needs. You can also add HTML to display icons or images.

Add a page containing your seo friendly data table to your website menu and add /pg/1/ at the end of the url (check the url of this page). The pg argument leads the user to the first page of your data table and adds a link to page two below your data table. Clicking the link redirects the user to the next page and so on. This allows search engines to follow all your data table pages and index your whole table content over time.

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