What’s New in Booking Calendar Update 10.0 ?

Explore Simplified Integration and Enhanced Management

Easy Shortcode Integration

  • Discover the simplicity of integrating Booking Calendar shortcodes into your pages. Our updated UI for the configuration popup dialog simplifies the process of inserting booking forms, availability calendars, and other Booking Calendar shortcodes. Configuring all parameters is now super easy with our new structured wizard-style configuration dialog. Add the Booking Calendar to your page by using Booking Calendar Blocks in the WP Block Editor or by clicking on the Booking Calendar icon in the WP Classic Editor.

Unavailable Dates legend item

  • Easily configure Unavailable Dates legend item under the calendar at WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Calendar" section.

Changes in Premium Versions

Discover an enhanced user interface for the Resources page

  • New UI Design of Resource Page. Easily toggle between table header tabs to view specific information, such as the shortcode for embedding into pages, costs, default form, or parent/child relation for defining booking resource capacity. The interface is now clearer and more straightforward for a seamless experience (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser).

  • • Added search booking resources field to Options toolbar for easy searching by ID or Title keywords ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser).
  • • You now have the ability to save the number of booking resources per page directly from the Booking > Resources page (at pagination section). ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Explore the super ease of configuring "Conditional Days Selection"

  • • Set the number of days for selection based on a specific weekday.
  • • Determine the number of days for selection in a specific season.
  • • Define the number of days for selection starting from a specific date.
  • • Choose weekdays as start days for selection during a specific season.
  • (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

New shortcode for displaying taxes or additional fees based on the total booking cost.

  • This [total_cost] shortcode is used for displaying additional cost hints without affecting cost calculations. Since the total cost has already been calculated at this stage. For example, if you want to show the tax cost as 20% inclusive part of the total booking cost, set up your booking form fields like this:
    <div style="display:none;"> [checkbox tax_fee default:on ""]</div> Tax: [tax_fee_hint]
  • Now, define the additional cost for tax_fee at WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page:
    tax_fee = ( [total_cost] * 0.2 )
  • (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Track Changes: Booking Edit Notification

  • • Whenever a booking is edited, a note stating 'The booking has been edited' will be generated for the booking. This note also contains the URL of the page where the user made the modifications. With this feature, you gain control over tracking changes to booking details.
  • • Now, booking notes such as "Imported from Google Calendar," "Payment section displayed," "Total cost manually entered," "Automatically calculated cost," etc., will be saved only if the "Logging actions for booking" option is activated in the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Admin Panel" section.

Additional Improvements in Free and Pro versions

Improvements in Pro Versions

  • • Sage/Opayo gateway becoming a payment product under the Elavon brand. Update name of payment gateway from SagePay to Opayo - Elavon. For more information, visit: https://www.elavon.co.uk/resource-center/news-and-insights/opayo-migration-faqs.html ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Enhanced Booking Management - When editing or duplicating a booking in the admin panel, you will now be redirected to the Booking Listing page, where the specific booking will be displayed. ( ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Enhanced Shortcode Functionality - Resolve the "403 permission error" issue encountered when modifying booking forms on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page by utilizing the new shortcode [selectbox name "Option 1" "Option 2"] instead of [select name "Option 1" "Option 2"]. This update addresses the problem faced on certain Apache servers with ModSecurity firewall, which affects specific POST requests when saving booking form configurations. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Enhanced Deposit Management - Now, when a booking is made in the admin panel at WP Booking Calendar > Add booking page, the deposit amount in the cost field and notes section, as well as the total cost for the booking, will be updated accordingly. This feature requires displaying payment forms at the Booking > Add booking page in such cases. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Enhanced Import Functionality - You can now utilize the option 'Trash / delete all imported bookings before new import' in situations where imports are initiated via the Google Calendar API instead of .ics feeds. This feature provides greater control over managing imported bookings and ensures a smoother import process. Please note that this feature requires the installation of the Booking Manager plugin. (
  • • Enhanced Payment Confirmation - You now have the ability to use the [booking_confirm] shortcode on the "Successful payment" page, where users are redirected after making a payment via the Stripe or PayPal payment system. This allows you to configure the page to display a message such as 'Your payment for the booking has been successfully received. [booking_confirm]', providing users with confirmation of their payment along with booking details. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

Improvements in Free version

  • • Ability to dismiss the booking statistic section at Booking > Settings General page in "Info / News" for improved admin panel loading speed. (
  • • Enhanced Performance - To improve the speed of page loading in the admin panel, statistic functions will now run only on the Dashboard and Booking Calendar settings pages. This optimization ensures a smoother user experience by focusing resource-intensive tasks only where necessary. (
  • • Prevent showing real preview in Elementor to reduce potential conflicts; instead, show 'WP Booking Calendar Shortcode block' (
  • • Prevent execution of Booking Calendar shortcodes while editing posts/pages, reducing potential conflicts (

Under Hood Changes

  • • Customize showing booked time slots as inactive slots with a red background after selecting specific dates. Configure this in the ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/js/wpbc_time-selector.js file by searching //FixIn: (
  • • Update the URLs for send transactions for Opayo - Elavon (former SagePay) to an Elavon domain on 31st March 2024. For more details, please refer to the following link: https://developer.elavon.com/products/opayo-forms/v1/test-and-live-urls-4633 ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Option to Hide Payment Form After Visitor Edits Own Booking - You now have the ability to define not to show the payment form after a visitor edits their own booking. This can be achieved by using the shortcode [visitorbookingediturl]&is_show_payment_form=Off in the New (visitor) email template at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Emails page. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)


  • Hungarian Translation Update. Translation has been updated, reaching 96% completion, courtesy of VinczeI.
  • German Translation Update. Translation has been updated, reaching 96% completion, courtesy of Wibias.

Bug Fixes

  • • Resolved possible PHP 8 incompatibility issue (
  • • Resolved issue of showing top messages (
  • • Corrected the issue of incorrectly showing today's date as an unavailable date in the calendar on servers with a timezone different from UTC, especially in American timezones (
  • • Addressed the issue of incorrectly showing bookings in Calendar Overview and Timeline when the timezone was incorrectly defined by themes (in functions.php file) or other plugins via incorrectly defined the timezone via this PHP functions: like date_default_timezone_set('America/Chicago'); Even it is not correct way of defining timezone, relative to https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/09/23/date-time-improvements-wp-5-3/ . Now plugin correctly resolve this issue. (
  • • Re-created the "Thank you" confirmation page (such as https://server.com/wpbc-booking-received/) if the confirmation booking page was previously defined as follow: https://server.com/thank-you/ (
  • • Resolved fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access offset of type string on string in ../wpbc-class-timeline_v2.php on line 3100 (
  • Search Availability Functionality Issue - An issue has been resolved in the Search Availability functionality. Previously, it was not possible to find pages with booking form shortcodes when the booking resource was defined using the 'resource_id' parameter instead of 'type'. This fix ensures that the search functionality now works as expected, allowing users to locate pages with booking forms accurately. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Correct Sorting Order for Booking Resources - An issue has been addressed where the sorting order for booking resources in select-boxes was not defined correctly during the change of booking resource for a specific booking. This fix ensures that booking resources are displayed in the correct order. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Correction of Start Day Definition - An issue has been resolved where Sunday was incorrectly defined as the start day for selection in specific seasons when using conditions in the shortcode. For example, when using a shortcode like [booking resource_id=1 options='{start-day condition="season" for="myHighSeason" value="0"},{select-day condition="season" for="myHighSeason" value="8,15,22,29"}'], Sunday was inaccurately identified as the start day. This fix ensures that the start day for selection in specific seasons is correctly determined. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected Saving of Booking Dates - An issue has been resolved where booking dates were incorrectly saved if the option "Set check out date as available" was activated at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Calendar" section. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected Redirect Issue for Failed Payments - An issue has been addressed where users were incorrectly redirected to the home page instead of the failed URL when payments failed via iDeal (Buckaroo). ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • • Resolved an issue causing a possible PHP Fatal error has been resolved. This error, specifically the Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: null + string, occurred in the wpbc-calc-string.php file when non-standard shortcodes with arithmetic operations were used on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected Minimum Date Selection Issue - An issue has been addressed where the minimum number of dates in the calendar was incorrectly selected if a user clicked twice on the same date, and the system had a minimum number defined higher than 1 day. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected End Time Selection Issue - An issue has been resolved where, if the option "Use selected times for each booking date" was deactivated, the system incorrectly blocked end times when a user selected multiple dates. For example, if the start time was booked from 00:00 to 15:00, the system would block the end time until 15:00, even if the end date was fully available. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Corrected Display Issue with Check-In/Out Dates - An issue has been resolved where the check-in/out dates (triangles) were incorrectly shown as fully available dates in booking resources with specific capacity. This occurred when one of the child booking resources had a change-over dates situation rather than being fully booked. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

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