Cache Issues

If you're encountering any of the following issues on your website:

  • Booked dates or times are not promptly appearing on the front-end calendar, or there's a significant delay in displaying them after creating new bookings. However, in the admin panel at Booking > Add booking, all bookings are visible as expected.
  • When you submit a booking or load the calendar, you encounter an error message: 'Error! Request did not pass a security check! Please refresh the page and try again.'

These problems could be caused by caching on your website.

Here's how to resolve these issues:

  1. Update Your Booking Calendar to version 10.1.3 or newer
    Ensure you have updated your Booking Calendar to version 10.1.3 or newer. This update addresses cache plugin issues.

    Important! After updating, clear all minimized CSS and JavaScript files and cached pages or posts.

    If you have a paid version, you can request the latest update on this page.

  2. For Booking Calendar Versions 10.1.2 or Older
    1. Check for caching plugins like "WP Super Cache," "WP Fastest Cache," or "W3 Total Cache." If you're using any of these, consider deactivating them or adding an exception for the page with the booking form to prevent caching.
    2. If the problem persists, it might be a conflict with another plugin or your current theme. Deactivate your active plugins one by one in the WordPress > Plugins menu and test after each deactivation. If the issue remains, deactivate all plugins and switch to the default WordPress theme for testing.
    3. If the problem still isn't resolved, contact your hosting support and ask them to check for server-side caching. Request that they add exceptions for the pages with booking forms to prevent caching or inquire about deactivating the caching system.