CRON script configuration ( for automatic events import from .ics feeds).

Please note, the import process is working in that case, when some visitor is open your website page with booking import shortcode.
For start import of .ics feeds in "automatic" way you need to configure the CRON script at the server, for periodically accessing the page with booking import shortcode.

In pure WordPress system it works with pseudo-cron functionality. WordPress Cron is what many people refer to as a "pseudo-cron system". The difference is in how UNIX cron and WordPress Cron take action.

A typical UNIX cron system runs in this order:

  • A time tied to an action occurs.
  • Cron runs the action tied to that time.

With WordPress Cron, it works a little differently:

  • A visitor comes to any page on your WordPress website.
  • WordPress Cron checks each cron event to see whether the scheduled time has been passed.
  • If the scheduled time for that event was passed, then WordPress Cron executes any actions tied to that event.

The detail description about Linux style of CRON commands you can check here. Other example of other CRON commands for other periods of time you can find here.
But usually you can configure your cron script via your server administration panel, like ISP Manager or Cpanel, in easier way via menu and not the commands. Help info about configuration of CRON script in ISP Manager server administration panel you can check here or here (older versions). Help info about configuration of CRON script in Cpanel server administration panel you can check here or here. For more info, please contact support of your hosting. Hosting support should know exactly what server administration panel you are using at your server, and how to configure your CRON script. Note. We do not provide support of configuration CRON at your servers.
Check how to setup the Cron job or read more about Hooking WP-Cron Into the System Task Scheduler, if you are WordPress developer.

You need to define the CRON command to access the page with your import .ics feeds shortcodes, during each 1 hour (or other reasonable period of time). So CRON script will access the page with import .ics feeds shortcodes in your website, and during these times, will be start of import process, from your other services.

Example of CRON command (for every 1 hour to run):

0 * * * * wget -qO- &> /dev/null

Instead of "" use your website DNS. In other words the URL like this , it's URL to the page at your website, where you have inserted into the content of this page the import .ics feed shortcode. Check more about import .ics feeds shortcodes.