Shortcode – Search Availability form

Note! Please be careful in configuration of Booking Calendar shortcode with quote symbols. Do not use non standard opening or closing quot symbols. Only standard like: ' The best way to type them from keyboard, and not copy/paste.

Search Availability Form

Search availability form - search availability for selected check in and check out dates (using date-picker fields), among several booking resources (properties or services). Possible to search only for full dates. Check more about this feature here. Watch it in this video guide. You can check example of using this shortcode at this page.

Available in Business Large / MultiUser versions

[bookingsearch searchresults=''
noresultstitle='Nothing Found' searchresultstitle='Search results:']

URL of the page, where search results are showing. You must insert into the content of that page this shortcode: [bookingsearchresults]. If this parameter is skipped, the search results is showing at the same page, just below the search form
header of the search results. If this parameter is skipped, then no header. Deprecated in update 10.1 Configure this option at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Search page.
showing text, if nothing found. Deprecated in update 10.1 Configure this option at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Search page.
limit the search results based on the availability per user. Showing availability in search results only for the specific users.
Available in MultiUser versions
For example:
[bookingsearch users="1,2"]
where 1,2 – its a ID list of users.
Adding booking form into page with new Gutenberg editor
(Available since update 8.4)