Integrating Booking Calendar Shortcodes in DIVI Builder

Integrating Booking Calendar Shortcodes in DIVI Builder

To add Booking Calendar shortcodes to your pages in DIVI Builder using the "Code" module, please follow these steps:

  1. Edit the page where you want to add the Booking Calendar shortcode in the DIVI Builder.
  2. Add a new section or row where you want the Booking Calendar to appear.
  3. Within the section or row, add a new module and select the "Code" module.
  4. In the Code module settings, paste the Booking Calendar shortcode.
  5. Customize the settings of the Code module as needed, such as adjusting the alignment or size.
  6. Save or update the page.

By following these steps, you'll be able to seamlessly integrate Booking Calendar shortcodes into your DIVI Builder pages using the "Code" module.