Refreshing Local Translations in the Booking Calendar Plugin

How to  update Local trnasaltions in Booking Calendar plugin

To update the local translation files in the Booking Calendar plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Translation" section.
  2. For the option "Firstly load translation," select the "Local" value.
  3. Click on the "Save Changes" button.

After saving the changes, click on the "Update Translations" button. Wait for the system to download and update the translation files. Once the update is complete, test the new translation to ensure it is working correctly.

To select a specific language in WordPress admin panel:

- Open the WordPress > Settings > General page.
- In the "Site Language" option, select your preferred language.


- If you use a translation plugin, select the specific language from the menu of your translation plugin.