Simple Booking Form Setup

Simple Booking Form configuration available in the Booking Calendar Free version and in all Paid versions, after activation of "Simple Booking Form" option at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in "Form Options" section or at toolbar at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page.

Simple Booking form Setup
Define booking form layout, including centering, and placing the form next to the calendar. Adjust the size and alignment of the form, easily create or edit new fields, define color themes, enable CAPTCHA, and much more.
WP Booking Calendar - Simple Booking Form configuration

Preview of Simple Booking form Setup
You can see all changes in real-time on the same page at WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form, immediately after making adjustments and Saving Changes to your booking form.
WP Booking Calendar - Simple Booking Form Setup - Preview