Known conflicts with other Plugins and Themes


WP Rocket - To exclude the Booking Calendar scripts from Delay JavaScript Execution check info here.
Really Simple SSL - can generate issue of incorrect response from the Stripe payment system back to customer website, when using Live payment mode.

Modern Events Calendar - can generate Server error 500, during submitting booking in Booking Calendar.

WP iCal Availability Free - can generate issue with selected dates of setting to them some incorrect time-zone.

Gravity Forms [Tested in version 2.2.5, but this issue can exist in other versions of Gravity Forms]

Fixed conflict since update of Booking Calendar 8.1.1

Conflict paid versions of Booking Calendar with "Gravity Forms" plugin, if in "Gravity Forms" plugin was used "masked input" field(s).
Because of this conflict is generating JavaScript error and as reason of this, Gravity form is not showing and also calendar in Booking Calendar is not showing, as well.
Since update 8.1.1, Booking Calendar will not load masked input script for times fields, if was loaded masked input script in Gravity form. Its means that masked input for start/end times text fields, will be used as standard text inputs.

If you are using older versions of Booking Calendar, you can make this fix to resolve this issue.
Please open this file ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/inc/_ps/personal.php
( you can check how to edit files in WordPress menu in this article )
then find this code:

wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbc-meio-mask', WPBC_PLUGIN_URL . '/inc/js/jquery.meio.mask.min'.((WP_BK_MIN)?'.min':'').'.js', array( 'wpbc-global-vars' ), '1.0');

and replace it to this code (comment that line):
// wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbc-meio-mask', WPBC_PLUGIN_URL . '/inc/js/jquery.meio.mask.min'.((WP_BK_MIN)?'.min':'').'.js', array( 'wpbc-global-vars' ), '1.0');

advanced-custom-fields [Version 4.1.4]

This plugin can be a reason of not possibility to insert the booking shortcode into the post or page by cliking on "Ok" button in the popup configuration dialog. Please read more how to insert and configure the booking shortcode into the post or page here

So please deactivate this plugin, if you want to insert the booking shortcode into the post or page using the popup configuration dialog or you can insert the booking shortcode manually. Please read how manually to configure Booking Calendar shortcodes here

html5-jquery-audio-player [Version 2.1]

Please check about the reason of issue here
Open file: ../html5-jquery-audio-player/index.php
Find this code:
    wp_deregister_script( 'hmp-jquery' );
    wp_register_script( 'hmp-jquery', "");

and replace it to this code:
//    wp_enqueue_script('jquery');
//    wp_deregister_script( 'hmp-jquery' );
//    wp_register_script( 'hmp-jquery', "");

Comprehensive Google Map Plugin [Version 7.0.31]

Issue is exist, when mouse over specific buttons in the booking admin panel.
This issue is fixed in the Booking Calendar since update 4.2.
For the older versions please check this fix.
Open file: ../booking/lib/wpdev-booking-class.php
1) Find this code:
        add_action( 'init', array(&$this,'add_custom_buttons') );
        add_action( 'admin_head', array(&$this,'insert_wpdev_button'));

and replace it to this code:
        add_action( 'init', array(&$this,'add_custom_buttons') );
        add_action( 'admin_head', array(&$this,'insert_wpdev_button'));
        // Remove the scripts, which generated conflicts
        add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'wpdevbk_remove_conflict_scripts'), 999);

2) Then find this code:

    // add hook for printing scripts only at this plugin page
    function on_add_admin_js_files() {

and replace it to this code:
    // Deregister scripts, which  is generate conflicts - only at the Booking Admin  menu pages
    function wpdevbk_remove_conflict_scripts(){
        if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wpdev-booking.phpwpdev-booking') !== false) {
            wp_dequeue_script( 'cgmp-jquery-tools-tooltip' );
    // add hook for printing scripts only at this plugin page
    function on_add_admin_js_files() {
