General Instructions for Using Paid Versions of Booking Calendar

If you've upgraded to a paid version of Booking Calendar, follow these steps to maximize its functionality:

  1. Create Booking Resources: Start by creating booking resources for each of your properties or services on the Booking > Resources page. For more information on configuring booking resources, refer to the documentation on this page.
  2. Insert Booking Form: Once you've created your booking resources, you can insert the booking form for a specific resource (e.g., your property or service) into any posts or pages on your website. Learn how to insert the booking form or availability calendar into your pages or posts. You can also configure the Booking Calendar shortcode manually for more customization.
  3. Customize Settings: Finally, customize your settings such as form fields, email templates, prices and do Payment and availability configuration on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings pages to suit your specific needs.