Update missing or incorrectly translated terms in local translation

In case you need to update the existing local translation of the plugin, please follow these steps:

  1. Download Necessary Tools: Before starting the translation of the WordPress plugin, ensure you have the Poedit application. You can download it for free from here. Additionally, download the original translation files from here. Extract the contents of the archive to access the PO and MO translation files. The PO file contains the source translation files, while the MO file contains the compiled translation files. Edit the specific PO file corresponding to your website's locale. For example, the German translation file may be named as booking-de_DE.po, and the Spanish translation file may be named as booking-es_ES.po. Find the full list of locales in WordPress on this page.
  2. Placeholder Variables: Be attentive to placeholders for variables such as %s, %d, %f, etc. Ensure that you maintain the placeholders in the same position as in the original translation line. The number of placeholders must be consistent with the original translations. For more detailed information about placeholders for variables in translations, check here.
  3. Using Poedit:
    • Start the Poedit program.
    • Click on "Browse Files" or select File > Open from the menu, or press Ctrl + O.
    • Find the specific PO file of Booking Calendar, such as booking-nl_NL.po.
    • Locate untranslated or incorrectly translated terms and update the translations.
    • Ensure that you do not set specific translation lines as "Need to work" or "Fuzzy." You can check this under the "Edit" menu > "Translation need to work" (Ctrl + U).
    • Save the file after translation.
  4. Send Updated Translation: Send your updated translation file (*.po) to info@wpbookingcalendar.com. We will update the translation on the server. Once updated, you can update this translation in the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Translation" section, as described in this FAQ guide.