
Please, check what features exist at which versions at this page.

10.1.4 – [2024-06-27]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: CAPTCHA showing
    • Fix: Resolve conflict issue with popover in timelines at some themes, which added html P tags into the inlin JavaScript code and then generate error such as this: "expected expression, got '<'" (

10.1.3 – [2024-06-26]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Improvement: Resolve cache issues with most of cache plugins, such as Autoptimize, Jetpack Boost, WP-Optimize, WP Super Cache, WP Fastest Cache, W3 Total Cache, and more. (
    • Improvement: Updated plugin menu. (
    • Improvement: Add exclusion of minify JS files in 'WP-Optimize' plugin (
    • Improvement: Execute header inline JavaScript relative init of _wpbc variable, after 'DOMContentLoaded' event. Which can be helpful in situations when some scripts defined as defer. (
    • Improvement: Execute inline jQuery(document).ready( ... ) code only after loaded of jQuery library. Especially useful, when we have jQuery defer script loading. (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Improvement: Ability to use "Wizard (several steps)" form template with buttons that is defined only by CSS classes, such as this: <a class="wpbc_button_light wpbc_wizard_step_button wpbc_wizard_step_1">Step 1</a> | <a class="wpbc_button_light wpbc_wizard_step_button wpbc_wizard_step_2">Step 2</a> (
    • Under hood: Added action hook on changing status of payment, after response from payment system such as these: do_action( 'wpbc_booking_change_payment_status', 'paypal_std_co', $status, $booking_id ); and do_action( 'wpbc_booking_change_payment_status', 'stripe_v3', $status, $booking_id ); ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

10.1.2 – [2024-06-21]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Removed 'defer' from wpbc_all.js script. (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Improvement: Added several new form templates on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page.
    • Fix: Resolved issue of showing '...' instead of booking resource title, during editing the bookings, while activated range dates selection mode. (

10.1.1 – [2024-06-17]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • New: Added the option to select Calendar and Time Picker Skins on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page when using the "Simple booking form".
    • New: Automatically update the number of months displayed in the calendar to one month on mobile devices. This makes the calendar more readable and UI-friendly. This feature also works when the browser width changes, applying a single month view when the screen size is below 782px.
    • New: The plugin now supports cache plugins, resolving warnings like 'Forbidden (403) Probably nonce for this page has been expired.' or 'Request do not pass security check! Please refresh the page and try again.' By default, the system disables using nonce fields in booking forms on the front-end. For more information on why using nonce in front-end booking forms is not always recommended, refer to the FAQ. If you prefer to continue using nonce on all front-end forms, you can activate this option in the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > General page under the "Advanced" section. (
    • Fix: Removed the deprecated Legacy booking admin theme from the settings. (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Fix: Resolved the issue of parsing simple HTML tags correctly. In update 10.1, simple HTML tags like <l> were conflicting with other HTML tags, such as <li> (

10.1 – [2024-06-10]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • New: Introduced the Booking Form Setup page with an updated UI for configuring booking forms. Features include defining layout, size, and alignment, creating or editing fields, setting color themes, enabling CAPTCHA, and more.
    • New: Added booking form preview, allowing users to see changes in real-time on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page.
    • New: Enhanced Admin Panel Calendar Overview. Experience an updated UI on the Calendar Overview page, optimizing space for clear viewing of bookings. The clean and clear design minimizes space for UI elements, maximizing the focus on bookings and enhancing the user experience for managing them. This redesign not only improves user experience but also ensures seamless usability across all devices, including mobile, allowing for increased visibility of bookings. (
    • New: Display first and last names in the booking pipelines on the Calendar Overview page to simplify finding specific bookings. (
    • New: The Settings > Emails page now features an updated, user-friendly interface. The email template selection menu is conveniently located in the left navigation panel, clearly showing enabled and disabled templates. The configuration UI for email subjects and templates has been improved, with a revamped help section that highlights available shortcodes more effectively and clearly.
    • New: Added support of new shortcodes of booking creation for emails on WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Emails page: [creation_date], [creation_year], [creation_month], [creation_day], [creation_hour], [creation_minutes], [creation_seconds] (
    • New: Smart Days Selection during booking editing. The system now selects dates in the calendar after all dates are loaded. If multiple non-consecutive dates are selected but a different selection mode is defined later, the system sets Multiple Days selection mode to ensure correct selection. If Single Day selection mode is enabled but the booking has multiple dates, the system switches to Multiple Days selection mode during the edit. (
    • Improvement: Updated the admin UI for booking forms with toggle options instead of checkboxes on the Settings > Booking Form page for easier configuration.
    • Improvement: When adjusting the number of months in 'Setup Size & Structure,' the overall 'Visible months' count will automatically update in the Shortcode Configuration dialog. (
    • Improvement: Now, you can define to scroll through the calendar for a period of 1.5 years (18 months). (
    • Improvement: Enhanced parameter sanitization for improved security and stability. (
    • Improvement: Enhanced the view of submenu items on settings pages for improved navigation and usability.
    • Improvement: Show text captcha on dark background if activated dark color theme in WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in "Form Options" section. (
    • Translation: Dutch translation [95% completed] by Han van de Graaf.
    • Translation: Hungarian translation [96% completed] by VinczeI.
    • Under hood: Introduced helper JavaScript for selecting calendar dates via keyboard (tab selection). Please note, additional CSS adjustments may be needed in specific calendars to display focus elements correctly. (
    • Under hood: New JS event generated after creation of booking: 'wpbc_booking_created'. To catch this event use code: jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'wpbc_booking_created', function( event, resource_id, params ) { ... } ); (
    • Under hood: Inline JavaScript variables needed for all calendars are now defined after loading the wpbc_all.js script. (
    • Under hood: Added an action hook that triggers when all booking data is loaded in the calendar: jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'wpbc_calendar_ajx__loaded_data', function( event, resource_id ) { ... } ); (
    • Under hood: Replaced the translation function apply_bk_filter( 'wpdev_check_for_active_language', $text ) with wpbc_lang( $text ) function. (
    • Under hood: Added a new internal function wpbc_auto_select_dates_in_calendar() for automatic date selection. This function simulates clicks on the calendar and, based on check-in/out dates and various conditions for range day selection, it can automatically select or not select dates in the calendar. (
    • Under hood: Added a new internal function to automatically fill booking form fields from URL parameters. For example, ''?wpbc_auto_fill=visitors1^2~children1^1' will auto-fill the specified fields. (
    • Under hood: Added the ability to auto-select dates in the calendar based on URL parameters. For example, ?wpbc_select_check_in=2024-05-16&wpbc_select_check_out=2024-05-19&wpbc_select_calendar_id=1 will automatically select the specified dates. (
    • Under hood: Removed most global JavaScript variables in the plugin and defined them under the _wpbc JS variable. Redefined the loading of JavaScript variables and some JS files.
    • Fix: Correctly display a white background for the header of admin pages on small resolutions where the top menu shifts to the second row. (
    • Fix: If you set a number of months to scroll from today on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page, the system will show the last scrolled month's exact date as available, based on today's date. (
    • Fix: Addressed an issue with exporting booking links to Google Calendar when the start time is 00:00 and the end time is a specific time. In this scenario, the system incorrectly set the date one day lower than it should have. (
    • Fix: Improved top menu border and background colors for a sleeker look. This update ensures a more cohesive appearance, especially when other plugins or themes display warning messages at the top of the page. The background gradient of the top menu will now appear more organic and clear. (
    • Fix: Display the green bar correctly based on the WordPress timezone rather than GMT time on the Calendar Overview page in Day view mode. (
    • Fix: Compatibility with jQuery 3.0 replaced deprecated .unbind() to .off() and .andSelf() to .addBack() methods. (
    • Fix: Resolved an issue where the end time in the booking form was set to 24:00 (midnight), causing a booking date issue like "30 Nov -0001." The system now adjusts the end time to 23:59 if it is set to 24:00. (
    • Fix: Resolved an issue where the rangetime field was incorrectly selected during booking editing in the free version when using the AM/PM time format. (
    • Fix: Resolved some conflicts with other plugins, where the Array.prototype contains unexpected enumerable properties: nectarGetKeyByValue; thus breaking e.g. loops. (
    • Fix: Replace default values from select-one to selectbox-one and from select-multiple to selectbox-multiple. It can resolve 403 Error in some servers, which block request, where exist select term.
    • Fix: Replace default shortcode [select ...] to [selectbox ...]. It can resolve 403 Error in some servers, which block request, where exist select term.
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • New: "Searchable Resource Setup" for easy customization of search availability. This feature allows users to personalize search visibility and attributes for booking resources. Customize search options like summary text and thumbnail images to improve visibility and user engagement in search results. Additionally, configure specific parameters for resource filtering in search forms, providing users with targeted search options for finding relevant booking resources. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Completely New Search Availability Engine. This feature enables searching for available dates and/or times based on existing bookings, unavailable dates, and other criteria defined in the search form. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Added the ability to search for specific time slots on particular dates or date ranges. This feature enhances appointment-based businesses by enabling searches for available time slots for various service providers. Users can search for appointments with specific providers, such as hair stylists or doctors, on specified dates and times. Additionally, the feature allows for approximate date ranges (+/- N days from the desired date) to find available appointments within a specific time slot. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Automatically open the Check Out calendar for date selection after choosing a date in the Check In field in the search availability form. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Updated the search interface on the Settings page. The help section has been improved to provide easier access to required shortcodes, enhancing usability and efficiency. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Added 6 new templates for the Search Form Availability on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Search page. This update provides more customization options for creating search forms. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Discover 4 new Search Result Templates, to suit your website's style and user preferences. Configure it at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Search page. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Added shortcodes for the search form: [search_quantity "1" "2" "3"] - Search for a specific number of items to book. [search_extend "2"] -Extend the search by +/- 2 days. [search_time "Full Day@@" "10:00 - 14:00" "15:00 - 16:00"] - Search for available times. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Added shortcodes for 'Search Filter Options': [selectbox amenity "Any@@" "Parking" "WiFi"] - Filter by amenities. [selectbox max_visitors "Any@@" "1" "2" "3"] - Filter by maximum number of visitors. [selectbox location "Any@@" "Spain" "France"] - Filter by location. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Added support for "Simple HTML tags" in the search form and search results: Easily configure the structure of the search form. Example of a row with 2 columns: <r> <c>..</c> <c>..</c> </r>. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Added Dark Theme for Search Form and Search Results. Switch to "Dark" in WP Booking Calendar > Settings > General page under "Form Options" to update colors. The system automatically applies the dark theme to the Search Form and Search Results to match your website design. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Search Results Shortcodes! Customize your search results with a range of new shortcodes. [search_time] - Display available times in search results. [search_time_check_in] - Show check-in times in search results. [search_time_check_out] - Display check-out times in search results. [search_result_title] - Show the title of each search result. [search_result_info] - Display additional information for each search result. [search_result_image] - Show images in search results. [search_result_image_url] - Display image URLs in search results. [search_result_url] - Provide URLs for each search result. [search_result_button "Book Now"] - Add customizable booking buttons to search results. [resource_title] - Display the title of each resource in search results. [resource_id] - Show the ID of each resource in search results. [resource_capacity] - Display the capacity of each resource in search results. [available_count] - Show the available count for each resource in search results. [resource_cost] - Display the cost of each resource in search results. [search_check_out_plus1day] - Provide the check-out date plus one day in search results. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Incorporate predefined search filter options directly into your search results layout. If specific filters are set in the Search Filter section of the Searchable Resource page, such as location = Spain, you can now incorporate corresponding shortcodes like [location] into your Search Results Layout. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Updated the loading icon in search results for a more enhanced user experience. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Enhanced UI for Daily Costs Page. The Daily Costs page has been redesigned to offer a clearer and more user-friendly interface at WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Daily Costs. This update includes standardized resource lists, action sections, labels, and the ability to easily search for and sort booking resources by various parameters. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Updated UI for Payment Setup Settings. The Settings > Payment Setup page now features an updated, user-friendly interface. The payment gateways menu located in the left navigation panel, clearly showing enabled and disabled payment systems. The configuration UI for payment systems has been improved.
    • New: Added the ability to use attributes in "Simple HTML tags", such as 'style' or 'class'. This allows for greater flexibility and customization in your HTML structures. Example: <r class='my_css_class'> <c style='align-self:last baseline;'>..</c> </r>
    • New: Pre-Check-in Date Hint Shortcode: Introduced the [pre_checkin_date_hint] shortcode, which shows the date that is N days before the selected check-in date. You can select the number of days for the [pre_checkin_date_hint] shortcode at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in "Form Options" section". ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement: Display daily cost parameters such as "per 1 day" or "per 1 night" next to each booking resource on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Daily Costs page. This feature is particularly useful in the MultiUser version, as different regular users may have different configurations for these parameters for their own booking resources (calendars). ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement: By default, the "Aggregate only bookings" option is disabled in the shortcode configuration dialog. (
    • Improvement: Now, from the WP Booking Calendar > Resources page, you can easily simulate login to a regular user. The "Simulate login" button is located next to each booking resource belonging to "regular users" in the "Owner" section. ( (MultiUser)
    • Improvement: Renamed the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Payment Gateways page to Payment Setup page. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement: Eliminated parameters "Title of Search Results" and "Nothing Found Message" from the search form shortcode. You can now configure this text at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Search page. (
    • Improvement: Added 'Payment Mode' options for Stripe payment gateway: Accept one-time payments for cards, iDEAL, and more or Save payment details to charge your customers later. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under hood: By default, when saving a booking to the system, the plugin rechecks availability for specific dates. During this checking process, if you used the aggregate parameter, the system utilizes the "Aggregate only bookings" parameter value to prevent potential issues related to errors such as 'These dates and times in this calendar are already booked or unavailable. ... Booking cannot be saved on this date ...' (
    • Under hood: Introduced a hook that executes upon the deletion of booking resources: do_action( 'wpbc_deleted_booking_resources', $bulk_action_arr_id ); (
    • Under hood: Shortcode [bookinglooking] for help with search availability feature become deprecated and removed from Booking Calendar. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Under hood: Deprecated the following shortcodes in the Search Form: [search_visitors], [additional_search "3"], [search_category], [search_tag]
    • Under hood: Deprecated the following shortcodes in the Search Results: [booking_resource_title], [link_to_booking_resource "Book now"], [book_now_link], [num_available_resources], [booking_featured_image], [booking_info], [booking_resource_id], [standard_cost], [max_visitors]
    • Fix: Updated styles for the message "There is a new version of Booking Calendar available" in the WordPress Plugins menu. (
    • Fix: Resolved the error message: 'These dates and times in this calendar are already booked or unavailable...' that appeared when using a custom booking form with time slots different from the standard booking form. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Resolved the issue of incorrectly displaying status for change-over dates when there were check-in/out dates with pending and approved statuses on the same date in booking resources with specific capacities. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Resolved the issue of incorrectly parsing "simple HTML tags" in custom booking forms on the Booking Listing page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Corrected the display of booking resource ID = 1 in WordPress Blocks when configuring the booking resource differently from the default resource. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Resolved PHP Fatal error that occurred in PHP 8.1 or 8.2 when using complex arithmetic operations at the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: null + string in ../wpbc-calc-string.php on line 68. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Addressed the warning message about an undefined array key "cost" on line 624 of the page-resources.php file. (Personal)
    • Fix: Resolved the issue of the "bank" selection table not displaying correctly for the iDeal payment system on mobile devices in the payment form. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Resolved the issue of the search field for Seasons being hidden on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Seasons page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Resolved the issue of the search field for Coupons being hidden on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Discount Coupons page. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Resolved the issue of the search field for Users being hidden on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Users page. ( (MultiUser)
    • Fix: Improved the styles for date descriptions in season filters on the WP Booking Calendar > Availability > Seasons page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Fixed the selection filter for [visitors] in the old legacy search engine to accurately display search results. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: Corrected the email notification sent when a booking was duplicated at the WP Booking Calendar > Add Booking page. It now sends a New booking email instead of a Modification email. (
    • Fix: Get correctly empty options for regular users in Booking Calendar MultiUser version (

10.0 – [2024-03-18]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • New: Easy Shortcode Integration. Discover the simplicity of integrating Booking Calendar shortcodes into your pages. Our updated UI for the configuration popup dialog simplifies the process of inserting booking forms, availability calendars, and other Booking Calendar shortcodes. Configuring all parameters is now super easy with our new structured wizard-style configuration dialog. Add the Booking Calendar to your page by using Booking Calendar Blocks in the WP Block Editor or by clicking on the Booking Calendar icon in the WP Classic Editor.
    • New: Added "Unavailable Dates" legend item under the calendar. Easily configure it at WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Calendar" section (
    • Improvement: Ability to dismiss the booking statistic section at Booking > Settings General page in "Info / News" for improved admin panel loading speed. (
    • Improvement: Enhanced Performance - To improve the speed of page loading in the admin panel, statistic functions will now run only on the Dashboard and Booking Calendar settings pages. This optimization ensures a smoother user experience by focusing resource-intensive tasks only where necessary. (
    • Improvement: Prevent showing real preview in Elementor to reduce potential conflicts; instead, show 'WP Booking Calendar Shortcode block' (
    • Improvement: Prevent execution of Booking Calendar shortcodes while editing posts/pages, reducing potential conflicts (
    • Under hood: Customize showing booked time slots as inactive slots with a red background after selecting specific dates. Configure this in the ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/js/wpbc_time-selector.js file by searching //FixIn: (
    • Translation: Hungarian translation [96% completed] by VinczeI.
    • Translation: German translation [96% completed] by Wibias.
    • Fix: Resolved possible PHP 8 incompatibility issue (
    • Fix: Resolved issue of showing top messages (
    • Fix: Corrected the issue of incorrectly showing today's date as an unavailable date in the calendar on servers with a timezone different from UTC, especially in American timezones (
    • Fix: Addressed the issue of incorrectly showing bookings in Calendar Overview and Timeline when the timezone was incorrectly defined by themes (in functions.php file) or other plugins via incorrectly defined the timezone via this PHP functions: like date_default_timezone_set('America/Chicago'); Even it is not correct way of defining timezone, relative to . Now plugin correctly resolve this issue. (
    • Fix: Re-created the "Thank you" confirmation page (such as if the confirmation booking page was previously defined as follow: (
    • Fix: Resolved fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access offset of type string on string in ../wpbc-class-timeline_v2.php on line 3100 (
    • Support: WordPress 6.5
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • New: UI Design of Resource Page. Easily toggle between table header tabs to view specific information, such as the shortcode for embedding into pages, costs, default form, or parent/child relation for defining booking resource capacity. The interface is now clearer and more straightforward for a seamless experience. ( ( *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • New: Added search booking resources field to Options toolbar for easy searching by ID or Title keywords ( *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • New: Super easy configuration of "Conditional Days Selection". You can now easily: a) Set the number of days for selection based on a specific weekday. b) Determine the number of days for selection in a specific season. c) Choose weekdays as start days for selection during a specific season. d) Define the number of days for selection starting from a specific date. *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • New: New shortcode [total_cost] for displaying taxes or additional fees based on the total booking cost. This shortcode is used for displaying additional cost hints without affecting cost calculations. Since the total cost has already been calculated at this stage. For example, if you want to show the tax cost as 20% inclusive part of the total booking cost, set up your booking form fields like this: [checkbox tax_fee default:on ""] Tax: [tax_fee_hint]. Now, define the additional cost for tax_fee at WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page: tax_fee = ( [total_cost] * 0.2 ) *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)* (
    • New: Track Changes: Booking Edit Notification. Whenever a booking is edited, a note stating 'The booking has been edited' will be generated for the booking. This note also contains the URL of the page where the user made the modifications. With this feature, you gain control over tracking changes to booking details. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • New: Save Booking Notes. Now, booking notes such as "Imported from Google Calendar," "Payment section displayed," "Total cost manually entered," "Automatically calculated cost," etc., will be saved only if the "Logging actions for booking" option is activated in the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Admin Panel" section. ( *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • New: Sage/Opayo gateway becoming a payment product under the Elavon brand. Update name of payment gateway from SagePay to Opayo - Elavon. For more information, visit: ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Improvement: Enhanced Booking Management - When editing or duplicating a booking in the admin panel, you will now be redirected to the Booking Listing page, where the specific booking will be displayed. ( ( *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Improvement: Enhanced Shortcode Functionality - Resolve the "403 permission error" issue encountered when modifying booking forms on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Booking Form page by utilizing the new shortcode [selectbox name "Option 1" "Option 2"] instead of [select name "Option 1" "Option 2"]. This update addresses the problem faced on certain Apache servers with ModSecurity firewall, which affects specific POST requests when saving booking form configurations. *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Improvement: Enhanced Deposit Management - Now, when a booking is made in the admin panel at WP Booking Calendar > Add booking page, the deposit amount in the cost field and notes section, as well as the total cost for the booking, will be updated accordingly. This feature requires displaying payment forms at the Booking > Add booking page in such cases. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Improvement: Enhanced Resource Management - You now have the ability to save the number of booking resources per page directly from the Booking > Resources page (at pagination section). ( *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Improvement: Enhanced Import Functionality - You can now utilize the option 'Trash / delete all imported bookings before new import' in situations where imports are initiated via the Google Calendar API instead of .ics feeds. This feature provides greater control over managing imported bookings and ensures a smoother import process. Please note that this feature requires the installation of the 'Booking Manager' plugin. (
    • Improvement: Enhanced Payment Confirmation - You now have the ability to use the [booking_confirm] shortcode on the "Successful payment" page, where users are redirected after making a payment via the Stripe or PayPal payment system. This allows you to configure the page to display a message such as 'Your payment for the booking has been successfully received. [booking_confirm]', providing users with confirmation of their payment along with booking details. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Improvement: Added a restriction for the maximum number of dates selectable for the check-out date in the search availability form. This applies when you activate the range days selection mode and define the maximum number of days for selection. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    • Improvement: Now, when a visitor clicks on the search button in the search availability form, the system marks this button as disabled until the search results are displayed. This prevents multiple identical search requests from being sent by clicking the search availability button multiple times. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    • Under hood: Update the URLs for send transactions for Opayo - Elavon (former SagePay) to an Elavon domain on 31st March 2024. For more details, please refer to the following link: ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Under hood: Option to Hide Payment Form After Visitor Edits Own Booking - You now have the ability to define not to show the payment form after a visitor edits their own booking. This can be achieved by using the shortcode [visitorbookingediturl]&is_show_payment_form=Off in the New (visitor) email template at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Emails page. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Search Availability Functionality Issue - An issue has been resolved in the Search Availability functionality. Previously, it was not possible to find pages with booking form shortcodes when the booking resource was defined using the 'resource_id' parameter instead of 'type'. This fix ensures that the search functionality now works as expected, allowing users to locate pages with booking forms accurately. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Correct Sorting Order for Booking Resources - An issue has been addressed where the sorting order for booking resources in select-boxes was not defined correctly during the change of booking resource for a specific booking. This fix ensures that booking resources are displayed in the correct order. ( *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Correction of Start Day Definition - An issue has been resolved where Sunday was incorrectly defined as the start day for selection in specific seasons when using conditions in the shortcode. For example, when using a shortcode like [booking resource_id=1 options='{start-day condition="season" for="myHighSeason" value="0"},{select-day condition="season" for="myHighSeason" value="8,15,22,29"}'], Sunday was inaccurately identified as the start day. This fix ensures that the start day for selection in specific seasons is correctly determined. ( *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Corrected Saving of Booking Dates - An issue has been resolved where booking dates were incorrectly saved if the option "Set check out date as available" was activated at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Calendar" section. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Corrected Redirect Issue for Failed Payments - An issue has been addressed where users were incorrectly redirected to the home page instead of the failed URL when payments failed via iDeal (Buckaroo). ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Resolved an issue causing a possible PHP Fatal error has been resolved. This error, specifically the Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: null + string, occurred in the wpbc-calc-string.php file when non-standard shortcodes with arithmetic operations were used on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page. ( *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Corrected Minimum Date Selection Issue - An issue has been addressed where the minimum number of dates in the calendar was incorrectly selected if a user clicked twice on the same date, and the system had a minimum number defined higher than 1 day. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Corrected End Time Selection Issue - An issue has been resolved where, if the option "Use selected times for each booking date" was deactivated, the system incorrectly blocked end times when a user selected multiple dates. For example, if the start time was booked from 00:00 to 15:00, the system would block the end time until 15:00, even if the end date was fully available. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Corrected Display Issue with Check-In/Out Dates - An issue has been resolved where the check-in/out dates (triangles) were incorrectly shown as fully available dates in booking resources with specific capacity. This occurred when one of the child booking resources had a change-over dates situation rather than being fully booked. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix: Resolved issue in MultiUser version for sending approval "regular email" to visitors, for the booking that belong to regular user, and was activated this option "Receive all payments only to Super Booking Admin account" at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in "Multiuser Options" section. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*

9.9.1 – [2024-02-07]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Resolve the issue of showing Notice: Undefined index: aggregate_type in ../includes/_capacity/capacity.php (
    • Fix: vulnerability of possible unauthenticated sql injection (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Improvement: Server performance improvement by preventing of sending request to server for cost calculations, if in the booking form there is no dates or cost hints. It's prevent from 504 Error at some servers ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.9 – [2024-01-05]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • New Feature: Redesigned "Top Tabs" for page selection in the Booking Calendar Admin UI. This update enhances space utilization, resulting in a clearer and smoother interface for users. (
    • New: Resource menu page simplifies embedding your booking form. Easily integrate booking form into an existing page or create a new page with the booking form in just a few clicks. (
    • New: Introducing General Import Conditions options for importing events into the Booking Calendar for all booking resources. You can now enable the option Import if Dates Available to import events only if dates are available in the source calendar. Additionally, the option Import Only New Events allows you to import only if the event has not been imported before. This last option replaces the deprecated "Force import" option and can be configured at Booking > Settings > Sync > "General" page in the "Import advanced" section. (
    • Improvement: Updated Top WordPress Bar menu for Booking Calendar (
      • Translation Update: German translation has been updated, reaching 94% completion, courtesy of Res Rickli
      • Translation Update: French translation has been updated, reaching 93% completion, courtesy of Res Rickli
      • Translation Update: Italian translation has been updated, reaching 85% completion, courtesy of Res Rickli
    • Improvement: Updated Booking Calendar icon for WordPress Classic Editor (TinyMCE) toolbar, during adding Booking Calendar shortcode into the post or page.
    • Fix: Resolved a fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * int in ../core/sync/wpbc-gcal-class.php (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • New: Integrated PayPal Standard Checkout payment gateway. Enjoy various payment methods, including card payments and PayPal. Choose from different designs for PayPal buttons. The system now automatically responds from the PayPal, updating the booking status and payment status. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New: The Prices menu now includes options such as "Seasonal Rates" (formerly "Rates"), "Duration-Based Cost" (formerly "Valuation days"), "Partial Payments" (formerly "Deposit"), "Form Options Costs" (formerly "Advanced costs"), and "Payment Gateways." This centralized location allows you to manage all prices for bookings in one place. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New: Simplify the process of adding the booking form to your website with the new 'Publish' button on the Booking > Resources page. Easily add the booking form to an existing or new page with just a few clicks. (
    • Improvement: The "Availability" section has a new structure and titles. Now, the configuration of all "Calendars Availability" is located in the "Availability" menu page and its sub-pages, including "Days Availability," "Season Availability" (formerly "Availability"), and "General Availability." This provides a centralized location to manage all availability settings for calendars.
    • Improvement: The Resources menu now features an enhanced toolbar UI for creating new booking resources and managing options. This improvement provides a more user-friendly experience for resource management.
    • Improvement: Implemented the addition of the "autocomplete" attribute to the booking form fields. This enhancement ensures correct autofill functionality in the Chrome browser when using autofill addons. (
    • Fix: Resolved an issue where bookings with zero cost were not automatically approved when the option "Auto approve booking if booking cost is zero" was activated in the Booking > Settings General page under the "Auto Cancellation / Auto Approval" section. (
    • Fix: Resolved issue for ability to use options parameter in the Timeline shortcode for defining links for booking resources titles: [bookingtimeline type='3,4' options='{resource_link 3="/resource-apartment3-id3/"},{resource_link 4="/resource-3-id4/"}' header_title='All Bookings'] (
    • Under hood: Now you can aggregate only 'bookings' without including unavailable dates from the 'Booking > Availability > Days Availability' page. If you use the 'aggregate' parameter in the Booking Calendar shortcode and wish to include only bookings, utilize the new parameter: options="{aggregate type=bookings_only}". For instance, in the shortcode example below, we aggregate only bookings: [bookingselect type='3,4' aggregate='3;4' options="{aggregate type=bookings_only}"] (

9.8.14 – [2023-12-07]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "SERVER_ADDR" in ../core/wpbc_functions.php (
    • Fix: PHP 8 Compatibility. Fix PHP Fatal error: argument #1 must be of type int.
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Fix: Issue with iDeal payment system: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "sisow_pay_options" ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix: PHP Warning: Array to string conversion in ../wpbc-resources-cache.php (
    • Under hood: New Hook for payment statuses in Booking Listing page:
      apply_filters('wpbc_filter_payment_status_list', $payment_status_titles);
      Use this code in your functions.php file in your theme to add your own Payment status for Booking Listing page:
      					function my_wpbc_filter_payment_status_list($payment_status_titles) {
      					    $payment_status_titles['invoice'] = 'Invoice Payment';
      					    return $payment_status_titles;
      					add_filter('wpbc_filter_payment_status_list', 'my_wpbc_filter_payment_status_list', 10, 1);


9.8.13 – [2023-12-04]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Size of select-boxes in Centered and calendar next to form booking form configuration when using simple booking form configuration (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Improvement: Added description to feature ensures that a specific field only accepts a certain number of digits, providing control over the entered data. Description exists at the Booking > Settings > Booking Form page (
    • Improvement: Saving more detailed payment info from Stripe Response to booking notes: "Payment system response. -- STRIPE -- | approve | Total: EUR 400.00 | Status: paid | Payment: complete" (
    • Under hood: In case, if you want to wrap checkbox with text in label use parameter 'label_wrap' in the shortcode construction:
      [checkbox* terms label_wrap use_label_element "I Accept"]
      . System makes DOM construction such as:
      <label for="cid"><input class="wpdev-validates-as-required wpdev-checkbox" id="cid" type="checkbox" name="terms" value="I Accept">  I Accept</label>
    • Under hood: In case, if you want to use labels and checkbox separately, please use shortcode construction:
      [checkbox* terms use_label_element "I Accept"]
      . System makes DOM construction such as:
      <input class="wpdev-validates-as-required wpdev-checkbox" id="cid" type="checkbox" name="terms" value="I Accept">  <label for="cid">I Accept</label>
    • Fix: Issue of not being able to define "Relative URLs of pages where you shouldn't use the change over days functionality" at the Booking > Settings General page in "Calendar" section if URLs contain the & symbol. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.8.12 – [2023-11-24]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: sizing in “booking form center” template (

9.8.11 – [2023-11-22]

  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Fix: Conflict issue with some plugins/themes, which generated "Uncaught TypeError: balance_obj is undefined" error (
    • Fix: PHP warning with this message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key 2 in ../core/wpbc_functions .php on line 80 (

9.8.9 – [2023-11-18]

  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • New Improved dates selection mode. Introducing a new JavaScript functions for defining simple customization of different date selections for various calendars. Find more information on this page: (
    • Improvement Show super booking admin currency at front-end, instead of regular user defined currency, if was activated "Receive all payments only to Super Booking Admin account" option at the Booking > Settings General page in "Multiuser Options" section. ( (MultiUser)
    • Fix Resolved various instances where additional costs from selected checkboxes were not being calculated (occasionally occurring in certain languages and configurations with several values in checkboxes). ( Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.8.8 – [2023-11-17]

  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Under Hood: Ability to define inline checkboxes and radio buttons, in <r><c>...</c></r> constructions. For this use this new element: <r><c><div class="wpbc_row_inline">...</div></c></r> Example #1: <r><c><p class="wpbc_row_inline"><l>[checkbox terms "I accept"]<a href="#">terms and conditions</a></l></p></c></r> Example #2: <r><c><p class="wpbc_row_inline"><l>Fee: [checkbox somefee default:on ""]</l></p></c></r> Example #3: <r><c><p class="wpbc_row_inline"><l>Club: [radio* clubanlass default:No "No" "Yes"]</l></p></c></r> (
    • Fix: PHP Warning: Undefined array key 2 in ..\core\wpbc_functions.php on line 78,

9.8.7 – [2023-11-17]

  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Fix: Issue of not calculating "additional costs for the booking" at localized websites (Non english), if in options (such as checkboxes or radio options) was used localized "yes" value. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.8.6 – [2023-11-16]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Improvement: During saving at Booking > Settings General page plugin will show specific active section, where was saving the option. (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • New: Introducing the Server Balancer, a feature designed for low-level hosting systems with limited server resources. Useful for scenarios where multiple calendars need to load bookings simultaneously on the same page or when using resource selection shortcode for many calendars. Now, you have the ability to define the number of parallel requests sent to the server. A lower number of parallel requests minimizes the impact on the server but extends the time required to load all calendars. Calendars will send requests only after the previous request is finished. By customizing the number of parallel requests, you can find the optimal balance for your specific server, especially when using numerous calendars on the same page. Simply set the value of parallel requests at Booking > Settings General page in the 'Advanced' section. (
    • New: Easy weekdays selection in "Season Dates Filter". Now, you can easily select specific weekday(s) in specific year and append or remove additional dates by using range "Dates Filter" at Booking > Resources > Filters page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.8.5 – [2023-11-13]

  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Fix: Issue of not saving during editing booking "selected checkbox", if in the booking form was used the checkbox with empty value, like this: [checkbox cleaning_costs default:on ""] (

9.8.4 – [2023-11-13]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Improvement: Define small calendar size, when calendar inserted in really narrow section (smaller than 140px). (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Fix: Issue of not saving "additional costs for the booking", if in the booking form was used the checkbox with empty value, like this: [checkbox cleaning_costs default:on ""] ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.8.3 – [2023-11-11]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: CSS issues with minimum calendar size and booking form on different devices.
    • Under hood: In case, if you are using several months in a row and depend from your theme need to make wrap of calendar months for different screen resolution, then you can add this CSS to the Theme Editor CSS. You can check how to add own CSS customization to CSS Theme Editor here: Example for minimum calendar width as 280px: .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-inline { min-width: Min(284px, 100%); } .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-one-month { min-width: Min(280px, 100%); }

9.8.2 – [2023-11-10]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Update CSS for showing correctly calendar on mobile devices, if defined width for calendar in Booking Calendar shortcode.
    • Fix: Fix issue of not saving Email settings for "New (visitor)" email template. (

9.8.1 – [2023-11-09]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Update loading of latest version of CSS and JS, to fix browser cache issue in new version updates.
    • Fix: Update some CSS for correct calendar and booking form showing on some themes. – [2023-11-07]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Undefined variable $wp_post_booking_absolute in ../wpbc_welcome.php on line 311

9.8 – [2023-11-07]

Get ready for our Biggest Update Yet - Booking Calendar 9.8 Vlora! Enjoy a new booking engine, improved performance, structured settings, an enhanced UI, and a smoother booking process with the new booking confirmation section. Paid versions bring features like time-slot capacity for multiple bookings per time-slot and more.

Changes in Free and Pro Versions:

New Features and Improvements:

  • Availability / Capacity Engine for Booking Calendar: Enhancing the booking process with dynamic loading and double booking prevention.
  • Significant Performance Boost: Page loading is up to 78% faster, and SQL requests are reduced by up to 89%.
  • New Dark Theme Option: Seamlessly integrate your booking form into your website's design with the Dark Theme, which automatically selects the appropriate calendar and time picker skins while adjusting colors for various UI elements. Activate it on the Settings General page in Form Options section.
  • Booking Confirmation Section: Introduced a new Booking Confirmation section that provides users with a summary of their booking details, making it easy for users to confirm their reservations after completing the booking process. This feature allows users to quickly review essential booking information. 'Booking confirmation' section located on the Booking > Settings General page. Previously, it was located in the 'Form' section as 'Thank you' message/page.
  • Structured General Settings Page: Redesigned the General Settings page to enhance user experience. The new layout includes a clear navigation column that displays the specific section you click on, making it easier to understand settings, quickly find specific options, and simplify the configuration of the plugin.
  • Toggle Boxes: Replaced checkboxes in the Booking Calendar User Interface with toggle boxes. This change provides a clearer view of enabling specific options and features, particularly for enabling/disabling Rates and Availability in paid versions.
  • Legend Position: Moved 'Show legend below calendar' to the 'Calendar' section on the Booking > Settings General page. Previously, it was located in the 'Form' section.
  • Deprecated Options Removal: Removed deprecated options such as "Use localized time format," 'Time for showing "Thank you" message,' 'Checking to prevent double booking during submitting booking,' 'Set capacity based on the number of visitors,' 'Disable booked time slots in multiple days selection mode' from Booking > Settings General page and option: "for setting maximum number of visitors per resource" at the Booking > Resources page in paid versions.
  • Updated Styles: Improved the styles of warning messages in the booking form for a better user experience.
  • Scrolling Enhancement: Enhanced scrolling to specific elements in the booking form, ensuring that the system will not create a new scroll if the previous one was not finished.
  • JS Calendar Scripts: Updated to version
  • Caching Improvement: Introduced new caching for frequently used SQL requests (
  • Improved Google Calendar Import: Improved the actual cron system for importing Google Calendar events, allowing you to set import time intervals starting from 15 minutes. The system now shows the last and next time of importing at the Booking > Settings > Sync > "Import Google Calendar Events" page.
  • 'Reply-To visitor email' Option: Added the 'Reply-To visitor email' option for "Admin emails" at the Booking > Settings > Emails page. By default, this option is disabled to prevent spam detection at some servers in the outbound SMTP relay, which could lead to email rejection (
  • Calendar Dimensions: Increased the width of the calendar from 284px to 341px and the height of calendar cells from 40px to 48px ( Improved internal logic for calendar months' size. The width of the calendar is now based on the maximum width, ensuring great responsiveness at any resolution. No need to use "strong_width" parameter in options of Booking Calendar shortcode. (
  • Mobile Optimization: For small mobile devices (width smaller than 400px), the height cell is now 40px by default ( You can specify the same height for all devices using the 'strong_cell_height' parameter in the shortcode. For example: [booking type=1 nummonths=2 options='{calendar months_num_in_row=2 width=682px strong_cell_height=55px}'] (
  • CSS Class: Added a new 'wpbc_calendar' CSS class to the calendar HTML table, making it easier to manage CSS conflicts with theme styles). You can use CSS in the theme like this: table:not(.wpbc_calendar){...} instead of table{...} (
  • Pseudo Cron System: Updated for Google calendar imports.
  • Toolbar Enhancement: Added a 'Reset' button at Booking > Add booking page for the toolbar of configuring calendar size.
  • Date : Time Section: on the Booking > Settings General page, making it easier to configure date and time options. Now, the 'Time format' option is also available in the Booking Calendar Free version.
  • Daylight Saving Time Fix: Resolved the 'Daylight Saving Time' issue that existed on some servers (possibly due to themes or other plugins defining different timezones than those in WordPress via date_default_timezone_set(...) )), ensuring localized dates and times work correctly for all booking dates/times without the need to activate any options in the settings.
  • Shortcodes Enhancement: All shortcodes can now use the parameter 'resource_id' instead of the previously deprecated 'type' parameter.

Under Hood Changes:

  • Removed the JavaScript wpbc_settings variable. Instead of wpbc_settings.set_option( 'pending_days_selectable', true ); use: _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( resource_id , 'pending_days_selectable' , true ); It's give ability to define this parameter separately per each calendar in paid versions.
  • Replaced deprecated functions related to the new "Capacity and Availability" engine (, and updated the cron system for Google Calendar imports.
  • Replaced JavaScript function showErrorMessage( element , errorMessage , isScrollStop ) to wpbc_front_end__show_message__warning( jq_node, message ).
  • Test Dates Functions: Added the [wpbc_test_dates_functions] shortcode for testing different dates functions on the server, relative to the possible 'Daylight Saving Time' issue.


  • Support for WordPress 6.4: Added support for WordPress version 6.4.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with not correctly showing creation and modification booking times on some servers.
  • Corrected the problem of showing the calendar with an incorrectly defined Start week date at Booking > Availability page.
  • Resolved the issue of not translating some terms in the plugin (
  • Fixed a color issue of daily cost in calendar date cells for the "Light-01" calendar skin (
  • Fixed an Uncaught TypeError related to the wpbc-gcal-class.php file (


  • Translation: Improved German (98% completed) by Reinhard Kappen and French (98% completed) by Roby.

Changes in Pro Versions:

New Features and Improvements:

  • Capacity Engine: With the new capacity engine, you can define booking capacities for your calendar, allowing you to receive a specific number of bookings per time slots or full dates. This enhances your control over bookings compared to the previous version, which only supported specific booking limits for full dates. (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Booking Quantity Control: Enabled the ability to enable and define a field for 'Booking Quantity Control,' allowing visitors to define the number of items they can book for specific dates or times within a single reservation. Find this option in New Capacity section on Booking > Settings General page. (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Capacity Shortcode: Added the Capacity shortcode for showing available (remained) slots per selected dates and times: [capacity_hint]. You can use it in the booking form at the Booking > Settings > Form page. (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Max. visitors field at the Booking > Resources page is deprecated and removed. For defining capacity, use child booking resources. For defining max visitors selection, use a new custom booking form with a different number of users/visitors selection. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Unavailable Time Definition Engine: Introduced an engine for defining an unavailable specific number of dates or specific times before or after the booking. It now works in all situations, even for fully booked dates. For bookings where you have selected several dates and booked specific times, the system will extend the unavailable time interval for all such time slots on each day. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Booking Details Tooltip: Added the ability to show booking details in a mouse-over tooltip for specific booked dates or times during a day, significantly improving the speed of this functionality. This can now show booking details even for fully booked dates. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Simplified Booking Form Layout: Easily configure your booking form in rows and columns using new Simple HTML shortcodes. Create rows with ..., columns with ..., labels with ... and spacer with or width:40px; or height:2em;. For example, to create a single row with two columns, use: ... ... .
  • Simplified field data tag:
    . Easily highlight field data by enclosing it within
    tags in the 'Content of booking fields data' section on the Booking > Settings > Form page. For example:
    . This will highlight the background of the field on the Booking Listing page.
  • Redesigned Payment Buttons: Payment buttons in the new Booking Confirmation window have been redesigned for a more user-friendly experience.
  • Different Rates for options in select-boxes: Now, different rates are supported, depending on the selection of options in select-boxes. Example of rate configuration at Booking > Resources > Cost and rates > Rate page:
    ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Payment System Responses: Now, responses from payment systems after visitors' payments are recorded in the Note section of the booking, provided "Logging actions for booking" is activated at the Booking > Settings General page in the "Booking Admin Panel" section. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Enhanced Booking Log: The booking log now keeps track of booking details, such as cost calculations, actions related to payment request pages via email links, and other important events.
  • Additional Notes: Added the ability to add extended notes about "Total Cost | Discounts applied | Subtotal cost | Deposit Due | Balance Remaining" after creating the booking. Also, added notes about the approval of the booking by the payment system after a response from the Payment gateway. Notes are now added for bookings that were imported from Google Calendar.
  • Date Selection Condition: Added a condition for defining a specific number of selected dates if started from a specific date. Condition format: '
    {select-day condition="date" for="2023-10-01" value="20,25,30-35"}
    '. Example of shortcode:
    [booking type=3 options='{select-day condition="date" for="2023-10-01" value="20,25,30-35"}']
    (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Cancellation Date Hint Shortcode: Introduced the
    shortcode, which shows the date that is 14 days before the selected check-in date. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)


  • Showing the full URL .ics feed at the Booking > Settings > Sync > "Export - .ics" page for easier copying of URLs (
  • When creating new fast blank bookings, all fields are autofilled with '---' instead of 'admin' values, and the email address is filled with ',' which is skipped during sending emails by Booking Calendar. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Improved 'Aggregate' Parameter: Now, when using 'aggregate,' if you mark specific dates as unavailable in aggregation resources on the Booking > Availability page, the system will automatically make those dates unavailable in the source resource.
  • Enhanced Availability Management: If you mark dates as unavailable in the aggregate booking resources on the Booking > Availability page, the system treats these dates as unavailable for all booking resources, including parent and child resources. This ensures consistent availability management.
  • For booking resources with specific capacities, when you use 'aggregate' for a 'parent booking resource' with a set capacity, the system adds bookings from 'aggregate booking resources' to the 'parent resource' and its child resources. Any 'unavailable dates' marked on the Booking > Availability page will affect both the parent and its child resources, making those times or dates unavailable for booking.

Under Hood Changes:

  • Under Hood: Updated Stripe PHP library from version 9.0.0 to 12.6.0.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue of redirection to the "Unknown-Stripe-Payment" page after Stripe payment in Booking Calendar MultiUser version, if the option "Receive all payments only to Super Booking Admin account" was activated. ( (MultiUser)
  • Corrected the issue of not showing conditional time slots, which depend on Seasons. Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: # jQuery 10(
  • Resolved the problem of removing duplicate days' selections at the "Specific days" selection option under range days selection mode using 2 mouse clicks.
  • Fixed the issue of showing available dates in the search form, while such dates were defined as unavailable at Booking > Availability page (
  • Eliminated the issue when used conditional days selection logic, and some weekdays were not defined in seasons. In this case, the system will use the default days selection settings (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser).

For more information, please refer to the plugin's official documentation or support resources.

9.7.7 – [2023-10-10]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: issue with <br> tags in the emails, if user was entered several lines in textarea fields.

9.7.6 – [2023-10-09]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Deprecated message: Creation of dynamic property messages for CAPTCHA on PHP versions (8.2.4 or newer).

9.7.5 – [2023-09-28]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: small fix of not showing warnings for empty parameters. (

9.7.4 – [2023-09-28]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: possible vulnerable to CSS (XSS) relative shortcode parameters. More strong escape shortcode parameters. ( – [2023-09-27]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: issue of parsing several same shortcodes with url parameter in emails at the Booking > Settings > Emails pages. ( – [2023-09-25]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Improvement: Move booking to the trash instead of complete deletion, if activated 'Auto-cancel bookings' option under 'Use pending days as available' settings at the Booking > Settings General page (Business Large, MultiUser) (
    • Fix: issue of parsing url paramater in shortcodes, like in the Booking > Settings > Emails pages. (
    • Fix: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: strpos(): Argument #3 ($offset) must be contained in argument #1 ($haystack) in ..\core\wpbc-functions.php ( – [2023-09-25]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Incorrectly showing new lines after escaping fields. (
    • Fix: Error '{"ajx_action_params":{"booking_action":"set_booking_approved","booking_id"...', while activated 'Auto-cancel bookings' option under 'Use pending days as available' settings at the Booking > Settings General page (Business Large, MultiUser) ( – [2023-09-13]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Showing notice: "There is a new version of Booking Calendar available." – [2023-09-01]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Posible database error "You have an error in your SQL syntax..." (
    • Fix: correctly showing single and double quotes (' and ") symbols in textarea during editing booking (

9.7.3 – [2023-09-01]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Vulnerability of possible Unauthenticated Stored Cross-SIte SCripting issue. Improve sanitization and escaping of user input. (

9.7.2 – [2023-06-12]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Improvement: Added title for the reset button on the Booking Listing page, making it easier to find. After clicking on this button, the system shows all available bookings. (
    • Improvement: Updated the position for defining Check In/Out dates in the "Booking dates filter" on the Booking Listing page for easier application of this condition. (
    • Improvement: Added a reset keyword button for the text keyword field. (

9.7.1 – [2023-06-06]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Fix: Fatal error during plugin activation: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_page_permastruct() on null in ../wp-includes/link-template.php on line 431. (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Fix: Warnings at search results, such as Undefined array key "obj" in ../inc/_bl/wpbc-search-availability.php on line 589. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)

9.7 – [2023-05-29]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • New "Light" calendar skin (booked: Red, pending: Orange, available: White)
    • New "Green" calendar skin (booked: Red, pending: Orange, available: Green)
    • New [add_to_google_cal_button] shortcode for adding a booking to the Google Calendar by users. Exists in "New (admin)", "New (visitor)", and "Approved" email templates on the Booking > Settings > Emails page (
    • Improvement [add_to_google_cal_url] shortcode in emails uses the booking data for adding a booking to Google Calendar (
    • Improvement Huge code refactoring. Removing deprecated code from the plugin (
    • Improvement Removed old deprecated Booking Listing page. From now on, only the new ajax Booking Listing page is available. (
    • Fix showing the correct color for change-over days in the "Black 2" calendar skin. (
    • Fix internal HTML structure (
    • Fix Types in the code for the options in the booking form (
    • Fix Conversion types issue (
    • Fix Showing "The time(s) may be booked, or already in the past!" if the current time slot is already in the past for today's selected date. (
    • Fix Correctly showing bookings if the "Today check-in/out" option is selected in the Filter toolbar on the Booking Listing page. (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Improvement Added "Find lost booking resources" button to the Booking > Resources page, for the ability to find "child booking resources" of some parent booking resource that was deleted. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Show the name of the specific booked "child booking resource" in "New (admin)" and "New (visitor)" emails if the booking was made for a "child booking resource". Previously, the name of the "parent booking resource" was shown. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Use only one button for "Reset" booking form to the selected "predefined form template" on the Booking > Settings > Form page. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of correctly showing change-over days (diagonal or vertical line) for check-out dates in booking resources with a specific capacity. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)

9.6.2 – [2023-05-10]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Improvement Show 100% width of calendar month in widgets and at mobile devices. (
    • Improvement If we set time as 0 for showing "Thank you" message, then this message will be showing forever, without page reloading. (
    • Improvement Update with more modern style of "Thank you" message. (
    • Improvement Update with more modern style of warning messages, such as 'This field is required'. (
    • Improvement Update highlighting of focused booking form fields (
    • Improvement During plugin installation set option "Append one check out day, during import .ics feeds" be default unchecked at the Booking > Settings > Sync > "General" page (
    • Improvement Auto create page "Thank you for booking" for simple plugin setup. (
    • Fix Issue of showing 2 or more columns with fields, instead of showing only 1 column, if was selected "Form at right side of calendar" booking form template, while editing booking form as simple form, and even later switching to advanced booking form in paid versions. (
    • Fix Select correct time slot during editing booking with specific booked date and time slot, instead of selection first available time slot. This issue existing in version 9.6.1 (
    • Fix Show warning message: strip_tags(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string ... in ../wp-admin\admin-header.php on line 36 (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Improvement Select visitors option in search form, after page loaded depends on GET params ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Adding selection of adults and children to the links "Book now" in search results ( Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Auto create pages for "Page of edit bookings" and "Page for customer bookings listing" for simple plugin setup. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Auto create pages for "Success Payment" and "Failed Payment" for simple plugin setup. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.6.1 – [2023-04-22]

  • Changes in all versions:

    • Improvement The "Sending email" option is now easily accessible and visible under the toolbar on the Booking Listing page. This allows you to quickly enable or disable email notifications for specific actions without having to navigate to a separate Options tab. (
    • Translation. Greek [100% Completed] by Ilias Moutzouris
    • Fix Issue of incorrectly showing booking form, of selected view "Form at right side of calendar" at Booking > Settings > Form page (
    • Fix Issue of not showing "New" booking icon at Booking Listing page (
    • Fix Issue of not showing icons at headers at some pages (
    • Fix Issue of showing several months of calendar in one row at Booking > Add booking page, while defined width in percentage (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:

    • Improvement Select first available time slot in time select-box or time picker, after selection of date in calendar (
    • Fix CRITICAL Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * int in ../inc/_bm/lib_m.php (

9.6 – [2023-04-09]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • New modern design in the booking admin panel that offers a sleek interface for managing your bookings. (
    • New refreshed and clear look of UI elements with updated booking toolbars, headers, and icons, that provides enhanced usability. (
    • New Ability to select old "Legacy Theme" of booking admin panel at the Booking > Settings General page in "Booking Admin Panel" section. (
    • Fix Fix issue where partially booked dates on the Booking > Availability page were not displaying correctly when the 'Do not change background color for partially booked days' option was activated. However, to correctly use this feature, you must open the Booking > Availability page and click the 'Reset selected options to default values' button in the 'User options menu' in the top right toolbar. (
  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Improvement Update styles of season filters at Booking > Resources > Filters page. (
    • Under hood The CSS for the time selector has been moved from wpbc_time-selector.css to client.css. This enables the use of the '2 columns with times' form template even when the times picker option is not activated. (
    • Fix Issue where the message "The date or time may be booked, or already in the past!" was incorrectly displayed when using "_hints" shortcodes for the time fields in the booking form, such as [durationtime_hint]. (
    • Fix Resolved the issue of a duplicate database entry (DB:Duplicate entry 13-2023-07-19 00:00:00 for key booking_id_dates::INSERT INTO ...) that occurred when the option "Use time selections as recurrent time slots" was activated but no time slots were specified in the booking form. (

9.5.4 – [2023-03-23]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Support WordPress 6.2
    • Improvement Added option: "Append check out day" to all versions of Booking Calendar at Booking > Settings > Sync > "General" page. Use Booking Manager 2.0.27 or newer. (
    • Improvement Updated header style on Booking Listing and Calendar Overview pages for a clearer and modern look. ( (
    • Improvement Updated styles at the Booking > Add booking page. (
    • Improvement Make more modern style of top tabs at booking admin panel. (
    • Improvement Remove border in text elements for input groups. ( (
    • Improvement Added title "Options" at the Booking Listing page at User Options toolbar, for better searching "Not sending" emails checkbox (
    • Under hood Remove JS conflicts with Booking Calendar at the pages with booking forms (
    • Fix Resolve the problem of displaying inaccurate available/unavailable dates on the Booking > Availability page beyond a period of 365 days from the current date. (

9.5.3 – [2023-03-17]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_set_booking_locale', $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_set_booking_pending', $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_set_booking_approved' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_move_booking_to_trash' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_restore_booking_from_trash' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_delete_booking_completely' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_set_booking_as_read' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_set_booking_as_unread' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_empty_trash' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_set_booking_note' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_change_booking_resource' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_duplicate_booking_to_other_resource' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_set_payment_status' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_set_booking_cost' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_send_payment_request' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array, which contain $params['booking_id'], and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_import_google_calendar' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
    • Under hood New Hook for Booking Listing action (
      do_action( 'wpbc_export_csv' $params, $action_result );
      // where $params is array and $action_result array and have $action_result['after_action_result'], which contains a boolean value of the result of an operation.
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement Added "Find Lost Resources" button at Settings General page in "Help" section, for ability to find booking resources, which was set as child booking resources that also become child booking resources (
    • Improvement Set additional checking for not ability to set 2 booking resources as parent booking resources of each other (
    • Improvement Remove flipping affect of check in/out dates in search form, if you have defined dates format for search form other than '2023-03-15'. (

9.5.2 – [2023-03-10]

  • Changes in all versions:
    • Improvement Updated icon for Booking Calendar blocks during inserting Booking Calendar into the posts or pages. (
    • Improvement Ability to set minimum user role to access Booking > Availability page. Define it at the Booking > Settings General page in "Plugin Menu" section (

9.5.1 – [2023-03-05]

  • Changes in Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions:
    • Fix Issue of not changing the selection to "custom booking form", while editing the booking. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of not changing color of "Change booking" button, while editing the booking, and using range days selection mode. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser) – [2023-03-03]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix Issue of showing message: "Wrong booking hash in URL. Probably hash is expired", after editing of booking, if was changed custom booking form before editing. (

9.5 – [2023-02-21]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Super easy configuration of dates availability with 3 mouse clicks. Define this 'resource availability' at Booking > Availability page. (
    • New Update of calendar skins for showing unavailable dates with 'stripes' in calendar at Booking > Availability page. (
    • New Ability to remove all defined availability (unavailable dates) from specific calendar with one button press at Booking > Availability page by clicking on "Reset availability" button at User Options toolbar (select this toolbar at top right tab at toolbar).
    • New Disable show booked times in tooltip, when mouse over specific day in calendar. Activate it at the Booking > Settings General page in "Time Slots" section (
    • Translation Brazilian Portuguese [98% Completed] by Myres Hopkins
    • Translation Turkish [100% completed] by Basar Okke
    • Under hood If you was made the calendar skin customization, you need to add this CSS section in your calendar skin, as well. This section start with 'FixIn:' and end with 'FixIn End:' lines. Add this section before this code line: 'Unavailable SELECTABLE days for Booking > Availability page' (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Update showing total booking cost instead of deposit, while editing existing booking and previously was used [cost_correction] shortcode. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Ability to disable scrolling to calendar (open page at top of this page), after click on "Book now" button in search results, during searching availability. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Rename payment system Ideal via "Sisow" to Ideal via "Buckaroo (former Sisow)", because Buckaroo acquires payment service provider Sisow. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Prevent keyboard activating when using the date picker on android devices in search form fields for selection check in/out dates ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Correctly showing currency symbols in "notes/remark" section under bookings in Booking Listing page ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Correctly show "booking data" for old bookings at Booking Listing page that was made with custom booking form, which was defined as "default" custom booking form at the Booking > Resources page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Correctly show "booking data" at the Payment summary page, if has been used custom booking form( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under hood Load WP Util (that support wp.template, based on underscore _.template system) at front-end side. (
    • Under hood New JS event generated after inline calendar loaded: 'wpbc_datepick_inline_calendar_loaded'. To catch this event: jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'wpbc_datepick_inline_calendar_loaded', function( event, resource_id, jCalContainer, instObj ) { ... } ); (
    • Under hood Remove some old function of support IE 7 – [2023-01-11]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. SQL Injection vulnerability of not properly sanitize and escape a parameter before using it. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Show correct cost (depends from [cost_hint], [deposit_hint], [balance_hint] shortcodes) in emails, if at Booking > Add booking page was used cost correction shortcode [cost_corrections] (
    • Improvement. Ability to remove 'remark' field from CSV export (
    • Fix. Warning undefined key 'resource_title', when removed 'resource_title' during export to CSV file (
    • Fix. Error WordPress database error Table 'sometable.wp_2_users' doesn't exist for query SELECT ID FROM wp_2_users as u LEFT... in WordPress MU environment (MultiUser)(

9.4.3 – [2023-01-10]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Ability to define Title of booked timeslot(s) for mouse over tooltips in all versions of Booking Calendar at Booking > Settings General page in "Time Slots" section (
    • New. Ability to display legend items vertically in a column. Activate it at the Booking > Settings General page in "Form" section (
    • New. Ability to search several bookings by booking ID in Booking Listing page at Keyword field by using such format: id:200,201,15 (
    • Fix. jQuery Migrate warning for using jQuery( window ).scroll( handler ) (
    • Fix. Issue of not auto fill form fields in Twenty Tree theme, if activated option "Auto-fill fields" for logged in users. (
    • Fix. Issue "Wrong booking hash in URL. Probably hash is expired." of not ability to edit/approve bookings from the Booking Listing page, because HASH of booking was updating each time during page loading, at some servers. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Shortcode for showing Calendar Legend Items at any place in booking form: [legend_items] ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Configure shortcode of Calendar Legend Items to show items vertically in a column: [legend_items is_vertical="1"] ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Configure shortcode of Calendar Legend Items to show only specific items in specific order: [legend_items items="available,pending,approved,partially"] ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Shortcode [original_cost] for advanced cost configuration, while using arithmetic operation at Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page. It's cost of the booking for the selected dates only. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. If booking was made in the custom booking form, plugin will show "booking data" from this exact custom booking form in the Booking Listing / Calendar Overview and in Emails. Previosly you was need to define the default custom booking form for specific booking resource. You do not need to configure it anymore. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. If you want to show in what custom booking form was made the booking, then at the "Content of booking fields data" form at Booking > Settings > Form page you can use this system shortcode: [wpbc_custom_booking_form] ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Possible issue of incorrect transfer user ID in Booking Listing ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Possible issue of incorrect usage of [calendar id=3] shortcode in the booking form, that can generate warnings loop ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not "closing day", while all time slots was booked, when in the booking form used some conditional section, and time slots field out of this conditional section.( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.4.2 – [2022-11-11]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix.PHP Warning: Undefined variable $select_box_options in toolbar_ui.php on line 877 (
    • Fix.PHP Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in toolbar_ui.php on line 3296 (
    • Fix.Set delay in showing mouse over tooltips in 500 milliseconds (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to disable changing booking resource while editing a booking, belonging to child booking resource. If this option is not selected, the system updates the booking to the first available child booking resource based on the capacity and availability of the parent booking resource. (

9.4.1 – [2022-11-06]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. Border cell issues at mobile devices.

9.4 – [2022-11-06]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Update styles of all calendar skins. More modern and crisp look. (
    • New. Padding between months in multiple month view modes. (
    • Improvement. Calendars have a minimum width for correct view at small sections. (
    • New. Added two new calendar skins without outer borders. (
    • Improvement showing calendars at mobile devices, while defined size of calendar in shortcode parameter. (
    • New parameter strong_width for definition of calendar width in shortcode for option parameter. Please check more at FAQ (
    • Improvement. Removed meta tags from the email templates to prevent marked bookings emails as spam in some servers. (
    • Improvement. During validation when submitting the booking form, focus on the first field that requires action. This will help complete the booking form. (
    • Under Hood. New WPBC_AJX__REQUEST class for sanitizing, saving and helping working with user requests. (
    • Fix. Fix dashboard/agenda links of showing "New | Pending | Today " bookings, in a new ajax Booking Listing page. (
    • Fix. Fix border width issue in Chrome browser in calendars. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Disable booked time slots, for predefined selected date in the booking form (it's shortcode for booking form, without the calendar) (
    • Fix. Update text in settings. (

9.3 – [2022-10-03]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Edit bookings in Booking Calendar Free version. Ability to update booking details or reselect booking dates for existing bookings. (
    • Under Hood. Added 'hash' field to the booking table in all versions of Booking Calendar (
    • Under Hood. Added 'creation_date' field to the booking table (
    • Under Hood. Added 'is_trash' field to the booking table, which define date, when booking was trashed (
    • Fix. Scroll issue during showing warnings or showing payment forms. Scroll to exact elements, which we need to show. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Simulate regular user login from "super booking admin" account to change settings of such regular activated user in Booking Calendar MultiUser version. ( (MultiUser)
    • Fix. Notice: Undefined index: select_booking_form in ../core/any/class-admin-settings-api.php on line 1457 (
    • Fix. Issue of missed decimal digits in Stripe payment (
    • Fix. Issue in Stripe showing warning payment method bacs_debit requires payment_intent_data[setup_future_usage] to be set to off_session (
    • Fix. Error: "Warning! Number of check in != check out times.", while using "change over" days functionality and selected only 1 day in calendar (usually during using auto-fill button at Booking > Add booking page). In this case, system make FULL day blocking.
    • Fix. If yoiu will see the error: "Warning! Number of check in != check out times.", you will see the instruction how to resolve this issue. (

9.2.3 – [2022-08-10]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Shortcode in emails [cost_digits_only] - to show booking cost without currency (
    • New. Ability to define title of "Search availability" button in search form at the Booking > Settings > Search page. Use shortcodes like this: [search_button "Search availability"] (
    • New. Receive payments for "Regular User" bookings to "Super Booking Admin" payment account. Activate this option at the Booking > Settings General page in "MultiUser" section. (
    • Improvement. Replaced Stripe php library to newest 9.0.0 (
    • Fix. Error message in Stripe payment form: "Caught exception: You cannot use 'line_items.amount', 'line_items.currency', '', 'line_items.description', or 'line_items.images' in this API version. Please use 'line_items.price' or 'line_items.price_data'." (

9.2.2 – [2022-07-30]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. Added nonce field to URLs during updating translations or show system info (CSRF checking), to prevent potential unwanted actions from other users. (

9.2.1 – [2022-07-26]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. Removed minimized files.

9.2 – [2022-07-26]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. modern toolbar with handy buttons, dropdown lists and other elements that have been redesigned and rearranged in a new smarter way.
    • New. Refreshed colors of labels, icons, buttons and other UI elements for modern and clear look.
    • New. Rearranged content of booking details in unified way for all Booking Calendar versions.
    • New. Instant showing booking listing, using ajax without page reloading when filtering search results. Single page app design.
    • New. Immediate searching of bookings for a specific keyword. Reservations are displayed just after entering a specific keyword without other user actions.
    • New. Highlighting certain keywords in booking details to make it easier to find specific data when entering keywords.
    • New. Saving any choice of filter options (select-boxes and other UI toolbar elements), toolbar selection or user options personally for each user. User will see last configured search filter parameters each time, when open admin panel.
    • New. Keeping last selected filter or actions toolbar, during each time, when user open booking admin panel. No need to define default state of toolbars in the settings.
    • New. User options toolbar, where possible to select "Emails sending" on specific actions or "Show notes" by default (in paid versions).
    • New. Print feature is available in the Free version.
    • New. Print layout displaying the exact content of the booking listing page.
    • New. Ability to print any selected bookings. Possibility to print all bookings / selected bookings / specific single booking.
    • New. Added 2 new filter options Check in today and Check out today to display bookings on the booking list page.
    • New. Ability to define and save the locale for each specific booking. This locale is saved and will exist when the following pages are loaded. Previously such option was not saved and was available only in paid versions.
    • New. Show action buttons when such actions can be applied to specific bookings. You need to select bookings to display additional action buttons like "Confirm" or "Reject", etc...
    • Improvement. Smarter structure of request parameters escaping.
    • Lots of other improvements and fixes...
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Export CSV functionality. Ability to enter field names to skip from the export.
    • New. Selection export of single or all pages and CSV column separator in pop-up window.

9.1.5 – [2022-06-21]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. JavaScript errors, like Uncaught TypeError: invalid assignment to const 'i' (

9.1.4 – [2022-06-20]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. JavaScript errors, like Uncaught TypeError: invalid assignment to const 's' (
    • Fix. Incompatibility with Elementor 3.6.7 and Elementor Pro 3.7.2 (

9.1.3 – [2022-06-18]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. Changed "Booking" menu to "WPBC" (
    • Fix. Check consistency of translations. For situations, when translators made mistakes with missed symbols like %s or additional items. One of known errors was like "Unknown format specifier "t" in ../booking/core/admin/page-form-free.php:192" (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Added calendar icons to text field in search availability form ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*

9.1.2 – [2022-06-26]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Ability permanently dfelete all imported bookings before new import, instead of sending to Trash. Activate this option at the Booking > Settings > Sync > "General" page. (
    • Fix. Double scrolling issue to "Thank you" message after submitting of the booking. (
    • Fix. Showing slashes in "Thank you" message, if used quote symbols. (
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly defining path for calendar skins at some servers. (
    • Under hood. New 'booking_options' field in booking table in Database, for saving different bookings meta data, like booking language locale, etc.. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Disable using "Unavailable time before / after booking" in booking resources with specific capacity. Otherwise it generate availability issue. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Ability to disabled fully booked dates in calendar, if in booking form was used "start time" fields in the conditional section. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Block dates in calendar, if all time slots was booked for specific date(s), if activated this option "Disable booked time slots in multiple days selection mode" at the Booking > Settings General page in "Advanced" section. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Making automatic selection of custom search fields in search form after initial search. (
    • Improvement. Updated print script to version 2.0.0 (
    • Improvement. Save time of log note at the beginning of message (
    • Fix. Prevent of showing '1980-01-01' in search results, after initial loading of page (if searching was not made, yet) instead of [search_check_in] and [search_check_out] shortcodes . (
    • Fix. Showing booking resource labels with very long name, more than 80 characters. Trim such name to 80 symbols and show full booking resource name in a tooltip, when mouse over. (
    • Fix. Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).hide is not a function, during cancellation of the bookings. (
    • Under hood. Search availability enhance functionality. Ability to use shortcode like this [bookinglooking type=4 nummonths=1] instead of [booking type=4 nummonths=1] in content of the page, for ability to show this page in search availability result. Usually this trick useful, if the Booking Calendar shortcode used in side bar or meta-boxes of as widget, and we can not use it in main page content. Parameters of this [bookinglooking ... ] shortcode have to be the same as in [booking ... ] shortcode. Please check more here ( (Business Large, MultiUser)

9.1.1 – [2022-04-21]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Ability to show tooltips of booked times at mobile devices. (
    • Under Hood Separate section of code for '#bklnk' in search availability (
    • Fix. Issue of highlighting today date in calendar, after scrolling calendar months (
    • Fix. Vulnerability issue relative Deserialization and PHP object injection. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix. Issue of printing in MS Edge. (
    • Fix. Error: "Uncaught ReferenceError: wpbc_timeline_obj is not defined" while using [visitorbookingslisting] shortcode in the emails. (
    • Fix. Issue of not showing icons in popover in Timeline for editing and cancellation while using [visitorbookingslisting] shortcode in the emails. (
    • Fix. Conflict issue with other plugins, relative generation of random hashes. (

9.1 – [2022-04-02]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Icons for UI elements at booking admin panel. (
    • New. Booking Calendar Icon for WordPress side menu. (
    • New. New tooltip and popover system based on Tippy.js and Popper (
    • New. Showing title of bookings in popover tooltip at Timeline and Calendar Overview page near specific booking details.
    • Improvement. Separate library for Modal windows (
    • Improvement. Removing Bootstrap library (
    • Fix. issue of showing "Warning! Number of check in != check out times." after import .ics feed with specific start/end time (
    • Fix. issue of not hiding booked time slots after selecting date in calendar, for the bookings that was imported from ics feed with specific timeslots (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix. issue of unable expand or collapse right side WordPress menu, while opened Booking Calendar pages. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

9.0 – [2022-02-23]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Showing time slots as dots in calendar day cells. Modern and nice view of time slots inside of calendar days.
    • New. Showing exact number of booked time slots in calendar day cells. System show as many dots (time slots) as many time slot was booked for specific day. Your customers can see occupancy by time interval from the beginning of the calendar view.
    • New. Timeline. Ability to define how many days to show in Timeline at front-end side, while showing Timeline for one booking resource, and selected "Month view mode" in shortcode (parameter "view_days_num=30" or this parameter skipped). You can define it at the Booking > Settings General page in "Calendar Overview | Timeline" section. (
    • New. Calendar Overview page. Ability to define how many days to show in Calendar Overview page in admin panel, while showing Calendar Overview page for one booking resource, and selected "Day" view mode. You can define it at the Booking > Settings General page in "Calendar Overview | Timeline" section. (
    • New. Timeline. Scroll exactly number of days (for one booking resource, and selected "Month view mode" in shortcode), that was defined at option "Days number to show in Month mode in Timeline". (
    • New. Calendar Overview page. Scroll exactly number of days (for one booking resource, and selected "Day" view mode), that was defined at option "Days number to show in Day view mode in Calendar Overview page". (
    • New. Separate sections for "Calendar Overview" and "Timeline" options at the Booking > Settings General page. (
    • New. Ability to define where firstly plugin tries to use translations from "../wp-content/languages/plugins/", or from "../wp-content/plugins/{Booking Calendar Folder}/languages/" folder. You can change this behavior at the Booking > Settings General page.
    • New. Force plugin translation update. Download and update plugin translations from WordPress translation repository and from You can make update at Booking > Settings General page in Translation section.
    • New. Check translation status at WordPress translation repository and local translation from to understand, what translation to load. You can check it at Booking > Settings General page in Translation section.
    • Improvement. Booking Calendar by default does not contain MO and PO translation files. You can force to download them at Booking > Settings General page in Translation section.
    • Improvement. Switching language/locale by using "Globe icon" in the Booking Listing page have higher priority than switching languages by translation plugins (
    • Improvement. Optimization structure of country list file for future translations (
    • Improvement. CSS styling in all calendar skins. If you previously was made calendar skin customization, please check changes in new calendar skins marked with this number:
    • Compatibility. Support WPML 4.5.4
    • Compatibility. Support Polylang 3.1.4
    • Compatibility. Support qTranslate-X (Currently closed "qTranslate-X", was tested with Booking Calendar in php 5.6)
    • Fix. Translation issues. Tested in Polylang and qTranslate-X plugins(
    • Fix. Fix translation folder '/languages/plugin/' to '/languages/plugins/ (
    • Fix. Do not showing calendar because of JavaScript errors "Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined" at some websites, that use some plugins or themes that add async and defer attribute to all JavaScript files. (
    • Fix. issue of incorrectly import events that starting or ended with 00:00:00 time, during "Import Google Calendar Events". Previously if you import event from 2022-01-28 23:00 to 00:00 system was marked as unavailable 2022-01-28 23:00 to 2022-01-29 (all day). Currenlty system will import from 2022-01-28 23:00 to 2022-01-28 23:59 (
    • Fix. Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/css/skins/) is not within the allowed path(s)... (
    • Under hood. Define wpbc_get_booking_locale() function as Deprecated, instead use: wpbc_get_maybe_reloaded_booking_locale().
    • Under hood. Relocate country list file from ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/languages/ to ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/core/lang/ folder (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to use change over days only at specific pages. Useful for situation when you need to make bookings with change over days at on specific page(s) ( check in/ou dates with diagonal lines ) and make bookings for specific time slots at other page(s) You can define list of pages where to use this feature at the Booking > Settings General page in "Calendar" section.( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Accurate clear display of the diagonal change over days line. Now it correctly shows the diagonal line for any shape of day cells (square or rectangle). This means that for any calendar size you will see the correct sharp diagonal line.
    • New. Show diagonal line in dates, where we have check in/out bookings with the same status (pending or approved). Previously was showed just pending or approved full date without diagonal line. (
    • Fix. Issue at some servers during response from PayPal and showing "Error code: 100000" (
    • Deprecated. Elements ".check-in-div" and ".check-out-div" are deprecated. Currently it's commented and in future updates such elements will be removed from calendar JS file and from all skins.

8.9.3 – [2022-01-26]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Support. WordPress 5.9
    • Support. Twenty Twenty-Two theme. (
    • Fix. PHP Warning: Undefined array key 1 in ..\core\wpbc-dates.php on line 449 (
    • Fix. PHP 8.1 Deprecated message: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($replace) of type array|string is deprecated in ..\\core\\any\\api-emails.php on line 178 (
    • Fix. Showing titles at buttons in booking form in several rows. It's help to show correctly booking form at the mobile devices with long text at buttons.
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Ability to activate option "Disable booked time slots in multiple days selection mode". System disables booked time slots if multiple days selection mode is enabled. The system only disabled time slots booked for the first selected day only. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. If activated "Set capacity based on number of visitors", then default activated radio option will be "Display tooltip on calendar(s) to show availability based on total (fixed) number of visitors for the resource, which can be at free booking resource items." ( (Business Large, MultiUser)

8.9.2 – [2021-12-03]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. Fix security issue in Booking Calendar Free version. More accurate sanitising and escaping parameters. (

8.9.1 – [2021-11-20]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. Small correction bootstrap.min.css ( )
    • Translation. Romanian translation [100% completed] by Cosmin Diaconu
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Bookings export to CSV format without real creation of files at the server. Provide compatibility with new GoDaddy police. Fix showing 403 error when bookings are exported to CSV. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Fix issue of not ability to auto select correct saved value for select boxes in conditional sections, while editing the bookings. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Fix PHP Warning: strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in ../inc/_ps/admin/wpbc-resources-cache.php on line 401 ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Fix generate 404 error by accessing file /wp-content/wp-admin/images/xit.gif in admin-support.css on line 332. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.9 – [2021-10-25]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation. French translation [100% completed] by Walid Chaafi
    • Translation. Arabic translation [100% Completed] by Walid Chaafi
    • Translation. Dutch translation [99% completed] by Wilbert van Diemen
    • Translation. Brazilian Portuguese [99% Completed] by Myres Hopkins
    • Translation. Greek [100% Completed] by Ilias Moutzouris
    • New. Ability to export into .ics feeds only bookings, that was created in Booking Calendar plugin, without any other imported bookings. Activate it at Booking > Settings > Sync > "General" page. Available in Booking Manager update 2.0.20 or newer. (
    • Improvement. Show error message, if activated to use CAPTCHA and PHP configuration does not have activated GD library. (
    • Improvement. Show help message, about troubleshooting of "Request do not pass security check!" error. (
    • Improvement. Showing centered booking form, while using simple booking form configuration. (
    • Improvement. Debug function show HTML elements during output of strings (
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly defined locale order, that was reason of not loading language in some translation plugins, like Falang (possible in Polylang, WPML) (
    • Fix. Warning: Use of undefined constant POLYLANG_VERSION - assumed 'POLYLANG_VERSION' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ../core/wpbc-translation.php on line 241 (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Show debug cost information of "Daily costs" and "Additional costs" to better understand how costs is working. Activate it at the Booking > Settings > Payment page in Payment options section. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to calculate the deposit amount based on daily costs only, without additional costs. Activate it at the Booking > Settings > Payment page in Payment options section ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. If we are using the [cost_corrections] shortcode in the booking form for entering our cost at Booking > Add booking page, then we can use in the New booking emails such shortcodes [corrected_total_cost], [corrected_deposit_cost], [corrected_balance_cost] ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Escape any html tags from the booking resource titles in emails ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Deprecated Message in PHP 8.0: Required parameter $bk_res_id follows optional parameter $blank in ..\wp-content\plugins\booking\inc\_mu\multiuser.php on line 257 ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Deprecated Message in PHP 8.0: Required parameter $nonSensitiveDataKey follows optional parameter $delimeter in ..\wp-content\plugins\booking\inc\gateways\sage\wpbc-gw-sage.php on line 1342 ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Fix timezone issue for auto cancellation of pending bookings that does not have the successfully paid status. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issie of not showing '0.00' for some advanced hint option, like [breakfast_hint], if checkbox of breakfast feature was unchecked in the booking form. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: float / string in ../inc/_bm/biz_m.php:1166 (
    • Fix. Error of during updates of plugin, relative of correct configuring of $transient variable within the "pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins" WordPress hook. (

8.8.2 – [2021-07-10]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Support. WordPress 5.8 support (
    • Support. Booking Calendar blocks in Widgets (
    • Support. Booking Calendar blocks in Customizer (
    • New. Ability to use [add_to_google_cal_url] shortcode in the "New visitor email" template at the Booking > Settings > Emails page, for adding event to own Google Calendar (
    • Improvement. Immediate showing block in Gutenberg editor, after configuration in poup window. No need to click on "Click to Preview Block" button, as previously. (
    • Translation. Dutch translation [99% completed] by Wilbert van Diemen
    • Translation. Finnish translation [100% completed] by Riku Kuusisto
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to disable days selection in calendar after redirection from search results. This option useful to prevent bookings that are not allowed with such days selection in different booking resources, that is showing as available in search results. Activate it at the Booking > Settings > Search page. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Form template for showing booking form fields in 3 columns ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Ability to increase the number of selected dates from 180 to 3 years, if using range days selection mode. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. If using [country] shortcode in the booking form, then system load country list depends from the active locale. It's require existing and correct configuration of the files, like wpdev-country-list-it_IT.php in the ../booking/languages folder. (
    • Improvement. Show booking cost, if used only additional cost and cost per dates = 0 (
    • Fix. Deprecated jQuery( ... ).submit() message.
    • Fix. Error with undefined $milliseconds variable ( )
    • Fix. Incorrectly showing times, while using locale different from EN and activated option "Use localized time format" (
    • Fix. 500 Internal server error, during using SagePay on PHP 7.2 or newer. PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_encrypt() in ../inc/gateways/sage/wpbc-gw-sage.php:1219 (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.8.1 – [2021-03-05]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Configure title of submit button in the booking form. (
    • Support. WordPress 5.7 support (
    • Translation Swedish translation [100% completed] by Mikael Göransson
    • Improvement. Empty Trash button working in more fast optimized way. Emails not not send about the deleting bookings from the trash in this case. (
    • Fix. Issue of selection or deselection of all checkboxes, if clicked at the head of table at "master checkbox" in booking Listing or in resource list tables (
    • Fix. TypeError: inp_value.trim is not a function. (In 'inp_value.trim()', 'inp_value.trim' is undefined) (
    • Fix. Issue of having spaces between booking rows in Booking Listing page (
    • Fix. Issue of not selecting checkboxes if clicked on lablels in some situations. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Stripe payment methods: Alipay, iDEAL, Bancontact, giropay, P24, EPS, Sofort, SEPA Direct Debit, GrabPay, FPX, Bacs Direct Debit ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to use custom fields shortcodes in the search results at the Booking > Settings > Search page, like [booking_city] for showing such additional parameters in search results. Please check more here ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Do not check about required fields in "Wizard (several steps)" booking form configuration, while going to previous step. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not updating deposit and balance cost for the booking, if activated this option "Do not show payment form, after submit booking form". ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Update payment method names for Payment Service Provider 'Sisow' - iDEAL. Some of payment methods was old or have old names. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Show warning 'The booked dates already in the past.', if visitor try to cancel or edit own booking, that already in the past. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing incorrectly Booking Listing page , if "Content of booking fields data" form start from
      html tag. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hub. Ability to set page exception to not apply change over days functionality at the page with URI '/page-no-change-over/'. It's possible to change this URL in the file ../wp-content/plugins/{Booking Calendar Folder}/inc/_bs/biz_s.php at this code: $exception_pages = array( '/page-no-change-over/' ); ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.8 – [2020-12-01]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Time picker for times slots selection in the booking form. Activate it at the Booking > Settings General page in Time Slots section. (
    • New. Skins for Time picker available for times slots selection in the booking form. Activate it at the Booking > Settings General page in Time Slots section. (
    • New. Premium calendar skins now available in Booking Calendar Free version. (
    • Support. WordPress 5.6 support (
    • Support. Full support of jQuery 3.5.
    • Improvement. More intuitive adding and editing new fields (during editing in simple booking form mode). Showing "Save changes" button relative only to active action. (
    • Translation. Dutch translation [99% completed] by Boris Hoekmeijer.
    • Translation. Swedish translation [99% completed] by Jimmy Sjølander.
    • Translation. Norwegian translation [99% completed] by Jimmy Sjølander
    • Translation. Spanish translation [99% completed] by Jairo Alzate
    • Fix. Error of correct converting special symbols, like #, %, ', " to URL symbols during clicking on "Export to Google Calendar" button (
    • Fix. Issue of correct showing special symbols, like #, %, ', " in the titles of bookings at Calendar Overview page (
    • Fix. Issue of no ability to book some timeslots when activated multiple days selection (
    • Fix. Warning jQuery.parseJSON event shorthand is deprecated.
    • Fix. Warning jQuery.fn.mousedown() event shorthand is deprecated.
    • Fix. Warning event shorthand is deprecated.
    • Fix. Warning jQuery.fn.focus() event shorthand is deprecated.
    • Fix. Warning jQuery.fn.change() event shorthand is deprecated.
    • Fix. Warning jQuery.isFunction() event shorthand is deprecated.
    • Fix. Warning jQuery.fn.bind() event shorthand is deprecated.
    • Fix. Warning jQuery.fn.removeAttr no longer sets boolean properties: disabled
    • Under Hood. Trigger event "wpbc_hook_timeslots_disabled" after disabling of times in the booking form. To bind this event use this JS: jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).on( 'wpbc_hook_timeslots_disabled', function ( event, bk_type, all_dates ){ ... } );
    • Under Hood. Added useful hook for tracking booking editing: do_action( 'wpbc_track_edit_booking', $params ); How to use this hook? Add code similar to this in your functions.php file in your theme, or in some other php file: add_action( 'wpbc_track_edit_booking', 'my_booking_tracking' ); function my_booking_tracking( $params ){ } (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Form template for showing booking form fields in 2 columns with time slots selection ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Fixing issue of incorrectly showing booking date in plugin, if visitor was entered end time as 24:00 instead of 23:59( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Fixing issue of incorrectly showing coupon code discount hints, if activated option "Apply discount coupon code directly to days cost" ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Select first available option (timeslot) in the dropdown list, that showing based on days conditions , after selection of date in calendar ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not sending "approved email", if sending email checkbox was unchecked at the Booking > Add booking page and auto approval for Booking > Add booking page has been activated ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.7.10 – [2020-08-25]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. Error Uncaught TypeError: $.browser is undefined (

8.7.9 – [2020-08-25]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Improvement Added primary key to booking dates table for correct working at (
    • Improvement updated "Chosen" library from 0.9.7 to 1.8.7 (
    • Improvement updated "jquery.meio.mask" library from 1.1.3 to 1.1.14 (
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing new booking icon (
    • Fix. Issue in mobile devices at Timeline of showing the booking details in mouse over tooltip intersected with booking labels (
    • Fix. Issue of sending emails, while the checkbox "Emails sending" was unchecked (
    • Fix. Showing deprecated message: ../core/any/js/admin-support.js: jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated (
    • Fix. Showing deprecated message: ../assets/libs/chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js: jQuery.browser is deprecated (
    • Fix. Showing deprecated message: ../inc/js/jquery.meio.mask.min.js: jQuery.browser is deprecated (
    • Fix. Showing deprecated message: ../js/wpbc-migrate.js: jQuery.browser is deprecated. Removed the wpbc-migrate script, it's does not require anymore. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement Replaced stripe library from 6.33.0 to 7.46.1 ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of showing error "Unknown-Stripe-Payment" during Stripe payments for the booking resources that belong to "regular users" in Booking Calendar MultiUser version ( (MultiUser)

8.7.8 – [2020-08-01]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation French translation [100% completed] by Walid Chaafi
    • Translation Arabic translation [100% completed] by Walid Chaafi
    • Translation German translation [100% completed] by Freundlicher Gruss
    • Support. WordPress 5.5 (
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing new booking icon (
    • Fix. Issue of having "nbsp;" symbols, during exporting to Google Calendar (
    • Fix. Issue of throwing error when name key does not exists for wpbc-dev-api.php integrations (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Support. WordPress 5.5 Showing correctly plugin update info at Plugins menu ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing booking dates in booking resources with specific capacity, when visitor edit own booking in such calendar - some dates was available previously. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Compatibility Issue with WordPress 5.5 of not loading correctly syntax highlighter at Booking > Settings > Form page and at other pages ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing booked dates, like "November 30, -0001", if in the booking form was used starttime with value "00:00" ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.7.7 – [2020-07-02]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation Dutch translation [99% completed] by Boris Hoekmeijer.
    • Translation Polish translation [99% completed] by Rafał Drzał.
    • Translation German translation [99% completed] by Andreas Wellmann.
    • Improvement. Load translation (if exist) from the general plugins folder firstly: /wp-content/languages/plugin/ (
    • Improvement. Replaced usage of Bootstrap slideToggle to jQuery toggle function - for ability to show some sections, if bootstrap library deactivated. (
    • Fix. Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class for emails (
    • Fix. Issue of not showing captcha in some servers with Apache 2.4 or newer versions. (
    • Fix. Issue of adding cutted booking details, while clicking on "Add to Google Calendar button", if in booking details was used & symbols (
    • Fix. Issue of changing locale in Polylang plugin 2.7.2 or newer (
    • Fix. Issue of showing incorrectly short day names in Timeline in non English languages (
    • Fix. Issue of sometimes hidding theme menus in admin panel, if the Booking Calendar menu also showing at the top (
    • Under hood. New function wpbc_get_form_fields_free(); for booking form fields in Booking Calendar Free version. (
    • Under hood. New support for 'email-reminders' integration. Ability to use function wpbc_api_get_bookings_arr with parameter wh_booking_id like '>10' or '<100' (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to define PayPal tax fee payment (only for PayPal payment system) in percents at the Booking > Settings > Payment > PayPal page ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Form template for showing booking form fields in 2 columns ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Show all booking resources (instead of default resource), in timeline shortcode if was skipped 'type' parameter or value of this parameter is empty ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of adding empty booking details, while clicking on "Add to Google Calendar button", if was assigned fields from Custom booking form at Booking > Settings > Sync > "General" page ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of ability to scroll to "step #1", while using "Wizard form template", and some required fields was not filled at "step #2" ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not showing the correct color of payment status relative to using different languages (other than English) in the system.

8.7.6 – [2020-03-10]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Support WordPress 5.4 - Fix compatibility with new Blocks editor in Gutenberg editor, during inserting Booking Calendar shortcodes into the posts or pages (
    • Translation Brazilian Portuguese translation [99% completed] by Myres Hopkins.
    • Under hood New Hook action after approving of booking: do_action( 'wpbc_booking_approved' , $booking_id , $is_approved_dates ); (
    • Under hood New Hook action after trash of booking: do_action( 'wpbc_booking_trash', $booking_id, $is_trash ); (
    • Under hood New Hook action after deleting of booking: do_action( 'wpbc_booking_delete', $approved_id_str ); (
    • Under hood New function wpbc_api_get_booking_by_id( $booking_id ); for getting booking data. (
    • Improvement. Do not show selected text, if selected multiple bookings (or booking resources) with Shift pressed button (
    • Fix. Issue of showing shifted days number in header at the Booking Listing page and in Timeline, while showing timeline for single booking resource in Month view mode. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix. Issue of not showing cost for [cost_hit] shortcode if visitor selected only 1 day, while activated range days selection mode with 2 mouse clicks, and minimum number for days selection set as 1 day. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not ability to go for next pages (if more than 10 booking resources) at the Booking > Settings > Sync > "Import Google Calendar Events" page ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly saving bookings into the "child booking resources". Issue was existing from update 8.7.3 to 8.7.5 ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Auto Reset "custom booking forms" if during previous saving of custom forms, was existing some error in creation of such forms. Usually because of using some inappropriate symbols in names of forms ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.7.5 – [2020-02-06]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function determine_locale() in ../booking/core/wpbc-translation.php:304 (

8.7.4 – [2020-02-06]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation Swedish translation [100% completed] by Kenneth Andersson.
    • New By default using standard PHP date format instead of wp_date format, which can generate issue with daylight saving time. But its possible to activate "Use localized time format" at Booking > Settings General page in Booking admin panel - option useful only, if you have issue with translation of time format. If you activated this option, at some servers possible issue with "Daylight Saving Time" - booked times can be later on 1 hour.(

8.7.3 – [2020-02-04]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation Swedish translation [99% completed] by Rivenfield.
    • Translation Dutch translation [100% completed].
    • Fix. Error at WAMP server of not ability to activate the Booking Calendar plugin. Server can not load large translation file and show page "This site cant be reached". (With php 7.2 or newer) (
    • Fix. Issue of Daylight Saving Time - in some systems after ~ 29 of March, system generate minus several hours which show incorrect selected dates (
    • Fix. Issue of "Bad Reqest 400" during clicking "Add to Google Calendar" button in Booking Listing page in some browsers (
    • Fix. Issue of showing warning "Undefined index" at line 1955 of wpbc-toolbar.php file (
    • Fix. Issue of showing dates in incorrect language in hints, while using some translation plugins, like WPML (
    • Fix. Gutenberg editor. Issue of showing warning "A future version of React will block javascript...". Replaced href="javascript:void(0)" to href="#!" (
    • Fix. Gutenberg editor. Issue of showing Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop. (
    • Fix. Gutenberg editor. Issue of not updating block after inserting shortcode and clicking on "Green button": "Click to Preview Block" (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to set "Sort search results by" option as "Shuffle" for showing random order of search results ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Booking form templates with days hints ( Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. CSV file export security. Do not allow to download CSV file, if its exist more than 5 minutes, and delete such file. User need to make new export. Added .htaccess rules to wpbc_csv folder for do not allow direct download of such exported file. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Improve performance (speed of adding new booking), to "parent" booking resource with high capacity (hundred of child booking resources) and many exist bookings ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing times in AM/PM format at mouse over tooltips, when times format defined at the WordPress > Settings > General page ( (Personal)
    • Fix. PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$cost in ../wp-content/plugins/booking..../inc/_ps/personal.php on line 351 ( (Personal)
    • Fix. PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$pay_status in ../wp-content/plugins/booking..../inc/_ps/personal.php on line 352 ( (Personal)
    • Fix. Fatal error, because of incorrect configuration in shortcode: Allowed memory size of ... bytes exhausted ... in ../inc/_bs/lib_s.php on line 20 ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. PHP Notice: of incorrect unserilize command in demo mode ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue in cost formatting during showing incorrect number of decimal points in discount cost, if used coupon code for discount ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not loading custom booking forms, if incorrectly was saved some custom booking form at the Booking > Settings > Form page. Currently if user saved custom booking form with some non standard symbols (like umlauts in names of form), which generate issue of not ability to load or create new forms, then system will reset such forms, and user need to re-create such forms from beginning. (
    • Fix. Issue of showing warning "Division by zero" at line 2199 of biz_m.php file ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of countable creation of season filters with each page refresh, after activation of plugin, if prefix of tables in database, ony "_" (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser) (

8.7.2 – [2019-12-15]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Shortcode for emails: [check_in_only_date] and [check_out_only_date] - inserting check in/out date without time in emails at the Booking > Settings > Emails page. (
    • Improvement. Update CSS of interface elements relative to WordPress 5.3.1 update.
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. shortcodes [days_count] and [nights_count] that possible to use in the Additional cost settings with arithmetic operations. For example like this: ( [days_count] x 5 ) ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to apply coupon codes directly to days cost (without additional costs) or apply coupon code discounts to final booking cost with additional costs. You can activate it at the Booking > Settings > Payment page in Payment Options section. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Check about disabling "end times" only in "single day" selection mode ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue if incorrectly showing cost for 1 day, if was booked entire day, if cost was set per 1 hour or activated option "Time impact to cost". Previosly system was showing cost per 2 days instead of 1 day cost ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.7.1 – [2019-11-16]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Improvement. Changed title 'Trash' to 'Trash / Reject', as some users can confuse missed Reject status.
    • Fix. Incorrectly showing bookings in Calendar Overview in situation, when at some date was started booking at specific start time, and in closest future date start other new booking (its means that  previous booking was not closed with  end time),  and sometimes we have showing this previous booking at  date,  where booking does not exist, at all. (
    • Fix. Compatibility issue with Polylang plugin 2.6.5 or newer, of not loading translation of Booking Calendar plugin in admin panel (
    • Fix. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ../core/timeline/v2/wpbc-class-timeline_v2.php on line 1667 (
    • Fix. Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in ../core/lib/wpdev-booking-class.php on line 918 (
    • Fix. Fatal errors, relative using plugin at servers with old PHP version 5.2 (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to use this shortcode [booking_featured_image] in the email templates for inserting URL of featured images of posts, where was inserted the booking form for specific booking resource of this specific booking. (

8.7 – [2019-10-27]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. calendar skin with dark colors: "Black 2"
    • New. Ability to define using Pending days as Selectable days - its means that such days have the colors the same as Pending days, but visitor still can select and submit new booking, until you do not approve some booking. Its useful in case, if you need to show that at some days already exist bookings, but visitors still can submit the booking. Please note, such feature will not work correctly if you will make bookings for specific time-slots (its will show warning). How to Use ? In the page, where you are having Booking Calendar shortcode, you need to define the js, like this: <script type="text/javascript"> wpbc_settings.set_option( 'pending_days_selectable', true ); </script> [booking type=4 nummonths=2] (
    • Compatibility. Support WordPress 5.3 - update of admin panel styles.
    • Translation German translation [99% completed] by Markus Neumann.
    • Translation Slovenian translation [99% completed] by Klemen Gaber.
    • Improvement. Ability to auto fill "nickname" of user, when user logged in, and checked this option "Auto-fill fields". In booking form have to be field with name "nickname". (
    • Deprecated. Removing deprecated Timeline v.1. Currently available only new Flex Timeline (Calendar Overview) (
    • Fix. Issue Undefined index: name in ../core/admin/wpbc-class-timeline.php on line 2137
    • Fix. Issue of not ability to enter new value of CAPTCHA without page reloading, if previous entered value was incorrect. (
    • Fix. Order of week days in Arabic translation for calendar
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to define dates format for search availability form at the Booking > Settings > Search page. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. updated iPay88 - Payment Gateway integration v1.6.4 (For Malaysia Only) ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Added log of approving or set as pending bookings to notes section. You can activate this option "Logging of booking approving or rejection" at the Booking > Settings General page in "Booking Admin panel" section. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Usage of new Wizard style booking form, where possible to configure several steps in booking form - more than 2 steps ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Ability to use option "Use check in/out time", for adding check in/out times to use change over days, when importing events via Google Calendar API (using Google API Key) ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Ability to use option "Append check out day", for adding check out day, when importing events via Google Calendar API (using Google API Key) ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Disable the edit / cancel / payment request links in the "Booking Customer Listing" view for "Approved bookings", in case, if you have activated this option " Change hash after the booking is approved " at the Booking > Settings General page in Advanced section. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Replace non standard symbols (like: . or , or ' ) in options for ability correct saving Advanced cost. Otherwise sometimes was not possible to save "Advanced cost" at Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Added filter hook 'wpbc_booking_resources_selection_class' for controlling CSS class in dropdown element of booking resource selections ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Update booking hash during moving booking to trash or restore bookings, for do not ability to edit or cancel such bookings by visitor ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Add ability to use only labels in shortcode for showing one payment method (its works only with these exact options): [select payment-method "All payment methods@@" "Stripe" "PayPal" "Authorize.Net" "Sage Pay" "Bank Transfer" "Pay in Cash" "iPay88" "iDEAL"] ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Ability to activate updating booking cost after editing booking in admin panel, based on new booking data. You can activate this option at the Booking > Settings > Payment page ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Deprecated. Removing deprecated Stripe v.1 integration. Now available only Stripe v.3 integration that support SCA ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Show payment description about the booking in Stripe dashboard in Metadata section for Stripe v.3 integration ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of showing negative balance hint, during using deposit feature with zero cost ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing available results in "Advanced search results" (while using the shortcode like this [additional_search "3"] at the Booking > Settings > Search page), and if dates in some resources was marked as unavailable via season filters. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing available results, when searching only for 1 specific day (check in/out dates the same in availability form), and we have booked (as full day), this day in specific booking resource. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly disabling end time options in select-box ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of slow loading calendar (executing too many sql requests), when season filter was deleted at the Booking > Resources > Filters page, but reference relative (Rates) still exist at Booking > Resources > Cost and rates page. Its means that the Rates was not updated (re-saved) relative specific booking resource at the Booking > Resources > Cost and rates page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of possible showing status of Stripe v.3 payment as successful at the Booking Listing page, even when its was not completed yet. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.6 – [2019-08-19]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Updated new interface of Calendar Overview in admin panel and Timeline at front-end side with new clean, flex design.
    • New. Timeline & Calendar Overview - mobile friendly look.
    • New. Timeline & Calendar Overview - nicely showing several bookings for the same date(s) (dividing day into several rows). For example during bookings for specific times, while showing Month Timeline view.
    • New. Timeline & Calendar Overview - very handy hints for each day of booking, when mouse over specific booking day.
    • New. Timeline & Calendar Overview - aggregated booking details title marked with different color for easy finding and checking how many bookings in specific date(s).
    • New. Timeline & Calendar Overview - ability to restore old Timeline look at Booking > Settings General page in Timeline section.
    • New. Settings section "Calendar Overview | Timeline" at Booking > Settings General page (
    • New. Button "Empty Trash" at Booking Listing page in Action toolbar to completely delete All bookings from Trash (
    • Translation. French translation [100% completed] by Philippe Nowak and Alain Pruvost
    • Translation. Hungarian translation [99% completed] by Vincze István
    • Improvement More clean colors for booking details at the Booking Listing page (
    • Improvement Added [add_to_google_cal_url] - shortcode in "Approved booking" email template for fast manual adding of booking to Google Calendar (
    • Fix. Issue of blocking entire day, if in booking form was used start time and end or duration of time fields and visitor use multiple days selection mode, and all start time options for specific day was booked. In multiple day selection mode its incorrect, because user can start days selection at available day, and finish selection with end time at this partially booked day, where no available start-time. Now system block such dates only during single day selection mode. (
    • Fix. Disable send button, after submit booking, for prevent of several same bookings (
    • Fix. Issue of not showing bookings that start from 'yesterday' date at Booking Listing page, when selecting 'Current dates' in Filter toolbar. (
    • Fix. Issue of not showing bookings that start from 'today' date at Booking Listing page, when selecting 'Past dates' in Filter toolbar. (
    • Under Hub. Added useful hook for Auto approve bookings only for specific booking resources: apply_filters( 'wpbc_get_booking_resources_arr_to_auto_approve', $booking_resources_to_approve );. Add code similar to this in your functions.php file in your theme, or in some other php file: function my_wpbc_get_booking_resources_arr_to_auto_approve( $resources_to_approve ) { $resources_to_approve = array( 1, 9, 12, 33 ); return $resources_to_approve; } add_filter( 'wpbc_get_booking_resources_arr_to_auto_approve', 'my_wpbc_get_booking_resources_arr_to_auto_approve' ); (
    • Under Hub. Added useful hook for Google Adwords Conversion tracking: do_action( 'wpbc_track_new_booking', $params ); How to use this hook? Add code similar to this in your functions.php file in your theme, or in some other php file: add_action( 'wpbc_track_new_booking', 'my_booking_tracking' ); function my_booking_tracking( $params ){ ?><?php } (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to export only approved bookings into .ics feeds. Available in Booking Manager plugin since 2.0.11 or newer update. (
    • New. Do not update cost of booking, while editing this booking. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement New Flex Template for search form - more nice CSS style for search form and search results ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not ability to submit the booking for additional calendar(s), if used booking form with several calendars and was not selected date(s) in main calendar ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not showing booking resource in search availability results, if resource was booked for specific time-slot on specific date, where we search availability. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of showing default booking resource instead of "All booking resources" for Regular user in MultiUser version at the Booking Listing and Calendar Overview pages, while was set show "All resources" at the Booking > Settings General page. ( (MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of prevent loading Stripe v.3 at some systems, where PHP version lower than PHP 5.4 ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of "not auto selecting dates" during editing/cancellation of the booking by visitor, and not updating cost / dates hints in some systems. Conflict with "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not showing warning message about not checked checkbox, during validation required checkboxes that have several options and one option was checked. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not submitting booking for additional calendars (if using several calendars and one booking form), if payment form does not show for such bookings ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not showing as booked dates in calendar, that relative to change-over days, while activated "Allow unlimited bookings per same day(s)" option. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing additional cost hints for options, that was defined as percentage at the Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Do not send emails, if was empty email field (its possible in situation, when in booking form several email fields for several persons), otherwise was showing error ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Start using "choozen" library for selection of booking resources just during page loading (because library loaded in head), instead of using after full page loaded. Its prevent issue of showing wide selectbox during page loading. (
    • Under Hub. Ability to define rechecking cost with PayPal tax during response of PayPal IPN. Require of adding function like this: function my_wpbc_paypal_ipn_tax( $paypal_tax_percent ){ return 20; } add_filter( 'wpbc_paypal_ipn_tax', 'my_wpbc_paypal_ipn_tax' ); ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hub. More easy find lost bookings (in booking resource(s) that have been deleted). Now, its show only lost bookings. Use link like this: http://server/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpbc&wh_booking_type=lost ) ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hub. Show only one payment system after booking process, if visitor selected payment system in booking form. Example: of shortcode for showing selection of payment forms: Select payment method: [select payment-method "All payment methods@@" "Stripe@@stripe_v3" "PayPal@@paypal" "Authorize.Net@@authorizenet" "Sage Pay@@sage" "Bank Transfer@@bank_transfer" "Pay in Cash@@pay_cash" "iPay88@@ipay88" "iDEAL@@ideal"] P.S. This solution was suggested by "Dan Brown". Thank you. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser) – [2019-05-30]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix. Issue in some WordPress installtions of showing several times 'Welcome to Booking Calendar' menu items in dashboard. – [2019-05-30]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix only in Booking Calendar Free version. Show options "Force import" (ability to import bookings without checking) and "Trash all imported bookings before new import" in all versions of plugin.

8.5.1 – [2019-05-29]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation Spanish translation [100% completed] by Enrique Ferrater
    • Improvement On error in filling booking form fields, scroll only to first field with error. ( )
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Search imported UID (from external .ics feed) or by keyword in notes (which entered by user) at Booking Listing page by entering keyword in Filter toolbar. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of showing Stripe payment button (integration v.3) during payment request to visitor. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.5 – [2019-05-24]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation Slovenian translation [99% completed] by Klemen Gaber
    • Translation Romanian translation [99% completed] by Silviu Nita
    • Translation Dutch translation [99% completed] by Boris Hoekmeijer
    • Translation German translation [99% completed] by Dominik Ziegler
    • New Force import. Ability to import bookings without checking, if such bookings already have been imported. Activate this option at Booking > Settings > Sync > "General" page. Available in the Booking Manager 2.0.10 or newer. (
    • Improvement Booking Calendar does not require 'jquery-migrate' library, as obligatory library anymore. Its means that plugin can work with latest jQuery versions (like 3.4.1) just in strait way, without additional libraries. (
    • Improvement Changed color of "Imported" label for bookings in Booking Listing page (
    • Improvement Show "Do you really want to do this ?" popup, when admin try to Trash or Delete booking in Calendar Overview page (
    • Improvement Show button "Find Lost Bookings" at the Booking Settings General page in Help section, for ability to show all exist bookings, and find possible some lost bookings. (
    • Fix. Issue of not working "Read All" button (issue was exist in updates 8.4.5, 8.4.6. (
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing months scroll in calendar at some iPads (
    • Fix. Issue of not showing bookings for "Today" date in Booking Listing page, when bookings was made for entire date. (
    • Fix. Issue of showing bookings, that was made during "Today" date in Booking Listing page. Previously system was show some bookings, that was made yesterday, as well. (
    • Fix. Warnings in PHP 7.2 relative INI directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and removed since PHP 5.4 (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Highlight and code syntax for booking form configuration at Booking > Settings > Form page, and show warnings about possible issues. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Highlight and code syntax for search form and search results form configuration at Booking > Settings > Search page, and show warnings about possible issues. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Update of Stripe Integration via "Checkout Server" method, which use "Strong Customer Authentication" (SCA) - a new rule coming into effect on September 14, 2019 as part of PSD2 regulation in Europe, will require changes to how your European customers authenticate online payments. (
    • New. Approve booking in 1 mouse click on link in email about new booking sending to Administrator. Even without requirement to login to WordPress admin panel. Its require to use [click2approve] shortcode at Booking > Settings > Emails > New (admin) page. (
    • New. Decline booking in 1 mouse click on link in email about new booking sending to Administrator. Even without requirement to login to WordPress admin panel. Its require to use [click2decline] shortcode at Booking > Settings > Emails > New (admin) page. (
    • New. Trash booking in 1 mouse click on link in email about new booking sending to Administrator. Even without requirement to login to WordPress admin panel. Its require to use [click2trash] shortcode at Booking > Settings > Emails > New (admin) page. (
    • New. Ability to define sort order of search availability results at the Booking > Settings > Search page. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Experimental Feature. Trash all imported bookings before new import. Move all previously imported bookings to trash before new import bookings. Its can resolve issue of updating deleted and edited events in external sources. Activate this option at Booking > Settings > Sync > "General" page. Its work only, if you are using one source (.ics feed) for importing into specific booking resource! Work only in update of Booking Manager 2.0.10 or newer. (
    • Improvement. Checking for seasonal availability in "child booking resources" during submitting booking for booking resource with specific capacity. If you have set unavailable dates in child booking resource via season filters, system will not save bookings in this child booking resource. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Set as unavailable the end time fields options, depend from selected date with booked timeslots ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Added autocomplete Off to the search form fields, to prevent of showing tooltips in search fields. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ..\multiuser.php on line 558 ( (MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing of users in Booking > Settings > Users page in WordPress MU installation ( (MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue with Stripe payment, when "Subject" have too long description with dates to book. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Translation issue of 'Completed' payment status ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing of showing dates instead of titles of booking resources in Timeline, when some Regular user was logged in and try to scroll timeline ( (MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing Notice: Undefined offset: 9 in ../inc/_bl/wpbc-search-availability.php on line 689 ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not updating cost by making booking at Booking > Add booking page, while using [cost_correction] shortcode in the booking form ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not showing change over days in calendar for single booking resource (capacity = 1), where maximum number of visitors > 1 ( (Business Large, MultiUser)

8.4.6 – [2019-02-21]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix Issue of not showing bookings in timeline during scrolling to next dates periods (issue was exist only in previous 8.4.5 update) (

8.4.5 – [2019-02-16]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation Slovenian translation [100% completed] by Klemen Gaber
    • Translation. Italian translation [99% completed] by Vittoria Toso
    • Translation. German translation [99% completed] by Vittoria Toso
    • Improvement. Show warning messages only once, near required fields, that was not filled, and do not generate several warning messages, if clicked Send booking form button several times. (
    • Improvement. Show label 'Imported' for bookings, that was imported from .ics feeds, at Booking Listing page (
    • Fix. Issue during clicking on "import events from google calendar" and getting error "Warning. A non-numeric value encountered in /core/lib/wpbc-cron.php" (
    • Fix. Issue of opening popover in timelines at top direction instead of bottom, which in some cases reason of not showing all booking details. (
    • Fix. Authenticated SQL Injection Vulnerability (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to deactivate by default option "Send email" at Add Booking page. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to deactivate by default option "Send email" at Booking Listing page ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to skip checking availability of new booking resource during changing booking resource of exist booking at Booking Listing page. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Compatibility. Add ability to use URLs in different languages via [lang=LOCALE] shortcode. For example in return URL after successful payment. ( ( Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Set as unavailable days in calendar after page loaded, if all timeslots was booked for specfic date and if you was used the "conditional seasonal times" logic. Previosly these dates was showing as partially booked dates. ( ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of showing warning messages for required fields, when clicked Back button to calendar "step", if was used several steps booking form (wizard form) configuration. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not loading JS / CSS files and getting error at the Search Results page, if was activated this option "Load JS and CSS files only on specific pages" at the Booking > Settings General page ( ( Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of showing "Duplicate booking" button, during editing booking by visitors, who made the booking at front-end side. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Warning: Illegal string offset 'booking_hash' ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of in booking customer listing shortcode in timeline during cancellation of booking and going back ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue Uncaught TypeError: myURLParams[myParam].split is not a function at setDaySelectionsInCalendar ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue Uncaught TypeError: inst.dates[date_index].getFullYear is not a function ( Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.4.4 – [2019-01-15]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix Showing warning in PHP 7.1 during clicking on Booking System Info button at Booking > Settings General page (
    • Fix Showing error warning in PHP 7.2: "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function wpbm_recheck_plugin_locale(), 1 passed and exactly 2 expected in .." (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Compatibility. Authorize.Net is phasing out the MD5 based transHash element in favor of the SHA-512 based transHashSHA2 (at end of January 2019). That's why previous "Transaction Key" and "MD5 Hash value" for "Relay Response" functionality is not valid anymore in Authorize.Net. Instead of that you need to generate new "Signature Key" at Authorize.Net, and save it to Booking Calendar settings at Booking > Settings > Payment > Authorize.Net page. ( ( Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Shortcode [estimate_night_cost_hint] for booking form at Booking > Settings > Form page, which is show estimate cost per day, using this formula: [cost_hint] / [nights_number_hint] ( ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Warning: number_format() expects at most 4 parameters, 5 given in ../inc/gateways/page-gateways.php on line 1299. This issue was existing in updates: 8.3.2 - 8.4.3 (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser) (
    • Fix. Replace JavaScript code, which exist in the "Wizard (several steps)" form template at the Booking > Settings > Form page from inline code to the ../js/client.js file. Its prevent from some issues of inserting Google Ads. (
    • Fix. Issue of not showing warning message, if was not selected date(s) in calendar, if was used several steps booking form (wizard form) configuration. (
    • Fix. Issue of not ability to use conditional days selection (which is defined in option paramater of plugin shortcode) for "range days selection mode using 1 mouse click", if in condition for weekdays was set selection for 1 day only. ( ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Add one additional date, during booking editing, if activated option "Set check out date as available" (

8.4.3 – [2018-11-28]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation. Dutch translation [100% completed] by Boris Hoekmeijer
    • Fix issue of not ability to add Booking Calendar blocks, because of error: "TypeError: wp.editor is undefined" in WordPress 5.0 or in WordPress 4.9.9 together with Gutenberg Version 4.5.1, during adding new Booking Calendar blocks in post/page. (
    • Fix CSS loyout in WordPress 5.0 for new blocks editor in Chrome browser (

8.4.2 – [2018-11-19]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation. Finnish translation [99% completed] by Tero Janhunen
    • Translation. German translation [99% completed] by Martin Klewer
    • Support Fix compatibility with Gutenberg 4.1- 4.3( or newer ). Before this having JavaScript error " ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined" at edit post page, because of weird behavior with 'edit_form_advanced' hook, while activated Gutenberg. (
    • Support Additional help info about import .ics feed by set up CRON script at your server for "pseudo" automatic import of events. (
    • Fix issue of checkboxes and radio buttons height in new Firefox updates in admin panel, otherwise sometimes, there exist weird artefact (
    • Fix issue of not ability to save time-slots in Booking Calendar Free version or during using Simple mode for booking form, when clicking on "+Add New Field" nothing was happend.(
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Duplicate Booking, when clicking on "Edit booking" button in Booking Listing page. Its useful, in case of creation of new booking from returning customer. So you can edit exist booking, and just reselect dates in calendar, for creation new booking with all filled details. ( Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • New. Shortcode [estimate_day_cost_hint] for booking form at Booking > Settings > Form page, which is show estimate cost per day, using this formula: [cost_hint] / [days_number_hint] ( Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Improvement Show timeslots in AM/PM format in Booking Listing and in email template (shortcode [content}), if was configured used AM/PM time format at the Booking > Settings General page. (
    • Improvement Add Notes section of booking to print layout during printing. ( Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Improvement During cancellation of booking by visitor, disable all booking form fields for showing only cancel booking button. ( Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue of not changing booking HASH during deleting booking by user, who made the booking. ( Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue of showing times popover hint in some themes in widgetes ( Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue of showing currency symbols in booking pipeline in Timeline and in Calendar Overview pages, for example, while showing additional cost hints or booking cost in booking pipeline ( Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue of not ability to add additional cost for the rangetime, if times format was set as AM/PM ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Under Hood Ability to ncustomize of showing cost/days hints, just after first click on days, if activated "range days selection mode using 2 mouse clicks". You can customiaze it at ../inc/js/biz_m.js file / by replacing is_show_cost_after_first_click = ! true; to is_show_cost_after_first_click = true; / (

8.4.1 – [2018-09-29]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to validate booking field as Phone number, or even any Digit number field that support only specific number of digits to enter. Its require to configure shortcode in booking form field with CSS class like validate_digit_8 or validate_digit_10 Example: [text phone class:validate_digit_8] ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to validate field as Digit number. Configuration at Booking > Settings > Form page require CSS class for field shortcode: validate_as_digit Example: [text dignum class:validate_as_digit] ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to validate field as Date. Configuration at Booking > Settings > Form page require CSS class for field shortcode: validate_as_date Example: [text mydate class:validate_as_date] Valid values: 09-25-2018, 09/25/2018, 09-25-2018, 31-9-1918 e.g: m/d/Y, m.d.Y, m-d-Y, d/m/Y, d.m.Y, d-m-Y ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement More clever workflow of checking required fields and other form fields validation, if using "Wizard (several steps)" form template. Showing warning messages, just after clicking Next or Previous step buttons, instead of showing theme at Submit of booking form. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing Stripe payment form during payment request. (Update 8.4 had issue of not ability to show Stripe payment form during payment request) ( ( Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.4 – [2018-09-23]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Support Gutenberg editor. New Booking Calendar blocks for integration with new Gutenberg editor in posts and pages. ( )
    • New. New Booking Calendar Blocks of Gutenberg editor, which support integration of 'Booking Form', 'Availability Calendar', 'Timeline', 'Selection of booking resources', 'Customer listing of previous bookings', 'Search form', 'Search results', 'Booking form only', 'Booking edit shortcode', 'Showing title of booking resource' ( )
    • Translation. Finish translation [99% completed] by by Tero Janhunen
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement Showing booking detaes selection in dates hints ([selected_short_dates_hint] and [selected_short_timedates_hint]) for additional calendars, if was used 2 or more calendars in one form ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement During CSV Export show trash status of booking in exported file ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Do not show cost and payment status in mouse over tooltip in Calendar Overview page and in Timelines, if the cost of booking = 0. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Redirect visitor to the home page, when visitor cancel own booking after showing message "The booking has been canceled successfully" ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Save expoted .csv file to new 'wpbc_csv' (safer) folder. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of incorrectly showing Stripe payment form for additional calendars, if in the booking form was used 2 or more calendars of different booking resources. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Send email about cancellation of booking if was activated this option "Disable bookings in different booking resources", which is means that all reserved days must be at same booking resource otherwise error message will show and decline email will send. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing warning message in non English language, if was activated option "Disable bookings in different booking resources", which is means that all reserved days must be at same booking resource otherwise error message will show. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of correctly showing total and deposit cost in "Bank transfer" payment system, if was activated option "Show deposit and total booking cost together" ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Issue of not ability to submit booking form ONLY (without calendar), if was defined range days selection mode, and booking form have some hints shortcodes. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing "Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in .../wpbc-m-costs.php on line 166" ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Showing warning in situation, if amount to pay lower than supporting by Stripe, instead of getting "Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe API" on response page from Stripe payment system ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.3.2 – [2018-07-27]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Set pending days as available in booking form. You can receive as many bookings as you need to and stop receiving bookings on specific date(s), when you approve some booking on specific date(s). ( )
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix Show pending days as available in search results during searching availability, if activated "Set pending days as available" option. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Correct showing booking costs, if the cost was higher than 1000. Especially this issue was in search results during search availability, if in search form was used [cost_hint] shortcode. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.3.1 – [2018-07-23]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation Polish translation [100% completed] by R.
    • Fix comment loading "wpbc-migrate.js" script which can make issues in some systems ( depend from jQuery library) (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix Add ability to use 24:00 time in the time-slots, for ability to book entire day (00:00 - 24:00), and correct cost calculation. Such fix will prevent of showing warning message about not ability to submit the booking, because time booked or already in the past. (
    • Fix issue of correctly checking if the booking approved or not during payment process. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.3 – [2018-07-21]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Timeslots bookings ! On many requests of users we have added ability to receive simple bookings for specific timeslots (times during selected day). Advanced times booking is still available in the Booking Calendar Business Small or higher versions.
    • New Simple configuration of timeslots selection in booking form at the Booking > Settings > Form page via Sortable times table. Advanced configuration of times is still available in the Booking Calendar Business Small or higher versions.
    • New Fast configuration of booking form with predefined timeslots seletion for 1 hour, 2 hours, 30 minutes, 15 minutes or 5 minutes time intervals.
    • New Ability to not change background color for partially booked days. Show partially booked days with same background as in legend item. Partially booked days, which was booked for the specific time-slot(s).(
    • Improvement process "unread" bookings in database when using the "read all" feature only for bookings with "unread" status (
    • Improvement only for Booking Calendar Free version show times in AM/PM fomrat or other depend from time format at the WordPress > Settings > General page (
    • Under Hood Added new wpbc-migrate.js script for ability to use jQuery.browser property for support some legacy JavaScript files (basically its needed for do not use jquery-migrate script in a future). Updated to load jquery-migrate to version 1.4.1, if WordPess was not loaded it. (
    • Translation Turkish translation [100% completed] by Basar Okke
    • Translation German translation [100% completed] by Basar Okke
    • Translation Danish translation [100% completed] by Claus Kofoed Nielsen
    • Translation Dutch translation [100% completed] by Boris Hoekmeijer
    • Translation Greek translation [100% completed] by Ilias Moutzouris
    • Translation Hungarian translation [100% completed] by István Vincze
    • Translation Bulgarian translation [100% completed] by Martin Dimitrov
    • Fix conflict with theme 'the7' ( )
    • Fix conflict issue in some themes that load fontello css file and broke icons in Booking Calendar admin panel (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Early booking discount. Apply discount, if difference between "today" and "check in" day MORE than X days ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Last minute booking discount. Apply discount, if difference between "today" and "check in" day LESS than X days ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to save using "simple booking form" from Booking > Settings > Form page by checking checkbox in top toolbar. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Showing dates placeholders in search form in check in/out fields ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to edit and cancel even approved bookings, if used [bookingcustomerlisting ...] shortcode. Usefull for GDPR. (
    • Improvement Ability to use in email templates additional shortcodes, like [pay_status], [remark] ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Showing in the booking list page the Payment status with payment description, like PayPal:Ok. Useful, in case if was activated several payment gateways. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Prevent of showing warning message, if was activated "Set capacity based on number of visitors" option and we are having timeslot booking for single booking resource (
    • Fix Showing correct cost in [cost_hint] shortcode, the same cost as its willl be showing in payment form (cost minus one day), if was activated this option "Set check out date as available" at the Booking > Settings General page. Please note, in this case, you will need to activate the cost per 1 day at the Booking > Settings > Payment page (cost per 1 night in this case, have no sense). (
    • Fix correct rounding of cost during saving to DB and showing in payment forms (sometimes its was show 3 decimal points in payment form, istead of 2, if was set so in the Booking > Settings > Payment page ) ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing notices in some PHP versions, during editing bookings, if form customization was changed after saving booking ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix scrolling links in "multi step" booking form customization, when clicking on "Back to step 1" button ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix mistake in code relative to booking hash. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix additional checking of not sending duplicated emails, and possible issue of having double emails in Subject of email (sending copy to admin) during approving booking, if in booking form was verification second email field. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not marked as unavailable some dates in calendar, if using option "Unavailable time before / after booking" Together with "start" and "end times" in booking form ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of checking only about numbers in search form, if was configured to TRUE this constant WP_BK_CHECK_LESS_THAN_PARAM_IN_SEARCH ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of incorrectly showing order of times in mouse over tooltip, if start and end times the same for 2 different timeslots in the same day. (
    • Fix issue of incorrectly showing deposit hint if was selected days starting from Today date( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not working buttons at the editor toolbar in edit posts/pages, when all booking resources was deleted ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix show booking cost in [cost_hint] shortcode in booking form for booking form (only) shortcode in page/post ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of incorrectly working feature "Set check out date as available" for booking resources with specific capacity ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of correctly showing amount to pay in JPY currency for Stripe payment gateway (divided to 100, because no "cents" here) ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of decreasing usage of coupon codes, if the coupon code was entered with CAPITAL letters. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not showing booking details near each specific timeslots, if was booked several days in calendar, if was activated option "Use time selections as recurrent time slots" and also activated this option "Show booking details in tooltip", as well ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hood Ability to set as available check out days of bookings in Timeline and in Calendar Overview page, if the booking was made by using change/over days or if was made for specific time-slots! P.S. Need to uncomment specific line: ( FixIn: ) (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.2 – [2018-04-11]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation Danish translation [96% completed] by Claus Kofoed Nielsen
    • Translation Italian translation [97% completed] by Gabriele Dorigo
    • Translation Swedish translation [97% completed] by Daniel Wajander
    • Improvement During clicking on "Add to Google Calendar" button in Booking Listing page, export to "Event Description" field all "Booking details" data, instead of one field (
    • Improvement Showing long Url(s) of website at the Booking > Settings > Sync > "Export - .ics" page with truncation (
    • Improvement Ability to dismiss News / Video guides / Support / Upgrade sections in Information section at settings page ( )
    • Improvement Ability to restore all dismissed windows by clicking on 'Restore all dismissed windows' at Booking > Settings General page ( )
    • Improvement Show warning at Booking > Settings > Sync > "Export - .ics" page if PHP mbstring extension not installed. (
    • Fix showing \n symbols in (New booking / Edit bookings) emails, instead of new lines for values from textareas (
    • Fix conflict with "cs icons manager" plugin (relative not showing icons in Booking Calendar interface) (
    • Fix PHP Notice: Undefined variable: mofile_local_short (
    • Fix Function create_function() is deprecated for widgets scripts. (
    • Fix Fix not sending emails, when move booking to Trash or Completely Delete booking, and if the "Emails sending" checkbox was unticked at Booking Listing page or in Calendar Overview page (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Customers can view own bookings in listing at front-end side of your website. The view similar to Timeline view, but in such view is listing only own bookings of specific customer. Customer scroll timeline to find own previous or future bookings. Customer can have ability to edit, cancel or make payment for "pending bookings" in such view. (
    • New shortcode for posts and pages [bookingcustomerlisting type='3,4,1,5,6,7,8,9,2,10,11,12' header_title='My bookings' ]. Usage the same as for [bookingtimeline ...] shortcode. Listing own bookings for visitor(s) who made the booking. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New shortcode [visitorbookingslisting] for email templates - inserting link to the page where visitor can see listing of own bookings ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Show booking details in tooltip in calendar, when mouse over day with times booking. It appear only for bookings for booked timeslots. You can activate and configure what to show in tooltip at the Booking > Settings General page in Calendar section ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to use arithmetic expressions at Advanced costs. Its useful, when you are having checkbox, and need to apply additional cost depend from other selected option. For example, add breakfast cost depend from selected visitors number. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to use multiple custom booking forms for activated regular users in MultiUser version. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to show payment form only in payment request during sending from Booking Listing page and do not show payment form after visitor made the booking. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to auto send payment request for bookings, that was made in admin panel at Booking > Add booking page. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to show deposit amount and total booking cost, after submit of booking. Please note, at admin panel for booking will be saved deposit cost and notes about deposit, do not depend from the visitor choice of this payment. You need to check each such payment manually! ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to auto approve of all bookings during import from external source(s). ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to approve of booking, when cost of booking is zero. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to auto approve of booking, if booking was made in admin panel. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to set check out date as available, remove last selected day of saving to booking. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to activate sending email on cost changes. Send booking modification email, if cost of booking was edited in booking listing page. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to define start and end times for showing cells in Calendar Overview page in admin panel for 1 day view mode ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to set notes section of the specific booking visible by default ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Adding check in/out times to imported bookings, if in Booking Calendar was activated "change over" functionality and activated this option at the Booking > Settings > Sync page. Available in Booking Manager 2.0.5 or newer. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to add one additional day to .ics event (useful in some cases for bookings with change-over days). Possible to activate this option at the Booking > Settings > Sync page. Available in Booking Manager 2.0.5 or newer. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Default values after activation of plugin changed to "Do not show days number in calendar legend items", "Set showing availability in mouse over tooltips" (
    • Improvement Ability to hide Upgrade sections (
    • Improvement Ability to use aggregate parameter in the booking resources selection shortcode [bookingselect ... ] (
    • Under Hood Add ability to reset custom booking forms, if some error, appear during creation of new custom forms at the Booking > Settings > Form page, and show white screen. Need to use specific link to reset it. (
    • Fix showing cost sum in hint relative specific single item from Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page, if was selected 2 or more options (in checkboxes) with the same name, that have additional cost ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not closing booking form during cancellation of booking by visitor, who made cancellation of booking for child booking resource ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not showing "Advanced cost" for required radio buttons at the Booking \ Resources \ Advanced cost page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix checking other plugins, that can use the same Stripe payment library. For preventing this error "PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Stripe\Stripe in ../gateways/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Stripe.php on line 11 ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix prevent of adding new child booking resources after activation of plugin. Issue was existing during update of plugin just after activation new version of plugin from. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of rounding booking cost to second point after comma during cost calculation ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix showing times in header at Calendar Overview page in AM/PM format, if such time format was defined at the Booking > Settings General page ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.1.2 – [2018-02-12]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New enable sending copy of email(s) to additional addresses (admin@, sales@, others@) for each email templates: Pending, Approved, Trash, Delete, Modified, Payment request
    • Translation Portugal translation [99% completed] by Roberto Di Martino
    • Translation German translation [99% completed] by Dominik Ziegler
    • Improvement Added exception for Polylang plugin in loading translation locale. Its will force to load locale of Polylang plugin, if it activated. (
    • Improvement Reload page with booking form after submit of booking and showing "thank you" message. (
    • Fix showing "PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$remark in ~/wp-content/plugins/booking/core/admin/page-email-approved.php" (
    • Fix Do not send "Approved" email, if the booking was restored from Trash (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New shortcode in search form at Booking > Settings > Search page, [booking_resource_id] - inserting ID of booking resource ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New shortcode in search form at Booking > Settings > Search page, [booking_resource_post_id] - inserting ID of page with booking form ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to use coupon codes, that have higher value for discount than total booking cost. In this cost booking cost just = 0. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Check if booking approved or not during IPN request from PayPal or other payment system, and do not approve booking if its already approved. Its prevent from sending 2 approved emails. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Change default sorting for booking resources from "descending" by "ID" field to "ascending" by field "Title" ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Set default sorting for booking resources as "ascending" by field "priority" in Booking Calendar Business Large or higher versions ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Wizard booking form template. Now possible to have several booking forms "step by step wizard" at the same page. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hood Added ability to activate showing partialy booked dates (bookings for specific timeslots) as in legend item (available dates with clock icon). For having this feature, you need to chnage false to true in client.js file near this mark: ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Correctly export currency symbols during exporting to CSV files, while using [cost_hint] (or similar) shortcodes in booking form ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of showing costs, in calendar days cells and mouseover tooltips, if was activated currency format with space ( ) (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of not showing available dates if actiavted option 'Allow unlimited bookings per same day(s)' for parent booking resources with specific capacity ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Showing warning messages on the site, when the editing link for the appointment: "Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Save info about "verified email" field, for inserting this data during editing the booking ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

8.1.1 – [2018-01-05]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Settings > Sync > "General" page, where possible to define Timezone and assigning form fields for events (its was moved from "Import Google Calendar Events" page, because these settings also apply for .ics feeds import / export functionality ) (8.1.10)
    • Translation Dutch translation [100% completed] by Boris Hoekmeijer
    • Translation Slovenian translation [100% completed] by Klemen G
    • Translation Finnish translation [100% completed] by Matti Helin
    • Translation Thai translation [100% completed] by Newage Keys
    • Translation Swedish translation [100% completed] by Mikael Göransson
    • Fix showing notice warning in some selectboxes at the settings during editing of some options (8.1.2)
    • Fix removing self closing tag for the textarea and selectbox. Can generate an issue in some systems (issue was only in the Booking Calendar Free version). (
    • Fix showing: "Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in .../wpbc-class-timeline.php on line 749 Notice" at some servers. (8.1.6)
    • Fix Issue of showing "unnamed-file.ics" file, if in export relative URL was set term likes "ics" (8.1.9)
    • Fix Issue of showing link in Timeline in header of dates number (8.1.13)
    • Improvement Updated all links from http to https of plugin website.
    • Under Hood New constant. WP_BK_AUTO_APPROVE_IF_ADD_IN_ADMIN_PANEL - Auto approve booking, if booking added in admin panel
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Ability to use simple booking form customization from Booking Calendar Free version at the Booking > Settings > Form page. You can activate this option at the Booking > Settings General page in form section. (8.1.12) (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Show warning "Stripe require CURL library in your PHP", if curl have not installed (8.1.1) (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement New default payment form template with predefined US country selection and US states at the Booking > Settings > Form page (8.1.5) (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix conflict with paid versions of Booking Calendar with "Gravity Forms" plugin, if in "Gravity Forms" plugin was used "masked input" field(s). In this case in Booking Calendar will not work masked input for start/end times text field. Its will be used as standard text inputs. (8.1.5)
    • Fix Removing all new lines from booking details during exporting to CSV file, otherwise its can break CSV template (8.1.3) (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of not showing PayPal ipn verified email at the Booking > Settings > Payment > PayPal page (after activation of this option) (8.1.4) (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of not ability to select booking resources at the Calendar Overview page. Its was reseting to all resources. (8.1.7) (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of correct replacing shortcodes: [visitorbookingediturl url='some_url'], [visitorbookingcancelurl url='some_url'], [visitorbookingpayurl url='some_url'], if was used severeal languges and in English languge was used this shortcode without URL parameter. (8.1.8) (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Ability to search booking resources in sub tab pages (for example at the Booking > Settings > Sync > "Import Google Calendar Events" page ) (8.1.11) (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hood New constant. WP_BK_AUTO_SEND_PAY_REQUEST_IF_ADD_IN_ADMIN_PANEL - Auto send payment request, if booking was added in admin panel, and WP_BK_AUTO_APPROVE_IF_ADD_IN_ADMIN_PANEL == true

8.1 – [2017-11-05]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Ability to define different structures of booking forms at Booking > Settings > Form page: "Vertical", "Side by side", "Centered", "Dark"
    • New Ability to insert modification/creation date or (Year, month, day, hours, minutes or seconds) of booking into email templates or in payment summary
    • Improvement Improve admin UI styles in Chrome browser, by setting more sleek view of UI elements (
    • Improvement Export to .ics feed bookings, that does not inside of Trash folder (
    • Translation Spanish translation [100% completed] by Martin Romero
    • Translation Galician (Spanish) translation [100% completed] by Martin Romero
    • Fix showing booking listing correctly for "next 1 month" without bookings, that include past ("yesterday day") bookings (
    • Fix force to load jquery-migrate in case, if we do not know the version of jQuery which was loaded. (
    • Fix issue of showing warning "parsererror ~ SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data" during import process, when some bookings already was imported (
    • Fix add support of Apache 2.4 directives relative captcha saving.
    • Fix issue of showing warning: "Email different from website DNS, its can be a reason of not delivery emails" at Booking > Settings > Emails page, in case if website DNS starting with "www." ot some other sub-domain. (
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Integration with Stripe payment gateway. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Shortcode for showing check out date plus one additional day: [check_out_plus1day_hint] at Booking > Settings > Form page. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix showing correctly change-over days (triangles), when inserted only "availability calendar", without booking form ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix ability to use symbol / in placeholders in booking form fields shortcodes at Settings Form page ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix correctly showing single and double quotes (' and ") symbols in textarea during editing booking ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not saving changes during editing, if you try to search some booking resource (or other item), and this booking resource was not at the 1st page (during usual listing) ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of incorrect cost calculation, during editing booking, when selected days from 1 to 9 and used some rates. Issue relative of not using leading 0 in textarea. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing coupon discount description, does not depend from uppercase or lowercase of entered coupon code ( (Business Large, MultiUser)

8.0.1 – [2017-10-12]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix issue of not ability to approve / decline bookings in Safari browser (
    • Fix Set url escaping by default in wpbc_get_params_in_url (

8.0 – [2017-09-03]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Sync bookings between different sources easily via .ics feeds
    • New Native integration with our Booking Manager plugin for ability to import/export .ics feeds or files
    • New Import .ics feeds via shortcodes at pages. It gives a great flexibility to import .ics feeds from different sources (like Airbnb,, HomeAway, TripAdvisor, VRBO, FlipKey or any other calendar that uses .ics format) into same booking resource.
    • New Define different parameters in import shortcode, for example, you can set "start from" and "finish to" date condition or maximum number of items to import or import only events for available dates in exist calendar, etc...
    • New Confgure custom ULRs at setting page for export bookings to .ics feeds/files
    • Translation Finnish translation [98% completed] by Teemu Valkeapää
    • Translation Chinese (Taiwan) translation [98% completed] by Howdy Lee
    • Translation Dutch translation [98% completed] by Alex Rabayev and Iris Schuster
    • Translation Norwegian translation [98% completed] by Bjørn Kåre Løland
    • Translation Brazilian Portuguese translation [98% completed] by Rafael Rocha
    • Improvement New setting option for activation showing system debug log, for Beta features. Useful in case, if need to find reason, if something was going wrong. You can activate it at the Booking > Settings General page in Advanced section after clicking on "Show advanced settings of JavaScript loading." ( )
    • Improvement Showing system messages one under other instead of replacing each other in admin panel. Its possible to hide top one and see previous notices (
    • Improvement Show in "New (visitor)" email (that is sending to the visitor after new booking) the date that is one day previous to the last selected day, by using this shortcode: [check_out_minus1day] (
    • Fix Correctly load custom jQuery via https (in some servers), if website is using SSL ( )
    • Fix Compatibility issue with other plugins, during expand/collapsing sections at settings pages (
    • Fix Additional checking about $_SERVER variables, for preventing of showing "Warning Notices" at some servers ( )
    • Fix Loading correct language, if language was set to English in user profile but in WordPress > General > Settings page was set some other default language ( )
    • Under Hood New API File /{Booking Calendar Folder}/core/wpbc-dev-api.php - well documented list of functions and hooks that possible to use for third-party integrations.
  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New shortcode for showing coupon discount value of the booking: [coupon_discount_hint] at Booking > Settings > Form page (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Discount coupon codes will not depend from symbols lowercase or uppercase. Prevent of saving coupon codes with specific symbols, which can generate issue of not showing discount at payment form. ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Show "blank" bookings with different border color at Calendar Overview page. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Apply "Valuation days" cost settings "For = LAST", even if previous TOGATHER = X% settings was applied. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hood New column in booking resources table for saving export info ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of not showing search results (during searching in same page - ajax request), when using custom fields parameters and selected - "" (which is means "any value") ( ) (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of showing correct number of decimal digits depend from cost format, in calendar days cells and mouseover tooltips ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Do not check about required fields, if the fields are hidded ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of not showing links for booking resources in timeline after scrolling, if using (resource_link) parameter with links in timeline shortcode. ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix "Request-URI Too Long" fatal error at "Calendar Overview" page, when visitor have too many booking resources ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)

7.2 – [2017-06-04]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement New form template with 30 minutes time-slots selection at Booking > Settings > Form page ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to add empty parameter "&booking_hash" to URL in browser at Booking > Add booking page for ability to add bookings for past days ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Improvement Ability to use "Valuation days" cost settings, if activated "Use time selections as recurrent time slots" and set cost "per 1 day" and option "Time impact to cost" deactivated at Booking > Settings > Payment page. Useful, when need to set cost per days, but also save time-slots during booking on several days. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Improvement Ability to use "selected_dates" option in [bookingselect ...] shortcode for showing only booking form for specific predefined date in booking resource selection list. Example of Booking Calendar shortcode:
      [bookingselect type='4,3' label='Please select the resource:' selected_dates='25.11.2017']
      . ( (Business Large, MultiUser
    • New Constant WP_BK_CHECK_IF_CUSTOM_PARAM_IN_SEARCH in wpbc-constants.php file. Check in search results custom fields parameter that can include to multiple selected options in search form. Logical OR ( (Business Large, MultiUser
    • Trick Using in Booking > Resources page parameter "show_all_resources" in browser URL, will show all booking resources, even lost booking resources. Lost booking resources can be, if you was assigned as parent booking resource to single booking resource, itself. ( (Business Large, MultiUser
    • Fix do not show option for ability to select as parent booking resource itself, at Booking > Resources page. Its prevent from generating lost booking resources. ( (Business Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue of not having access in modal windows (like payment request) to enter some data, when opened page with mobile device ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue in Danish translation, which was show warning at Booking > Settings > Payment > Bank transfer page ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue of showing $, instead of $ symbol in the Booking Listing, if was used in "Content of booking fields data" form HINT cost shortcodes ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue of hiding selection of booking resources field after submit of booking ( (Personal Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser
    • Fix issue of not checking (during booking submit process) elements from conditional fields logic, if these fields does not visible. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New New buttons in Booking Listing page for fast manual export (adding) of specific booking to Google Calendar (
    • New Shortcode [add_to_google_cal_url] in email template for sending email to admin for fast manual export (adding) of specific booking to Google Calendar (
    • Translation Danish translation [100% completed] by Daniel Moesgaard
    • Translation Swedish translation [100% completed] by Mikael Göransson
    • Translation Hebrew translation [100% completed] by Alex Rabayev and Iris Schuster
    • Translation Arabic translation [84% completed]
    • Fix some translation issue (
    • Fix issue of showing today bookings in Booking Listing page (
    • Improvement remove today day highlighting in calendar, after loading of page (
    • Fix Renamed Greek translation files from to (booking-el_GR.po to booking-el.po) Its seems that default locale for Greek is 'el' (
    • Fix add possibility to check and load file for 'short' translation locale (like 'en'), if file for 'long' locale (like 'en_US') was not found in translation folder. (

7.1.1 – [2017-04-07]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix issue of Sage Pay payment, if was configured several admin emails separated by comma at Settings Emails page ( Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation German translation [100% completed]
    • Fix Cross-site scripting potential vulnerability in booking form. (Reference issue # CVE-2017-2151)

7.1 – [2017-04-04]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Integration of iDEAL via Sisow payment gateway. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Show change over days as triangles. Beta Feature. Its require showing calendar days cells as square (not rectangle). Width and height of calendar you can define in shortcode options parameter. Supported by: Chrome 36.0+, MS IE 10.0+, Firefox 16.0+, Safari 9.0+, Opera 23.0+ ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to define links for booking resource titles in TimeLine. Example: [bookingtimeline ... options='{resource_link 3="https://beta/resource-apartment3-id3/"},{resource_link 4="https://beta/resource-3-id4/"}' ... ] ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Tip Skip showing rows of booking resource(s) in TimeLine or Calendar Overview, if no any exist booking(s) for current view. For activation this feature you need to add only_booked_resources parameter to the URL. For example: Its have to improve speed of page loading, when we are having too many resources at the page. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to set lower interval (15, 30 or 45 minutes) for auto cancellation pending bookings that have no successfully paid status ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to use aggregate parameter in the [bookingedit] shortcode ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to use in field "From Name" in email templates at Booking - Settings - Emails page different shortcodes from booking form, like [name] [secondname] ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to show in cost_hints negative (discounted) cost for additional items. Previously system set instead of negative value just 0 ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Increase accuracy of rates calculation, if we are having more than 2 digits after comma in rates configurations ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to use HTML tags in popup window during sending payment request and then showing [paymentreason] in email template with HTML formating ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Showing "blank bookings" in Calendar Overview page with different color (red) ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Showing all title for booking resources with long name (longer than 19 symbols) at the Booking Listing page. Previously its was cutted of ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not showing "reason of cancellation" in emails, that are sending after auto-cancellation of pending not successfully paid bookings. ( (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of incorrectly booking cost calculation if setted cost "per 1 night" and previously was used "Valuation days" cost settings for specific booking resource. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Do not apply "LAST" cost option for "Valuation days" if previously was applied "Together" term. No need to apply "LAST", because its have to be already calculated in together term ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Correctly replacing shortcodes with custom URL parameter, like: 'visitorbookingediturl', 'visitorbookingcancelurl', 'visitorbookingpayurl' in email templates. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing notice: "Use of undefined constant WPDEV_BK_LOCALE_RELOAD" in seacrh results ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of start showing timeline in "Day view" starting from Today date based on WordPress timezone. (
    • Fix issue of not showing some bookings, which was made for specific times in 1 day view mode. (
    • Fix issue of saving additional cost at the Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page, if some options have LABELs (options still must be simple words) with umlauts. ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of updating [cost_correction] shortcode, if selecting dates for new booking and not editing exist booking ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of blocking days selection in calendar, when visitor use the search form and manually input dates that lower than minimum number of days selection in settings ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing blank page for printing in Chrome browser ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not changing hash of booking after approving of booking, if this option was activated at settings ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of rechecking booking dates (if activated "Checking to prevent double booking, during submitting booking" option), during booking editing ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not correctly blocking check-out day (showing weird 2 checkout days), if activated "Unavailable time before / after booking" option and set unavailable DAYs after booking ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of wrong deleting booking, if activated option "Disable bookings in different booking resources" during editing booking that try to store in different booking resources ( (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix position of currency symbol in calendar day cells and in mouseover tooltip, depend from settings at Booking > Settings > Payment page ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix replacinng shortcodes in a loop, if we are having several shortcodes with bookingedit{cancel} in email templates (For example, if we have several languges ). (
    • Fix issue of infinite loop, which was exist since update to (
    • Fix issue of not saving data for radio button selection field in emails and may be in booking listing ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hood Trigger event "show_cost_hints" after showing cost or time hints in booking form. To bind this event use this JS: jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).on('show_cost_hints', function(event, bk_type ) { ... } ); ( (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Under Hood Add automatically new payment system, after visit Settings Payment page, if payment system folder and file(s) was created correctly. (, (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Ability to limit times for showing cells in TimeLine for 1 day view mode. In TimeLine shortcode possible to use new parameter: limit_hours='9,22' Where 9 - its 09:00, start hour and 22 - its 22:00, end hour. For example: [bookingtimeline type='1' limit_hours='9,22'] or [bookingtimeline type='1,5' view_days_num=1 limit_hours='10,21'] (
    • New constant WP_BK_TIMILINE_LIMIT_HOURS in wpbc-constants.php file. Limit times for showing cells in Calendar Overview page in admin panel for 1 day view mode. (
    • Improvement additional checking of correct loading popover function to prevent JavaScript error. If visitor disable loading of Bootstrap files or because of some JS conflict, instead of showing JavaScript error system will skip showing popover tooltip when mouse over days in calendar, or when click on booking in timeline. (
    • Improvement added checking about minimum required version of WordPress for using Booking Calendar (
    • Improvement Ability to use [reason] or [approvereason] in Booking > Settings > Emails > Approve email template.
    • Improvement Prepare functionality for removing language folder from plugin in a future, for reducing size of plugin. (
    • Improvement Showing popovers in timeline (calendar overview) only at bottom direction for better looking at mobile devices (
    • Improvement Set color of placeholder text in settings fields lighter. (
    • Improvement Increase time for script execution during initial activation of plugin. (
    • Translation Dutch translation [100% completed]
    • Translation Italian translation [100% completed]
    • Translation German translation [100% completed]
    • Translation French translation [100% completed]
    • Fix Update captcha 1.1 to captcha 1.9, which protect from potensional PHP file inclusion vulnerability ( (Reference issue # CVE-2017-2150)
    • Fix Minimum version of jQuery required as 1.9.1
    • Fix Issue of disabling sending emails during approving or cancellation of bookings at Booking Listing or Calendar Overview pages, when checkbox "Emails sending" unchecked. (
    • Fix Issue of auto import events from Google Calendar into the Booking Calendar (
    • Fix Issue of generating JavaScript errors when user deactivated loading of Bootstrap JS files at Booking Settings General page in Advanced section. Instead of it show warning message or skip showing tooltips. (
    • Fix issue of order loading translation, if default language is not English (
    • Fix issue of redirection to "Thank you" page. Using home_url ( instead of site_url ( at some servers. (
    • Fix issue of ability to translate options in selectbox in format like "Eng 1 [lang=it_IT] Italian 1" at Settings Fields page in Booking Calendar Free version (
    • Fix set email field as required field in Booking Calendar Free version (
    • Fix issue of not sending emails, if server was set with using error_reporting(E_STRICT); and show this warning: "PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /wp-content/plugins/booking/core/admin/page-email-new-admin.php on line 1105" (
    • Fix issue of not submitting booking in IE. Issue relative to note support by IE String.trim() function. (
    • Fix issue of showing additional slashes in emails at reason of cancellation ( (Also fixed same issue for approve reason, payment request text and adding notes to the booking).
    • Fix issue of showing in TimeLine (Calendar Overview) 1st day of next Month, that does not belong to current visible month. Sometimes in such view if booking starting from 1st day of next month, system does not show this booking, and its can confuse visitors. (
    • Fix issue of not saving Booking > Settings General page if pressed on Save Changes button at top right side in French language, and some other languages (
    • Under Hood do_action( 'wpbc_jquery_unknown' ) - new hook for situation, when we can not make identification version of jQuery, sometimes, need manually to load jquery-migrate (
    • Under Hood Trigger event "timeline_nav" after clicking navigation in timeline. To bind this event use this JS: jQuery( ".wpbc_timeline_front_end" ).on('timeline_nav', function(event, timeline_obj, nav_step ) { ... } ); (
    • Under Hood New constant. 'WP_BK_AUTO_APPROVE_WHEN_IMPORT_GCAL' - Auto approve booking, if imported from Google Calendar. Default set to false (

7.0 – [2016-12-05]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Timeline at front-end side - show availability in fully new awesome way (old "Calendar Overview page from admin panel). Free version support showing booked dates with "blank pipelines". Paid versions have much more functionality here. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Timeline at front-end for several resources in month format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="1,2,3,4" view_days_num=30 scroll_start_date="" scroll_month=0 header_title='All Bookings'] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Timeline at front-end for several resources in 2 months format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="4,2,1,3" view_days_num=60 scroll_start_date="" scroll_month=-1 header_title='All Bookings'] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Timeline at front-end for several resources in week format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="3,4" view_days_num=7 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-7 header_title='All Bookings'] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Timeline at front-end for several resources in day format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="3,4" view_days_num=1 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=0 header_title='All Bookings'] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Timeline at front-end for single resource in month format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="4" view_days_num=90 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-30] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Timeline at front-end for single resource in year format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="4" view_days_num=365 scroll_start_date="" scroll_month=-3] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Timeline at front-end for single resource in day format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline type="4" view_days_num=30 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-15] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to activate showing bookings detail in popover, when mouse click on specific booking "pipeline", in the same way as in admin panel. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to configure showing titles of booking, like ID, Name or other fields, in "pipeline of bookings". (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Support responsive interface for showing on mobile devices. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Timeline (Calendar Overview page) in admin panel. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Show notes in booking popover at Timeline page.
    • New Ability to print specific booking from Timeline page by clicking on Print buttin in popover. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Even more nice view at mobile devices. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Booking Listing page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Showing notes button with different color, if booking have some notes. For more easy checking. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Changing languages at Booking Listing page for specific action. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Updated Print modal window. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Showing currency relative to each specific user settings in MultiUser version. (MultiUser)
    • Fix Issue of not printing in Chrome browser. ( (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Add New Booking page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Resources settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to select range of booking resources, like in gMail (Shift + Click) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Sort of booking resources in resources table by different parameters (ID, Name, Priority, Users). By clicking on column header title. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Creating several booking resources during one process. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Ability to re-assign exist booking resource to other activated booking user (MultiUser)
    • Showing additional info near each booking resources (like "Capacity" or booking resource "Single", "Child" type of resource). (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • *Shortcode* Ability to use shortcode like: [bookingresource type=1 show='capacity' date='2016-09-13'] (fix: (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Ability to hide children booking resources (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated "Cost and rates" settings page - Rates section (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to select several rates (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Direct links to seasons for editing from each rate. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement When logged in as super admin user , ability to show or hide seasons from all regular users. (MultiUser)
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Setting "Rates" to several selected booking resources (by selecting bulk action option). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated "Cost and rates" settings page - Valuation days section (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Sorting "Valuation days" by drag and drop specific cost row. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to select several costs (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement When logged in as super admin user, ability to show or hide seasons from all regular users. (MultiUser)
    • Improvement Setting "Valuation days" to several selected booking resources (by selecting bulk action option). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated "Cost and rates" settings page - Deposit section (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement When logged in as super admin user, ability to show or hide seasons from all regular users. (MultiUser)
    • Improvement Setting "Deposit" to several selected booking resources (by selecting bulk action option). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Advanced cost settings page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Support radio buttons for setting additional cost. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated interface of configuration advanced cost - more clear selection type of additional cost in drop down lists. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Saving "Advanced costs" for each Custom booking form separately. Its improve of searching issues during saving if some form will have wrong configuration. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • If having several fields with the same name in booking form (for example, if configured several languages), showing specific field only once, for correct saving additional cost. Please note, in this case options in selectbox must be same withing any languages. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Default value for new field, right now 0 USD, instead of previous 100%. For more easy to understand this logic. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Availability settings page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to select several seasons (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Sort of availability by different fields. (By clicking on column header title). (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Direct links to seasons for editing from each rate. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement When logged in as super admin user , ability to show or hide seasons from all regular users. (MultiUser)
    • Improvement Setting availability to several selected booking resources (by selecting bulk action option). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Season Filters settings page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to select several seasons (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to re-assign exist season filter to other activated booking user (MultiUser)
    • New Sort of seasons by different fields. (By clicking on column header title). (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New more clear interface of selecting dates. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Discount Coupons settings page (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to select several coupons (like in gMail {Shift + Click}) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to re-assign exist coupons filter to other activated booking user (MultiUser)
    • New Sort of coupons by different fields. (By clicking on column header title). (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Editing fields of several coupons from one listing page, like minimum cost, number of usage and expiration date. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated General Settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Removed Cost section to Settings Payment page. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Customization of booking title in timeline at front-end side for showing different info, like Name or Second Name of person who made the booking, etc... (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to enable showing popover with booking details in timeline at front-end side, in the same way as its showing in admin panel at Calendar Overview (timeline) page . (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Fields Settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • New shortcodes for showing hints in booking form: [resource_title_hint], [bookingresource show='id'], [bookingresource show='title'], [bookingresource show='cost'], [bookingresource show='capacity'], [bookingresource show='maxvisitors'] (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Updated Emails Settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Updated Import Settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to search specific booking resource by ID and Title
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Updated Payment Gateways Settings page. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New payment gateway files. Important! If you was customized previously own payment gateway, in update 7.0 you need to customize your payment system relative to new payment gateway structure. In the same was as its done with any exist payment system. For including loading o your payment gateway file, you need to use this code and hook: function add_my_gateway( $gateway ){ return $gateway . ',gateway_ID'; } add_filters( 'wpbc_gateways_original_id_list', 'add_my_gateway' );
    • New Sorting payment gateways order by drug and dropt specific payment gateways rows (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement showing active currency and status for each payment gateways (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New configuration of payment summary details. Many new shortcodes for configuration payment summary info. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New setting general currency for plugin interface (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New setting currency position and format (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement configuration of cost per period at Settings > Payment page (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement configuration of options: "Time impact to cost", "Advanced cost option" at Settings > Payment page (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement configuration of billing form fields assignment at Settings > Payment page (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Updated Search Settings page. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Improvement Updated help sections with shortcodes that possible to use in search forms.
    • Updated Users Settings page. (MultiUser)
    • New Ability to search specific user by ID and Title
    • New Ability to sort users by ID, Name and Role
    • Improvement Showing additional info near each user, like status and role.
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Fix issue of correctly showing partially or fully booked dates, if used conditional logic for time-slots, after page loading or days selections. Each day reflect to own "weekday" time-slot (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Underhood. New constant. 'WP_BK_LAST_CHECKOUT_DAY_AVAILABLE' - Its will remove last selected day of booking during saving it as booking.
    • Underhood. New constant. 'WP_BK_PAYMENT_FORM_ONLY_IN_REQUEST' - Its will show payment form only in payment request during sending from Booking Listing page and do not show payment form after visitor made the booking.
    • Underhood. New constant. 'WP_BK_AUTO_APPROVE_WHEN_ZERO_COST' - Auto approve booking, if the cost of booking == 0
    • Underhood. New constant. 'WP_BK_CHECK_LESS_THAN_PARAM_IN_SEARCH' - Check in search results custom fields parameters relative to less than in search form, and not only equal.
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Timeline at front-end side - show availability in fully new awesome way (old "Calendar Overview page from admin panel). Free version support showing booked dates with "blank pipelines". Paid versions have much more functionality here.
    • Ability to show Timeline at front-end in month format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline view_days_num=90 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-30]
    • Ability to show Timeline at front-end in year format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline view_days_num=365 scroll_start_date="" scroll_month=-3]
    • Ability to show Timeline at front-end in day format. Shortcode: [bookingtimeline view_days_num=30 scroll_start_date="" scroll_day=-15]
    • Ajax updating info during scrolling months, without page reloading.
    • Updated Timeline (Calendar Overview page) in admin panel.
    • Showing popover with booking details by mouse click, instead of mouse-over. Its help to show booking data at mobile devices.
    • Link in popover to Booking Listing page with this booking.
    • Approve or cancel exist booking from popover.
    • Improvement Even better looking on mobile devices.
    • Updated Booking Listing page.
    • Updated Filters and Actions toolbars.
    • New Ability to select range of bookings, like in gMail (Shift + Click) by clicking on first checkbox and Shift+Click on last checkbox.
    • Improvement Showing new bookings with new icon.
    • Improvement Even better looking on mobile devices.
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Updated popup help info for Inserting Booking Calendar shortcodes
    • New [bookingtimeline] shortcode.
    • Improvement Updated parameters for all exist shortcodes.
    • Updated Add New Booking page.
    • New redesigned options toolbar.
    • New configuration number of month to show and width/height of calendar at Add New Booking page and saving this info. In advanced options toolbar section.
    • Updated General Settings page.
    • New Ability to define position of Booking menu (top, middle, bottom section).
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Updated Form Fields Settings page.
    • New ability to create unlimited number of booking form fields.
    • Support Text fields, Textarea fields, Dropdown lists, and (new) Checkboxes fields.
    • New Arrange order of form fields in booking form by drag and drop sorting.
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Improvement Ability to edit exist form fields settings.
    • Improvement Ability to delete exist form fields.
    • Updated Emails Settings page.
    • New Configuration of sending emails in text, html or multipart format.
    • New Selection style of email templates for HTML/multipart format.
    • New Definition of colors for some email styles.
    • New Configuration of header and footer content for emails.
    • New Validation of saving email addresses in correct format, and showing warnings otherwise. Its have to prevent of not sending emails issue in some cases.
    • New Pending email template - send email, if booking set as pending.
    • New Trash email template - send email, if booking has been declined - moved to trash.
    • New Deleted email template - send email, if booking has been deleted - completely erased.
    • New Test sending email button - for ability to test that emails are sending.
    • New Shortcodes for using in email templates.
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • Updated Import Settings page.
    • Improvement Advanced checking during saving data.
    • New Booking Menu items in Top WordPress Admin Bar
    • Translation Chinese translation [86% completed] by Soledad
    • Improvement Full refactoring of source code.
    • Improvement Updated of BS version.
    • Improvement Updated all UI elements - all buttons and UI elements looks even more sharp and nice.
    • Improvement New icons for UI elements. Good looking on retina displays. Instead of images is using font icons.
    • Updated showing info and warning messages.
    • Improved pagination.
    • Under the Hood Added many new hooks in source code.
    • Under the Hood New URL (parameters) for booking menu pages.
    • Under the Hood Updated CSS files.
    • Under the Hood Updated JS files.
    • Fix showing only today (not yesterday) bookings, when selected "Today" date parameter in Filter toolbar at Booking Listing page
    • And many other improvements...

6.2.2 – [10.08.16]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix Checking string parameter during payment request (fix: (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Ability to customize to open the "Payment page" with Payment Form(s) at actual website instead of showing payment form(s) at same page after submit of booking. (fix: (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Compatibility Fix CSS for correctly showing fonts in new WordPress 4.6
    • Fix Improve security checking during saving settings.

6.2.1 – [20.07.16]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix showing of error message instead of stop working, during submitting new booking, if this booking possible only in different booking resources for different days, but system have not allow this. This issue exist in some situations for booking resources with specific capacity, when all payment options are deactivated. (fix: (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of incorrect working with required radio-button options. (fix: (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not calculating "LAST" option in "Valuation days" if previously used "Together" term. (fix: Description: the number of selected days in calendar = to the number of days in settings "Together", then Booking Calendar stop any other interaction of checking cost and just return cost depend from settings in this "Together" term. Thats why the "LAST" row cost settings was ignored. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix Improve security checking during saving settings and searching in booking listing pages.

6.2 – [29.05.16]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Extend booking dates/times interval to extra hours or days. Useful for adding cleaning time, or any other service time. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement ability to use [booking_id], [resource_title] shortcodes in the Content of booking fields data form at Booking > Settings > Fields page, for ability to show booking ID and booking resources in payment summary. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement ability to book dates in additional calendar(s), without selection date(s) in main calendar, if used several calendars of different booking resources and only 1 booking form. Restriction in this case the "payment summary" after booking is not showing. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement resolve issue of not showing available day(s), if all start time (example of shortcode in booking form: [select starttime "11:00" "13:00" "15:00"]) have booked for this specific day(s) (fix: (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Added search users form at the Settings Users page. (fix: (MultiUser)
    • Fix Ability to edit bookings, that belong to the "child booking resources", when activated option "visitors apply to capacity". If you will edit of booking, this booking editing is belonging to calendar of parent booking resources with specific capacity. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not ability to add "Valuation days" cost settings in some servers, because of conflict. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not ability to submit booking form, when using [bookingform ...] shortcode. (fix: (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Moving bookings to trash instead of complete deleting.
    • New Ability to restore bookings from Trash.
    • Translation Updated Croatian translation [99% Completed] by Danijel Prebeg
    • Fix showing warning during managing Booking Calendar widget in "Customizer". Issue was relative to WordPress 4.5 update (fix:

6.1 – [13.02.16]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Ability to search for additional 2 days in search availability form. Use this shortcode in search form: [additional_search "2"] +/- 2 days. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to show how many search results found. To show use {searchresults} shortcode in search form shortcode. Example: [bookingsearch searchresultstitle='{searchresults} Results Found' searchresults='https://dev/search-results/' noresultstitle='Nothing Found.'] (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New Show Search Results Log at Booking > Settings > Search page in Search Cache section for more easy detect any issues with search results (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to transfer custom parameters from booking form shortcode into the content of booking form. Example of shortcode usage: *[booking type=1 form_type='standard' nummonths=3 options='{parameter name="my_param" value="value"},{parameter name="other_param" value="other value"}']* Example of booking form customization: [text some_field_name "my_param"] and [text other_field_name "other_param"] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to use check-boxes in the search form for additional parameters. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to use several times custom fields with same name in posts for definition several additional parameters with different values for the search form. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Correctly showing change-over day, as half booked day, that have pending check-in/out and approved check-out/in bookings in the same day. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Added ability to save "Advanced cost settings" only for selected custom or standard form. Its prevent issue of not saving some values, if exist too many custom forms and too many options for the additional cost. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Showing times in header of Time-Line, when selected several booking resources and one day Calendar Overview mode. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to set constant WP_BK_IS_SEND_EMAILS_ON_COST_CHANGE to true in ../lib/wpbc-constants.php file for sending modification email, if cost was changed in admin panel (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to use in emails new shortcode: [check_out_plus1day] - inserting next day after last selected day in calendar for specific booking. Its useful in some cases, if business workflow require to show as checkout day the next day after last selected date. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Correct work of "Auto-fill" button at Booking > Add booking page for bookings with change-over days. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not showing booked dates in some specific situation (when are using check in/out times) for booking resources with capacity higher than 1. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not ability to change booking resource for booking in some situations, while booking resources with capacity higher than 1. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix restriction of parameters during switching to Calendar Overview mode (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix not sending emails after changing booking resource for specific booking, if "Emails sending" checkbox unchecked. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix selecting correct non English language at PayPal checkout page, depend from website locale (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Display or hide "Today date number" in legend cells under calendar.
    • New Turkish translation [100% Completed] by EMİNA MESİNOVİC
    • Translation Updated German translation [100% Completed] by Peter Wegmann and Christian
    • Translation Updated Swedish translation [100% Completed] by Mikael Göransson and Jan Österling
    • Translation Updated Ukrainian translation [100% Completed]
    • Translation Updated Russian translation [100% Completed]
    • Translation Updated Finnish translation [100% Completed] by Turo Numminen and Peter Grönberg
    • Translation Updated Slovak translation [100% Completed] by Martin Ambruš and Martin Galdun
    • Translation Updated French translation [100% Completed] by Laurent Thiry and Terry Atkinson
    • Translation Updated Greece translation [100% Completed] by Dimitris Amanatiadis
    • Translation Updated Spanish translation [100% Completed] by Juan C and Juan García Piosa
    • Translation Updated Czech translation [100% Completed] by Ales Dlask
    • Translation Updated Polish translation [100% Completed] by Danek Szczepan
    • Translation Updated Danish translation [100% Completed] by Ib H. Rasmussen
    • Translation Updated Italian translation [100% Completed] by Fabrizio Pecorelli
    • Translation Updated Norwegian translation [100% Completed] by Håvard Hasli
    • Translation Updated Hungarian translation [100% Completed] by István Vincze
    • Translation Updated Dutch translation [100% Completed] by Wim Bommerez
    • Fix some warning notices, while website in debug mode.

6.0 – [11.12.15]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Ability to duplicate exist booking into different booking resource (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to select language of email template during operations like approving, cancellation or sending payment request for exist bookings. Of course you have to support these additional languages in email templates. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New shortcodes in the booking form at Booking > Settings > Fields page: [bookingresource show='id'] - booking resource ID, [bookingresource show='title'] - booking resource Title, [bookingresource show='cost'] - booking resource Cost, [bookingresource show='capacity'] - booking resource Capacity , [bookingresource show='maxvisitors'] - maximum number of visitors per booking resource (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement During changing booking resource for exist booking, set check intersections of time-slots for booking date and then allow or do not allow to change booking. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue for blocking days in calendar, if all time-slots for this date booked, and in booking form is using conditional WEEK sections for showing different time-slots for the different weekdays. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue for feature "Checking to prevent double booking, during submitting booking", when booking was made with check in/out times. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix saving of option "Auto approve all new bookings" to at General Booking Settings page, if user click on top "Save changes" button. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of not showing "Custom booking forms" of "Super booking admin user" at the Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page, while logged in as "Regular user" (MultiUser)
    • Fix of sending correct Payment Request Email, while logged in as "Regular user" *(MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of getting all posts with booking forms into search availability cache, during clearing search cache at Booking > Settings > Search page. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not loaded correctly advanced days selection parameters from Booking Calendar "option" parameter shortcode at some slow servers. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing dates in correct format at the Calendar Overview page, while switching week view for one booking resource (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix CSS issue of showing navigation tabs in new WordPress 4.4 (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Register and Translate everything in [wpml]Some Text to translate[/wpml] tags. Translation can be done at the WPML > "String translation" page. Required WPML 3.2 with String Translation plugin.
    • Fix additional checking about checking if some Calendar skin folders exist or not.
    • Fix set additional checking from preventing loop redirection to the "Whats New" page, after activation of the plugin.
    • Fix Correctly showing button icons. Remove conflicted "font-awesome-css" from Booking Calendar admin panel pages, which loaded by WPML plugin.
    • Translation Updated French translation [100% Completed] by Fabien Groslambert.
    • Translation Updated Norwegian translation [100% Completed] by Håvard Hasli.
    • Support WordPress 4.4

5.4.4 – [20.09.15]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix set limitation in 30 symbols for the names of new custom forms. Otherwise possible issues with saving additional costs at the Resources Advanced cost page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Set past bookings "darker", at the Calendar Overview page (timeline) in admin panel. More easy/fast to check past and actual bookings.
    • New filer at Booking Listing page. Showing bookings that "check in" or "check out" during today.
    • Improvement Replaced "wpdev-booking" language locale to "booking". Prepare for ability to use Language Packs functionality.
    • Translation New Portugal translation [99% Completed] by Pedro Morgado
    • Translation New Ukrainian translation [99% Completed] by Ivanka
    • Translation Updated French translation [99% Completed] by Charles Petitfour.
    • Fix email format issue during sending emails. From this format '"\"John Smith\"" <>' to this: 'John Smith <>'
    • Fix language file locale for the Finnish language. Renamed suffix of translation file from fi_Fl to fi.
    • Remove constant WP_BK_USE_TITLES_IN_EMAILS from ../lib/wpbc-constants.php file.
    • Trigger event "date_selected" after selection of dates in calendar. To bind this event use this JS: jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).on('date_selected', function(event, bk_type, date) { ... } );
    • CSS improvements.

5.4.3 – [08.08.15]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Limit available days from today. Select number of available days in calendar start from today. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to define number times of usage coupon codes for discounts (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to edit exist coupon codes for discounts (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Do not highlight next date(s), when mouse-over on already selected date. Please check more here (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Do not highlight date(s), when mouse outside of calendar. Please check more here (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Do not update the cost in the cost correction field, if admin edit this booking. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Prevent of showing any hints (costs, dates...), if selected only Check In day, while using range days selection mode using 2 mouse clicks (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Roll-back to 1st step, if system will show warning and booking form is using customization of having several steps wizard form. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to show the title of booking resources in booking form (as hint). You can use this shortcode [resource_title_hint] to show the title of current booking resource. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement showing booking details in payment form. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue for ability to activate users in MultiUser version, while active French translation of Booking Calendar. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue for ability to add new "Valuation days" cost settings in French version of Booking Calendar. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of range days selection, when activated specific week days as start days and we have some booked days after our selected date. More here (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of correct showing some special symbols during exporting bookings to CSV file. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue relative to the old times season filters that can exist in some old versions (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing cost in correct cost format (using decimal and thousands separators) in emails (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of too many redirects, if upgraded from free to paid version, and use MySQL version older than 5.0
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Hungarian translation [100% Completed] by István Vincze
    • New Finnish translation [100% Completed] by Jukka Turunen
    • New Catalan translation [100% Completed] by Fiiiu - Gerard H. Serra
    • Improvement Plugin will send emails with "From" address, that defined in "From" field at Booking > Settings > Emails page. If you define constant WP_BK_STRICTLY_FROM_EMAILS to false at ../lib/wpbc-constants.php file, then sending the copy of Confirmation email to admin, sends a "from" field of email not the email of server, but email from the person, who made reservation. Its useful for "reply to this emails", but when receiving such email, Yahoo mail for instance rejects it, and google mail puts a warning about fishing etc. Check more here
    • Improvement Removing PHP4 style constructors, for support WordPress 4.3 update.
    • Ability to define constant WP_BK_USE_TITLES_IN_EMAILS in wpbc-constants.php. If true, then system try to send emails in format "Jo Smith" <> If false, then system try to send emails in format . Some servers does not support or generate issues for first email format.
    • Fix possible JavaScript Error: "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement" (and because of that do not show calendar), if some third party plugin override links incorrectly. Please check more here
    • Fix ability to use "+" sign in the email fields during booking process. Please read more here
    • Fix issue of showing "today" date in Calendar Overview page based on website timezone, and not server timezone.
    • CSS improvements.

5.4.2 - [09.05.15]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Updated "Sage Pay" payment gateway for using new protocol v3.00 instead of v2.23 (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of correctly showing currency (GBP) symbol at the payment form. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    • Fix issue of correctly showing additional cost of the booking, if visitor edit this booking (after clicking on edit booking link from email), and this booking relative to the booking resource, that have as default some custom booking form (not standard booking form). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Updated Swedish translation [100% Completed] by Jan Österling
    • Updated Norwegian translation [100% Completed] by Patrick Schneider
    • CSS improvements.

5.4.1 - [26.04.15]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix ability to edit, cancel or send payment request for the booking by visitors, if was activating option Load JS and CSS files only on specific pages at general booking settings page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not showing calendar, if in availability settings was applying season filter, that do not have any days. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not apply conditional season filter, if this filter have only "Tuesday" day selected there. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing bookings only from the specific regular user, when user try to open 2nd or higher page at Booking Listing page. (MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Updated Italian translation [100% Completed] by Fabrizio Pecorelli, Astolfo Vesci
    • Updated Russian translation [100% Completed] by Arm.
    • Updated Croatian translation [100% Completed] by Borislav Bosnjak.
    • Updated German translation [100% Completed] by Stefan Fritsche, Dirk Gabler, Andreas Dupp.
    • Updated Swedish translation [100% Completed] by Jan Österling, Ruben Salas
    • Fix CSS issue on welcome new update page.

5.4 - [04.04.15]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Advanced Google Calendar Events import. Configuration of import Google Calendar Events for the each specific booking resources (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Allow payments by direct bank / wire transfer (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Allow payments in cash by visitors on check in. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to print booking data for the each single specific booking (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to show the full cost of the booking in search results, depend from the check in/out dates and number of selected visitors. Shortcode to use in search results - [cost_hint] (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to show the cost of the booking for the selected dates only in search results. Shortcode to use in search results - [original_cost_hint] (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to show the additional cost, which depends on the fields selection in the form in search results. Shortcode to use in search results - [additional_cost_hint] (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to show the deposit cost of the booking in search results. Shortcode to use in search results - [deposit_hint] (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to show the balance cost of the booking - difference between deposit and full cost in search results. Shortcode to use in search results - [balance_hint] (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to show hints of additional cost for each separated options (from the Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page). If you are having in booking form shortcode like this Tax: [checkbox my_tax default:on ""], and also configured additional cost for the my_tax option, then in booking form you can use this shortcode [my_tax_hint] to show additional cost of this otion. Just add _hint term to name of shortcode for creation hint shortcode in booking form. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Condition to show the "Deposit payment" form, if the "Check in" day is inside of the specific Season Filter (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Show both deposit and total cost payment forms, after visitor submit booking. You can activate this feature at the ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/lib/wpbc-constants.php file by setting contstant WP_BK_SHOW_DEPOSIT_AND_TOTAL_PAYMENT to TRUE. Important! Please note, in this case at admin panel for booking will be saved deposit cost and notes about deposit, do not depend from the visitor choise of this payment. So you need to check each such payment manually. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Ability to show the standard cost or title of booking resource by using this shortcodes [bookingresource type=1 show='cost'] or [bookingresource type=1 show='title'] Example: [bookingresource type=3 show='title']: [bookingresource type=3 show='cost'] per day. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Widget for selection of booking resources. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Added preselected booking resource parameter to popup for insertion booking resource selection shortcode. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. New first_option_title parameter for insertion booking resource selection shortcode. This parameter define text for the first option in dropdown list. Its can be empty for showing only booking resources list. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Ability to print only selected booking(s) at the Booking Listing page instead of All bookings (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Ability to export to CSV file (during clicking on "Export button") only selected booking(s) at the Booking Listing page instead of All bookings. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Removed "Deposit payment" option from the General Booking Settings page in Cost section. Its possible to activate/deactivate and configure deposit payments for the specific booking resources at the Cost and rates page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of ability to use parameter "aggregate" instead of "agregate" in the [booking ...] shortcode. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not ability to select custom or standard booking form during editing some booking, if the booking resource of this booking have some custom form as default custom booking form. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not ability to save changes of Form Fields at Settings page in French version of Booking Calendar. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix Warning: "preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 24 in ../inc/personal.php on line 2347". Its possibly exist in some most recent versions of PCRE (the regular expression library PHP uses). (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Google Calendar Events importing. Using new Google Calendar API v3. Activate and configure different parameters for the Google Calendar import.
    • New. Activate auto-import of Google Calendar events during specific times.
    • New. Ability to save own calendar skin to the /wp-content/uploads/wpbc_skins/ folder, that do not overriding during plugin update. Its will save your custom calendar skin, if you will make upgrade of plugin to new plugin update.
    • New. Ability to load JS and CSS files only on specific pages. Its useful, if exist some conflict(s) or you want to optimize loading of website, and you need to load Booking Calendar JS and CSS files only at the specific pages, where you are having booking forms or availability calendars. You can activate and configure this feature at the General Booking Settings page in Advanced section, by expanding "Advanced settings of JavaScript loading".
    • Fix. Additional checking in some situation, when happens "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page" issue.
    • Fix. Warning of invalid emails, for the new DNS, like OR OR OR, etc...
    • Fix of loading correct calendar language, if at the WordPress General Settings have selected "Site Language" as "English (Canada)".
    • New Bulgarian translation [100% Completed] by Nadejda Chotorova.
    • Updated Spanish translation [100% Completed] by Juan C.
    • Updated French translation [100% Completed] by by Carlo Calamar, Terry Atkinson, Jean-Sébastien DANGLADE.
    • Updated Danish translation [100% Completed] by Ib H. Rasmussen.
    • Updated Dutch translation [100% Completed] by Wim Bommerez.
    • Updated Polish translation [100% Completed] by Danek Szczepan.
    • Updated Russian translation [100% Completed] by Arm.
    • Updated Greece translation [100% Completed] by Dimitris Amanatiadis.
    • Updated Slovak translation [100% Completed] by Lubomir Host, Martin Galdun, Martin Ambrus.
    • Updated Czech translation [100% Completed] by Ales Dlask, Martin Ambrus.
    • Updated Croatian translation [95% Completed] by Jirka Pitzmos.

5.3.2 - [03.03.15]

  • Fix issue of conflict with WPML plugin in free version of plugin. If the customer use WPML plugin, sometimes was existing issue that labels in the booking form have the same title of first element.. (Booking Calendar Free version)

5.3.1 - [19.02.15]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Ability to set separator of data for bookings export to CSV format. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Sort selections of booking resources (from the [bookingselect... shortcode) in the same order as specified in the "type" parameter. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Loading the default custom booking form for specific booking resource at the Booking > Add booking page. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of deleting custom booking forms in the Booking Calendar MultiUser version.
    • Fix issue of not showing default custom booking forms at the Booking > Resources page for the "regulat users" in the Booking Calendar MultiUser version, if was activated constant "WP_BK_CUSTOM_FORMS_FOR_REGULAR_USERS".
    • Fix issue of not ability to select 2 or more days during booking for the specific timeslot, if the last selected date contain 2 or more booked timeslots. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Updated German translation [100% Completed] by Dirk Gabler.
    • Updated Swedish translation [100% Completed] by Ruben Salas
    • Updated Italian translation [100% Completed] by Fabrizio Pecorelli and Astolfo Vesci
    • Updated French translation [100% Completed] by Jean-Sébastien DANGLADE
    • Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation [100% Completed] by David Page
    • Updated Greece translation [100% Completed] by Dimitris Amanatiadis
    • Updated Slovak translation [100% Completed] by Lubomir Host
    • Updated Czech translation [100% Completed] by Ales Dlask
    • Updated Dutch translation [100% Completed] by Wim Bommerez
    • Updated Danish translation [79% Completed] by Karen Skovmand.
    • Improvement. Removed in the email "From" field symbols " and or \", during sending emails.
    • Improvement. Additional support of WPML transaltion for the booking form fields.
    • Fix Fixing the Return-Path header in emails.
    • CSS improvements.

5.3 - [15.12.2014]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to show daily cost (rates) inside of the date cells on calendar(s). More easy way to show rates for visitors. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. HMTL edit toolbar for the Booking Forms and Content of Booking Fields form at Booking > Settings > Fields page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New. Automatic checking about new updates for paid versions of plugin. Show notifications about new update at the WordPress > Plugins menu in usual way (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Showing "Form Fields" and "Content of Booking Fields" at the same page. To prevent forget of editing both forms. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Sort the items in the search availability results by "booking resources" priority descending order. The priority for the specific booking resources we can set at the Booking > Resources page. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Set booking resources labels as links at the Booking Listing page. More easy way to show bookings of current booking resource. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Set season filters labels as links at the edit Rates page. More easy and fast way to edit specific season. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Set season filters labels as links at the edit Availability page. More easy and fast way to edit specific season. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Showing warning and link to update, if plugin updated in wrong way from paid to free version. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Do not show the times tooltip over specific date cell (when mouse over this date), if booking was making for check in/out times and does not time-slot. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not abiity to insert "radio button" fields, which is not "required". Issue was existing since update 5.2 (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of submitting booking form with selected does not first option in "radio button" fields. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of setting confitional fields (if such fields configured) after searching and redirection to the booking form from the search results page. (Business Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New. Ability to use drop down list (selectbox) in your booking form. You can configure selections of the different options, like number of visitors, times, etc... *(Please note, the times will be saved to the DB and is not using for availability. If you need bookings for the specific times, you need to check the Business Small or higher versions)*.
    • New. Visual editors for the email templates at the Booking > Settings > Emails page.
    • New. Ability to activate checking for prevent double booking, during submitting booking. This feature useful to prevent double booking of the same date(s) or time(s), if several visitors try to book the same date(s) in same calendar during the same time.
    • Improvement. Showing warning message under calendar, instead of showing popup alert, if visitor do not select any day(s) in booking form during submiting this booking.
    • Improvement. Reordering some options at the General Booking Settings page for having more logical options order. Instead of section "Main" now exist section "Advanced".
    • Fix the height of "Thank you" message box, which is showing after visitor submit the booking, if the message too long.
    • Fix of showing calendar with correct skins for datepick elements at Booking Listing and Calendar Overview pages.
    • Fix issue of showing "WordPress" title at emails in some spcial situations.
    • Fix issue of not loading correctly some language files for the calendar days/month.
    • Updated Slovak translation [67% Completed] by Martin Galdun.
    • Updated German translation [27% Completed] by Andreas Dupp
    • Updated Polish translation [100% Completed] by Danek Szczepan
    • Updated Spanish translation [100% Completed] by Juan C
    • Code refactoring.

5.2.1 - [18.11.14]

  • Because Google stop supporting of "Google Calendar API v2" (on Nov. 17, 2014), this update temporary remove import Google Calendar events, until we implement new API v.3

5.2 - [29.09.14]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Advanced Google Calendar Events import. Configuration of import Google Calendar Events for the each specific booking resources (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Ability to set the radio buttons fields as required fields at the Booking > Settings > Fields page. Exmaple: [radio* field_name "1" "2" "3" "4"] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Tips & Tricks Ability to use [sync_gid] shortcode at the Booking > Settings > Fields > Content of Booking Fields page to show the ID of Google Calendar Event, which was imported by Booking Calendar (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement New parameter selected_type for [bookingselect... shortcode for auto selection booking form of specific booking resource. Example: [bookingselect label='Select:' form_type='standard' nummonths=1 type='17,16,15' selected_type='15'] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Disabling (set grayed) of "starttime" options selection for the times, which already booked by visitors, for the selected date. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Rechecking system, if the update from the previous version was making in not correct way (relative to FAQ instruction) and then re-update plugin. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Sort booking resources by booking resources titles in ASC order (instead of DESC) (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Added "placeholder" parameter to the text field shortcode generator at the Booking > Settings > Fields page (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Added new section "Tips and Tricks" to the shortcode generator at Booking > Settings > Fields page. Description about usage of email verification field. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement Ability to use the several "comma separated" parameters in search availability form for the Custom Fields Parameter. Example: <select id="booking_color" name="booking_color"> <option value="Green">Only Green</option> <option value="Green, Red">Green, Red all together</option> <option value="Red">Only Red</option> </select> ( Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of do not correctly export CSV file, if the upload directory do not default (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix setting exported CSV file to UTF-8 encoding (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of saving info about each "legend items under calendar" for the "regular users" if the changes was making by super booking admin (MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Allow multiple (unlimited) bookings per same day in same calendar. Your visitors will be able to make *unlimited bookings per same date(s) in calendar and do not see any booked date(s)* of other visitors.
    • New Email template configuration about the new booking, which is sending to administrator.
    • New Email template configuration about the new booking, which is sending to visitor, who made the booking.
    • New Email template configuration about the approval of booking, which is sending to visitor, who made the booking.
    • New Email template configuration about the decline of booking, which is sending to visitor, who made the booking.
    • New Google Calendar Events importing. Activate and configure different parameters for the Google Calendar import.
    • New Activate auto-import of Google Calendar events during specific times.
    • Improvement Do not show CAPTCHA in booking form at the "Add booking" page in admin panel, if the CAPTCHA activated.
    • Update of several screenshots in plugin description.
    • Support of WordPress 4.0
    • Updated Spanish translation, by Juan C.
    • Updated German translation by Andreas Dupp
    • Code refactoring.
    • CSS improvements.
    • Fix issue of showing "WordPress" title in "From" field at emails.
    • Fix apply parameter "Check in/out - Tomorrow" from Filter tab at Booking Listing page based on the "time-zone" offset (which is set at the WordPress > Settings menu).

5.1.6 - [23.07.14]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New shortcode for email templates. [remote_ip] - inserting IP address of the user who made this action (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New shortcode for email templates. [user_agent] - inserting contents of the User-Agent: header from the current request, if there is one (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New shortcode for email templates. [request_url] - inserting address of the page (if any), where visitor make this action (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New shortcode for email templates. [current_date] - inserting date of this action (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New shortcode for email templates. [current_time] - inserting time of this action (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue (exist in versions 5.1.4 - 5.1.5) of not sending emails to the correct ("owner") regular user, depending from the booking resource, where visitor make the new booking, but sending this email to the last logged in user (MultiUser).
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix issue of not saving Booking Calendar Widget for sidebars at the WordPress > Appearance > Widgets menu page. Issue was existing in updates 5.1.4 and 5.1.5
    • Updated Italian transaltion by Nuoro di Murgia Ivan.

5.1.5 - [05.07.14]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Ability to use "placeholders" for the text fields in booking form fields customizaion. Exmaple: First Name (required: [text* name placeholder:First_Name] , where "_" is meaning white space " ". (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Updates Polish translation, by Danek Szczepan
    • New icons at setting tabs.
    • CSS improvements for the text fields.

5.1.4 - [14.06.14]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improvement. Ability to pass check of "required checkbox", if only one options was checking, and not all as it was previously. Example: [checkbox* MyOption "Option 1 " "Option 2" "Option 3"] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Move the "Save changes" button and actions selection at the Booking > Resources page to the top of resource listing table. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Improvement. Refactoring of integrations payment gateways (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Trick. Ability to use in the URL at Booking > Resources ... pages this parameter "&hide=child" to do not show any child resources in the list (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Decrees the number of booking resources from 500 to 100 at the Add Resources page, which possible to create during 1 process (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of JavaScript error, during range days selection mode using 1 mouse click, if we was using the "options" parameter in the booking shortcode and condition for the start-day selection. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Adding rechecking of the cost of parent resource during creation of new child resource. Previously if the parent resource cost have just empty space "" (not the 0), its can generate error during creation of the child resource. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing paypal payment form during payment request, if was active payment system and paypal was disabling at the settings page.(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of days selections, when using the "options" parameter for the custom days selections for specific week days (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Improvement. Huge source code refactoring.
    • Improvement. New way of JS and CSS loading.
    • Improvement. New way of JavaScript variables definition.
    • Improvement. New way of sending all Ajax requests.
    • Updates Polish translation, by Danek Szczepan

5.1.3 - [15.05.14]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New. Adding EMAIL VERIFICATION field to booking form. Description of usage: The rule for assigning verifications email in CSS parameter: "class:same_as_email". Its must start with this reserved words: "same_as_" and then have to go the name of your Primary email field. Example: Confirm Email:[email* other_verify_email class:same_as_email] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Added several default templates for the Search Availability form on the Booking Settings Search page. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improved styles of the Search Availability form. Now exist separate CSS file (search-form.css) for the style customization of search form. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improved styles of the Search results form. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Add ability to define the search results link for the "search widget" in several languages, in a way like this:[lang=it_IT] (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Ability to define in URL selected by default booking form (booking resource), when are using in the page the booking select shortcode: [bookingselect ...] Its possible to define the selected booking resource in URL in a way like this (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Set specific week days as unavailable in the check in/out fields in search form, if these week days was set as unavailable on the General Booking Settings page in Calendar section (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of incorrect dates selections, which depend from the conditions (in the shortcode) and specific start dates in General Booking Settings page (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser).
    • Fix of 'artefact' during selection of 1 day (second click), if "range days selection using 2 mouse clicks" is activating (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Add not ability to select as check out date already booked check out (not check in) date. This issue exist only for the bookings for 2 days. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of incorrect "Advanced cost" calculation for the time selections (if time selection was setting to show as "Long selection view") (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of sometime are not showing check in/out dates for the booking resources with capacity higher than 1. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of incorrect link URL on "Book now" buttons in search results, when is using WPML plugin for the different languages and booking forms was inserting into the pages do not the posts. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue, of incorrect showing search results, depending from the season filters availability, when we are having the "Range days season filter" at the top of the list and booking resources do not belong to this season filter. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not changing the cost (per day/night/fixed) by the administrator for the regular users. If you was having this issue, in addition you need to open the Booking Settings Users page and for the each regular users make these actions: (a) click on the "Deactivate" button then click on the "Set as inactive" button. Wait for the page is reloading and stop load. (b) Now click on the "Activate" button near that user. Repeat this actions for the all regular users. (MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Booking Calendar icon was changing to fit WordPress styles.
    • Updated Croatian translation by Sanjin Barac. Renameed wpdev-booking-hr_HR.po (mo) files to wpdev-booking-hr.po (mo). Default Croatian WordPress version have locale as "hr".
    • Added 2 "blank" files to the captcha folder.
    • Fix "Booking Listing" link on "Welcome" panel at top of Booking Listing and Calendar Overview and "Whats New" pages.
    • Fix CSS of Booking Calendar insert button on Edit post page for "Text mode".
    • Fix. Removed gray-grad.png images for the headers background. In the new WP versions, its can be reason of "File does not exist error" in apache logs.

5.1.2 - [18.03.14]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Fix. The issue relative to not correct language selections for email templates during creations new booking or other actions (during ajax requests). (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix issue of have no ability to click on the booking link on the "Calendar Overview" admin page for redirection to the "Booking Listing" page with this selected booking.
    • Fix issue of showing warning messages during activation of plugin in some versions.

5.1.1 - [16.03.14]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Improve speed of page loading for booking resources with hight capacity and many season filters (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Improve management of Check In/Out dates for the booking resources with capacity higher then 1. Show vertical line for change-over days in calendar (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Loading correct "default custom booking form" for specific booking resource in widget at sidebar (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. The issue relative to not correct language selections for email templates during creations new booking or other actions (during Ajax requests). (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Support WordPress 3.9
    • New. Added 2 new options "Check In - Tomorrow" and "Check Out - Tomorrow" for the filter "Dates" on the Booking Listing page. "Check In - Today" - show bookings, where check in date is "Today". "Check Out - Tomorrow" - show bookings, where check out date is "Tomorrow".
    • Translation to Czech language by Michal Nedvídek
    • Source code refactoring.

5.1 - [27.02.14]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Styles improvement on Resources page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Settings Fields page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Settings Emails page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Settings Payment page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Cost and Rates page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Advanced Cost page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Availability page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Season Filters page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Discount Coupons page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Settings Search page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Styles improvement on Settings Users page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices. (MultiUser)
    • New. Show deposit payment, only if difference between "Today" and "Check In" dates higher then specific number of days. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Ability to set "Valuation days" cost for "cost per night" setting. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Calculation "Valuation days" cost setting depend from Season Filter of "Check In" date. Previous "Season filter for all days", which was worked in limited situations removed. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Auto select Default Custom Form for the specific resource, if use shortcode of "booking resource selection" and each booking resource have the default custom form. (Note, you must have no parameter "form_type" in the "bookingselect" shortcode). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Ability to use "option" parameter in the [bookingselect ...] shortcode in the same way, as it possible to use for [booking ...] shortcode (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Possibility to select default custom booking form during creation of the Booking Resources (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Pagination of users table at the Settings Users page (MultiUser)
    • Load the PayPal payment page depend from the locale of website (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show confirmation dialog for deletion of discount coupons. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Trick. Possibility to set TRUE of the constant WP_BK_CUSTOM_FORMS_FOR_REGULAR_USERS in wpdev-booking.php file for activation additional "custom forms" functionality for "regular users" (MultiUser)
    • Trick. Possibility to set TRUE of the constant WP_BK_SHOW_BOOKING_NOTES in wpdev-booking.php file for showing by default all comments for the specific bookings in booking listing page (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Sanitize title of new Custom forms. Sometimes using not standard symbols, can generate issues in loading such form (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Possibility to use the same booking shortcode parameters (like several months setting or options parameter) in the other defined calendars in a booking form. If was used the several calendars and one booking form, relative to this instruction: (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Changed the name of submit button at the Settings Payment page, which can generate issue of saving on some servers (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix "403 Error" during saving Settings page on some servers. Saving only relative URLs of the "successfully paid" and "failed" URLs, which are saving in the Settings Payment page. Previously, absolute URLs saving can generate the "403 Error" during saving page on some servers. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing the HINTs (for example the [check_in_date_hint] and other...) in the booking form, only in default language, even if the system was turned to other language (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of auto showing HINTs for the selected dates and cost for the editing booking in admin panel (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not showing the Payment form, but instead of that redirection to the "Thank you" page for the booking form (without calendar) (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue in MultiUser version of not correctly showing booking resources (hierarchy) in the Calendar Overview mode, while logged in as not super booking admin user. (MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not possibility to scroll the months in Calendar Overview page, if was saved the "Filter tab" set as default template. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue with saving and configuring additional cost settings for the options, which have the different titles and values (using @@ symbols in the options). (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of incorrect highlighting check in/out dates in the calendar, when visitor select "check in" date in calendar. Its only in case if the "range days selection using 2 mouse clicks" is activated. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of Sage Pay integrations. Add the "Sate" billing form integration into the billing form. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Responsive Booking Admin panel that looks great on any device.
    • Styles improvement on Booking Listing page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices.
    • Styles improvement on Calendar Overview page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices.
    • Styles improvement on Settings page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices.
    • Styles improvement on "Add booking" page for best feet to WordPress 3.8 update and better look on mobile devices.
    • New design of "Filter Tab" Fields on the Booking Listing page, which take less space and show filter info inside for better understanding or requests.
    • Ability to define the Form Fields Labels at the Settings Fields page in several languages, if the wordpress blog is multilingual. Example: "First Name[lang=de_DE]Vorname[lang=fr_FR]Prénom"
    • New "Mark as Read All" button in the Filters tab on Booking Listing page.
    • Translation to Norwegian language by Håvard Hasli
    • Translation to Brazilian Portuguese by Roberto Negraes
    • Updated Danish translation by Carl Andersen
    • Updated Dutch translation by Gert Pepping
    • Repositioning popover and buttons inside of it on the Calendar Overview page for the better looking on mobile devices.
    • Saving into DB "relative" path to the selected Skin, instead of absolute. Its prevent from the security issue on some servers.
    • Show Booking Dashboard Widget only, if the current user have capability to open "Booking Listing" page.
    • Fixed issue of incorrect showing "checkboxes" on admin panel in Safari
    • Fixed issue with href="#" (scrolling to top of page) in some links.
    • Fixed position of the "Approve", "Cancel", "Delete" and "Edit" links in the mouse-over popover at Calendar Overview page in the IE10
    • Fix issue of sending some emails with "\n" character instead of new line, if inside of booking form was used the new lines in the text box(es).
    • Fix declaration of the wp-content and wp-plugins directories, using standard WP functions for that.
    • Fixed "Notice: Undefined index: booking_type".
    • Removed SSL declaration constant - WP_BK_SSL. Must to auto detect this.
    • WordPress 3.8 support

5.0.4 - [12.12.13]

  • Fix CSS headers issue in admin panel for the WordPress 3.8

5.0.3 - [29.09.13]

  • Added new translation to Swedish by Mattias Aslund [51% complete]
  • Fixed issue. Sometimes the "number of unavailable days from today" was working incorrectly.
  • Set position of the version number to the absolute bottom on the Booking Listing page.

5.0.2 - [19.09.13]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Set day titles in Calendar Overview mode as links for setting start date of booking listing. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Edit booking link in mouse over tooltip at Calendar Overview admin page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Redirect to the exact previous page, after booking editing, where user was before. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of submitting booking form for the several calendars of different booking resources. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing sometimes Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ../biz_m.php on line 638 (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not showing the booking dates in calendar, if booking shortcode is contain empty "agregate" parameter, like this: agregate='' (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fix CSS reseting padding and maring in calendar.css file for the calendar table to prevent conflicts with some WP themes.
    • Fix issue of possible JavaScript error "SyntaxError: symbol is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant", when selecting the start month of availability calendar for the booking shortcode lower then 10.

5.0.1 - [02.09.13]

  • Fixed of incorrect saving checkbox data
  • Customization of booking shortcode for setting specific week day(s) as the start day of selection in calendar, for the specific season filter. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)

5.0 – [27.08.13]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Calendar Overview panel for Multiple Booking Resources ("Matrix"). Beautiful Easy to Understand Interface. Resources at the first column and booking dates in right rows. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Day, Week, Month or 2 Months View Mode. Possibility to set a Day, Week, Month or 2 Months view mode for the "Matrix" Calendar Overview panel. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Select Several Specific or All Resources. Possibility to select several specific or all booking resources at "Filter tab" of Booking Listing or Calendar Overview panel. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Pending Days as Available. Possibility to book Pending Days, until you Approve some booking. Do not lose any bookings, if some bookings were made by mistake or it was spam. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Auto Decline. Activate the Auto decline (delete) all pending bookings in your booking resource for the specific date(s), if you approved other booking for these date(s). (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Set Different Time Slots for the Different Days. You can configure different Time Slots availability for the different days (weekday or date from season filter). Each week day (day of specific season filter) can have different time slots list. Check more here: (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show Specific Form Content, if Desire Date is Selected. You need to show specific field(s), form section or just text, if specific date is selected (weekday or date from season filter) - it's also possible. Check more here: (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Configure Number of Days selection. Specify that during certain seasons (or day of week), the specific minimum (or fixed) number of days must be booked. Check more about this "options" parameter here. Example: visitor can select only 3 days starting at Friday and Saturday, 4 days – Friday, 5 days – Monday, 7 days – Saturday, etc… (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Set several Start Days. Specify several weekdays as possible start day for the range days selection. For example visitor can make range days selection only from Sat, Mon and Fri. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Easy configuration of range days selection. Configure "specific day's selections", for the "range days selection" mode, in more comfortable way. Separate days by dash or comma. Example: "3-5,7,14". It's mean possibility to select: 3, 4, 5, 7 or 14 days. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Integration Authorize.Net Payment Gateway - Server Integration Method (SIM). (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Currency Format. Configure format of showing the cost in the payment form. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Do More with Less Actions. Assign "Availability", "Rates", "Valuations days" or "Deposit amount" to the several booking resources in 1 step. Select several booking resources. Click on "Rate", "Availability", "Valuations days" or "Deposit" button. Configure and Update settings. That's it. (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • qTranslate Support. Full support of the qTranslate plugin. Including the search results content and links to the post with booking forms in correct language. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Edit Past Bookings. Edit your bookings, where the time or dates are already in the past. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Trick: [denyreason] shortcode for "Approve" email. Its mean that we can write some text into the "Reason of cancelation" field for having this custom text in the "Approve" email template. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Checking End Time only. Set checking only end time of bookings for Today. So start time can be already in a past. Reactivate old checking using JavaScript code: is_check_start_time_gone=true; (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Delete your Saved Filter. Delete your Default saved filter template on the Booking Listing page at "Filter" tab. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Set cost for the "Check Out" date. Possibility to use new reserved word LAST ("Check Out" date) in the "Valuation days" cost settings page for the field "For". So you can define the cost of last selected date. Example of configuration: { "For" "LAST" day = "0" "USD per 1 day" "Any days" } (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Advanced Additional Cost. Set additional cost of the booking as percentage of the original booking cost. This original booking cost doesn't have impact from any other additional cost settings. Usage: just write "+" sign before percentage number. Example: "+50%". (Business/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Set "Check In/Out" dates as Available. Set "check in/out" dates as available for resources with capacity higher than one. Its useful, if the check in date of booking have to be the same as check out date of other booking. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Visitors Selection in Search Result. Auto selection of the correct visitor number in the booking form, when the user redirected from the search form. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Use "Unavailable days from today" settings in Search Form. Using the settings of "Unavailable days from today" for the calendars in the search form. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New Shortcodes for Emails and Content Form. Long list of useful shortcodes for the Email Templates and the "Content of Booking Fields" form: [cost_hint], [original_cost_hint], [additional_cost_hint], [deposit_hint], [balance_hint], [check_in_date_hint], [check_out_date_hint], [start_time_hint], [end_time_hint], [selected_dates_hint], [selected_timedates_hint], [selected_short_dates_hint], [selected_short_timedates_hint], [days_number_hint], [nights_number_hint] (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New Shortcodes for Hints in booking form. New shortcodes for showing real-time hints (like [cost_hint]) inside of the booking form: [deposit_hint], [balance_hint], [check_in_date_hint], [check_out_date_hint], [start_time_hint], [end_time_hint], [selected_dates_hint], [selected_timedates_hint], [selected_short_dates_hint], [selected_short_timedates_hint], [days_number_hint], [nights_number_hint] (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Change titles of payment buttons. Possibility to change the titles of the buttons in the payment forms. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing available dates in search results, if these dates were set as unavailable in the season filter. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of incorrect links in the email templates shortcodes, if was used the "url" parameter and this URL was contain this symbol '=' (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of incorrect booking cost saving, if booking was added using "Add booking" admin menu page and in the booking form was used the [cost_correction] shortcode for the entering cost manually. It issue existed only for the cost, what is higher than 1000. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of showing incorrect booking resource selections, when switching from the calendar overview mode to the booking listing mode. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of non-showing bookings, when was switching from the Booking Listing (on page higher than 1) to Calendar Overview mode, then selecting other booking resource and switching back to the Booking Listing page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of non-showing the calendar if using the "agregate" parameter in the booking shortcode. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue in Calendar Overview mode for bookings by the hour, the calendar was displays an extra hour booked. So, if we have a booking at 10:00 for 1 hour, the calendar was display that booking from 10:00 to 12:00, now its show from the 10:00 to 11:00 (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix several issues relative to the bookings editing (including issues during editing of the bookings for the "child" booking resources). (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not showing the "booking data" of the specific booking for the Super booking admin user, if this booking was done by the other Super booking admin user. (MultiUser)
    • Fix. Changed Host header in the IPN PayPal listener to complies with HTTP 1.1 Specifications.
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Responsive front end design. We have completely rewritten the CSS of calendar skins and booking form. Booking form and calendar support fully responsive design that looks great on any device.
    • Smoother Booking Experience. Booking form now has new nice calendar skins and sleek form fields with nice warning messages.
    • Easy to customize. Much more easy to configure for fitting to your site design. Configure calendar width, height or even structure (number of months in a row) from settings in a minute.
    • Configure your predefined form fields set. Write Labels for your fields. Now (at Booking > Settings > Fields page) is possible to change the form fields labels.
    • Activate or Deactivate fields. You can activate or deactivate the fields from the predefined fields set.
    • Set as required specific fields. You can set as required specific fields in your booking form from the predefined fields set
    • Improved Performance. WP Booking Calendar has been dramatically improved in terms of performance to make your site run better and faster.
    • Customize the Calendar Skins. The calendar skins ../css/skins/ are located separately from the calendar structure file ../css/calendar.css and very well commented. So you needn't to worry about the structure, sizes or responsive design of the calendar and concentrate only on design.
    • Possibility to define any custom "Start date" of bookings listing in Calendar Overview mode at Navigation toolbar instead of only Current date/month.
    • Change the "New bookings" parameter selection from the button to selectbox in the Extended Filter tab at Booking Listing page.
    • Automatically set specific "Radio button" as checked in the "Booking dates" and the "Creation dates" parameters at the Filters tab if specific dates or other option is selected.
    • Using the Bootstrap CSS for the booking form.
    • New Welcome page.
    • New "Get Started" panel.
    • Prevent of submitting the booking form with the same CAPCTCHA after refreshing the page with old data.
    • Fix issue of possibility several times submit booking form (at the same date/time will be several same bookings), by clicking several times on the Submit button, until the booking form is not hided.
    • Fix issue of showing the dates in correct language (locale) for the payment requests or some other actions, what are sending in Ajax requests.
    • Fix compatibility with "Advanced Custom Fields" plugin (Version Possibility to insert the booking shortcode into the posts or pages.
    • Fix issue of showing /n instead of the new line in the emails templates, if in the text area was type enter(s).
    • Fix issue of non-translated the "Month titles" at the left column on the Booking Calendar Overview page in admin panel.
    • Fix issue of possibility to filter the booking listing for the same check in/out date, if the booking was done at specific timeslot at single date.
    • Fix setting of state of Read / Unread button at the "Filter tab" on the Booking Listing page.
    • Fix issue with the filter results in the admin area. If choose a particular date and use the same date for check-in and check-out, we haven't got any results even there are bookings.
    • Many other small issue fixing and improvements...

4.1.6 - [23.08.13]

  • Security and maintenance fix. Its important to update your version to this update

4.1.5 - [28.07.13]

  • Support WordPress 3.6

4.1.4 - [23.05.13]

  • Fix several warning notices in the plugin, if the WP_DEBUG constant is set to true at the config.php file.
  • Showing one calendar and the warning message if at the same visible page is showing booking forms or calendars of the same booking resource more than one time.
  • Block loading of the unused JavaScript at the Booking Listing page.

4.1.3 - [21.04.13]

  • Translation of Booking Calendar Plugin, into Hebrew, by Eli Segev.
  • Fix issue of not submitting the booking form, when the blog is installed not to the root of site (when Site URL and WordPress URL at the WordPress Settings are different)
  • Define possibility to activate the 'https' mode for the site, by setting true value to the WP_BK_SSL constant at the wpdev-booking.php file
  • Load the jquerymigrate and rechecking for the minimum jQuery 1.7.1 in any versions of plugin, until now its was only in Business Small or higher versions.
  • Fix conflict issue (when mouse over specific buttons in the booking admin panel), which is generated by the "Comprehensive Google Map Plugin"

4.1.2 - [17.03.13]

  • Fix issue with links in pagination at the Resources page (in paid versions).

4.1.1 - [15.03.13]

  • Fix issue of showing the warning message "mktime() expects parameter 1 to be long, string given in" if the time is not selected.
  • Fix issue of showing the "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." error, if the previous installation of the plugin was in the different folder.

4.1 - [13.03.13]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • Check-in and check-out days visible like in the other booking systems (mark half of day, instead of the clock icon). This feature is active if the "Use check in/out time" option is checked at the General Booking Settings page (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New type of season filter - just selecting the specific dates during a year(s). /Removing the time filter/ (Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Emails templates (in subject and content of email templates) support any shortcodes, which you are used at booking form. You can use the shortcodes in the same way as you are used it in the bottom form at Settings Fieds page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Possibility to use the "visitor email" shortcode in the email template at the field "From", so if the admin click on reply button he will send email directly to the visitor (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • New shortcode [bookingselect] for selecting in selectbox the specific booking form, instead of using the customizations of PHP theme files. Example: [bookingselect type='2,3,4' form_type='standard' nummonths=1 label='Please select the resource: '] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Search. Possibility to use new parameters in the seacrh form: searchresults="URL of search results", noresultstitle="Title of search results, when nothing fount", searchresultstitle="Title of search results" Example: [bookingsearch searchresults="" noresultstitle="Nothing Found" searchresultstitle="Search results"] ( Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Search. Possibility to show the search results in a new seperate page, diferent from search form page. Use this shortcode: [bookingsearchresults] for showing the search results inside of this page. Inside of the search form you will need to use this parameter: bookingsearchresults - for definition of URL of search results page. ( Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Search. Search widget (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Search. Availability Search Form (Booking > Settings > Search page) can have as parameter any "CUSTOM FIELDS" from the posts/pages, where you are inserted the booking form shortcodes. Please use only the custom field(s) with the names, which is starting with the "booking_" term. Example: In the post or page, you can have the custom field like this: booking_width : 50. In the Settings Search form you can use this selectbox: <select name="booking_width" id="booking_width" ><option value="">Any</option><option value="50">50</option><option value="75">75</option></select> ( Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Search. Limit the search results based on the availability per user. Showing availability in search results only for the specific users. Example of usage search form shortcode: [bookingsearch users="1,2"] ; where 1,2 - its a ID list of users.
    • Search. Add the translation possibility for the "[booking info]" and "[booking_resource_title]" section at the search results, using the [lang=LOCALE] shortcode (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Search. Usage the translation(s) of the Subject and Excerpt for the search result in a format: <!--[lang=en_US]English translation<!-- --><!--[lang=pl_PL]Polish translation<!-- --><!--[lang=ru_RU]Russian translation<!-- -->
    • Search. Fix issue of not updating the cost hint in the booking form, when the visitor is redirected from search form (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Form Fields. Define for the each CUSTOM FORM the CUSTOM CONTENT, which is showing in the email templates (shortcode - [content]), and in the booking listing page. (Business Medium/Large)
    • Form Fields. Define the default CUSTOM FORM for the specific resource at the Booking > Resources page. (Business Medium/Large)
    • Form fields. Several new default templates for reseting of booking forms. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Possibility to use the "url" parameter in the shortcodes: [visitorbookingediturl], [visitorbookingcancelurl], [visitorbookingpayurl] on the Booking > Settings > Emails page, for setting different page URL of the specific action . Example: [visitorbookingpayurl url=""] (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Showing the correct content of the booking form at the Booking Listing page, if for the booking was used the Custom form. (Business Medium/Large)
    • Fix issue of not using the custom form, when editing the booking, which was done in the custom form. For correct using of this feature, you must correctly define the default custom form for the specific resource at the Booking > Resources page. ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Possibility to show booking details in payment form ( Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Customization of the booking title (ID or Name,... of the booking form, etc) in the Calendar Overview page (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Configuration of the shortcodes: search form, search results and the selection of booking forms; in the popup configuration dialog at the edit post page, using the booking calendar button at edit toolbar. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Show the inactive rates and season filters for the availability as grayed at the Settings page ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Do not show the Cost in mouseover tooltip, if the cost = 0 ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Possibility to use the additional cost per each night in the same way as with days at the Resources - Advanced cost page ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Possibility to set the different colors of the for the days with the different rates. Each such date cell (which have the different rate) is have the specific CSS class in format: rate_150 or rate_300, where 150 and 300 its rate (cost) for the specific date. So inside of the some CSS file (for example: ../booking/css/client.css ) you can use construction like this: .datepick-inline table.datepick td.rate_300 a{ background: #F00; } ( Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not possibility to select the booking resources at the Booking Calendar widget, if your booking resources displayed at the several pages in the Booking - Resources page. (Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix of not possibility to use the HTML tags in excerpts for the [booking_info] shortcode in the search results. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of not possibility to modify/save the "Cancel Return URL from PayPal" at the settings page. (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix correct link of edit users profile at the Settings Users menu page (MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of auto cancellation pending not successfully payed bookings after specific time (Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser).
    • Fix issue of not showing correct translation of message: 'The booking is cancel successfully', if visitor is cancel the reservation.
    • Fix issue of showing the correct availability in calendar with specific capacity (higher than 1), if the "season filter(s) availability" are applied to the "child" booking resources (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of generating the JavaScript error at the page, when using the conditional season filter, where is not selected any week days, even if this filter do not apply to the any of the days.
    • Fix issue of not correct showing values of checkbox fields, if the booking is saved to the "child" resource (Business Large, MultiUser).
    • Fix issue of disappearing the booking resource, if at the Resource menu is assign to the booking resource the parent element as itself (Business Large, MultiUser).
    • Fix issue of selecting the dates in correct format in calendar after redirection from the search results (Business Large, MultiUser).
    • Fix issue of not applying to the all "regular users" the "Deposit activation" feature from the General Booking Settings page in MultiUser version. (MultiUser)
    • Fix issue when Regular Users can see the bookings from other user(s) in MultiUser version, after reconfiguration parameters in filter tab. (MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New Calendar Overview page (1 month/ 3 month / Year view mode) for the booking listing in the admin panel.
    • Showing the full booking info in the popover tooltip, when mouse over specific booking in the Calendar Overview page in admin panel.
    • Setting the default start page at the General Booking Settings page : Booking Listing or Booking Calendar Overview page.
    • Possibility to Sort the bookings by booking Dates in the Booking Listing page
    • Possibility to activate / deactivate and edit titles of specific items in the Legend under the calendar.
    • Showing the current date instead of "#" symbol at the cells of legend.
    • New technical section at the General Booking Settings page (for re-indexing (possibility to sort by date field) the exist bookings)
    • Slovak translation by Branco, Slovak (
    • Add possibility to send the "Approve" emails, if the "Auto-approve" feature is activated at the General Booking Settings page.
    • Use the "visitor email" from the booking form as a default "reply" email in the email template about the new booking, which is sending to the booking administrator.
    • Set the date and time of the booking(s) relative to the "Timezone", which is set at the WordPress General Settings page.
    • Support of migration to the jQuery 1.9 or 2.0
    • Fix issue of not sending emails at the "Add booking" admin page, if the "Not sending emails" checkbox is checked.
    • Many other small issue fixing and improvements...

4.0.2 - [12.12.2012]

  • WordPress 3.5 compatibility

4.0.1 - [16.06.2012]

  • Fix issue of not possibility to make the reservation, when using only the booking form, without calendar
  • Load the jQuery 1.7.1, if the theme is loaded older version by default
  • Do not load by default the Bootstrap JS if its lower then BS version, at client side of site. At these versions we are do not need the bootstrap at client side, so its mean that at client side in this case we can use the jQuery version older than 1.7.1 version.

4.0 - [29.05.2012]

  • Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser versions features:
    • New version names and functionality of Booking Calendar plugin: Free, Personal, Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser versions
    • New interface with reorganized menu items at Settings and Resource menu pages. More logical and intuitive settings. (Personal, Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • New sub menu pages in Resources menu page: Cost and Rates, Advanced cost, Coupons, Availability, Season filters
    • New cost sections at the general booking settings page
    • New auto cancellation pending not payed bookings sections at the general booking settings page
    • New tab selections for showing specific sections in Payment and Emails settings page
    • Possibility to set/check active status of Payment systems and Emails templates at the top settings sub-menu
    • Removed sub menu pages from Settings menu: Cost and availability, Season filters
    • Removed sections: from settings Payment page - Cost of resources, Advanced cost management, Auto cancel pending not payed bookings
    • New "Add resource" style section
    • Pagination of the resource pages
    • Ajax changing resource for specific booking, changing the cost and notes
    • Change the Payment status of booking
    • Showing the labels for the each booking, like Approved/Pending, payment status, resource...
    • Export bookings to CSV (Personal, Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Print functionality (Personal, Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Custom booking form selection at the Admin menu: "Add booking" (Business Medium, Business Large)
    • Integration Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a message service that notifies you of events related to PayPal transactions (Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Set costs of booking resources at the Resources page, and removed it from the Booking > Settings > Payment page. (Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Set costs of booking resources at the Resources page, and removed it from the Booking > Settings > Payment page. (Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Activation of the Auto approve functionality. (Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large)
    • Possibility to apply the 100% discount, using the coupon codes (Business Large)
    • Disabled the submit button, when user is activated the range days selection using 2 mouse clicks, and click only once at the calendar
    • Search of availability based on the "season filters" functionality in additional to the "booked dates" (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Possibility to search in the custom posts and pages (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Search form is mark the searched dates as selected at the page with booking calendar (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Add possibility in Paypal form integration to indicates whether the transaction is payment on a final sale or an authorization for a final sale, to be captured later. (Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix integration of Paypal Pro Hosted Solution.(Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing cost or availability tooltip in wrong place, when mouse over specific date in calendar at some themes. (Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix. Possibility to save 0 cost for booking resource. (Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of showing no results during availability searching, when wordpress system is use some third party plugins for translation of blog. (Business Large, MultiUser)
    • Fix issue of editing exist reservation at admin panel, when was booked several days, but after saving the edited reservation (edited was only fields) is saved only first booking day. Right now its fixed
    • Fix issue of cost calculation for "Valuation days" settings, when "recurrent time" feature is active and do not using any time
    • Fix issue with possibility to select the days "using range days selection with 1 mouse click", when inside of this range of days are exist some unavailable day(s)
    • Fix issue of adding the booking to not correct booking resource at the "Add booking" admin page, when no selection of booking resource was made and first booking resource was deleted
    • Fix showing warning message, if the "Disable reservations in different booking resources" option is activated. (Business Large)
    • Fix not showing the booking resource at the "short dates", if some last dates is belong to different booking resource. (Business Large)
    • Fix correct updating booking form, when admin change the booking resource for the booking
    • Fix max. days selection, if activated the range days selection, using 2 mouse clicks and discreet number of days settings
    • Fix coupon creation issue of not showing coupons, when some coupon not have selected "All" resources
    • Fix Error during updating remarks in BD [Query was empty].. It happens when a '%' sign in the note
    • Much more...
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • WordPress 3.3.2 update support
    • New clean stylish interface of Booking Listing menu page
    • New booking toolbar, with tabs: Filter, Actions, Help
    • Performance improvement at the booking admin panel for the large amount of data
    • New filter for the showing bookings, based on number of parameters, like: Dates o booking, creation date of booking, status of bookings, keywords ( resources, cost and status of payment for the paid versions )
    • Search booking by ID
    • Actions on a single booking
    • Possibility to set Approved booking as Pending
    • Ajax approving/declining, deleting of bookings
    • Pagination of the booking listing
    • Showing the date/time of booking creation
    • New tooltip system
    • German translation
    • Fix issue of minimum days selection in range days selection, when visitor is click only once at days selection and minimum days selection is more then 1 day
    • Fix issue of not showing the "Booking Calendar" button at the edit toolbar, when toolbar in HTML mode at WordPress 3.3 and higher
    • Fix issue of not possibility to save the "links" at the footer inside of the booking widget for sidebar
    • Fix issue "... is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant ...", which is appear at some sites, because not correct transform of this variable: var wpdev_bk_today = new Array( ...
    • Removed jWPDev variable and returned to jQuery variable. The construction "jWPDev = jQuery.noConflict()" in some themes previously can generate JS errors

3.0 - [10.07.2011]

  • Professional / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser versions features:
    • Add to the cost settings - "Set cost of booking resource depends from number of selected booking days" posibility to set Season filter condition. {Please note, if you are select some season filter for this cost configuration, its will apply to the days, only if all days are inside of this season filter.} (Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser)
    • Fix issue with creating discount coupons, which based on procents from final booking cost.(Hotel Edition)
    • Fix emails sending, after the resrvation is canceled by visitor, both (if its active at the settings) to the admin and to the person, who made booking. In this case is using "Cancelation" email template. (Pro / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser)
    • Fix issue with posibility to book resrved time at some 1 day, if was activated range days selection using 2 mouse clicks, and visitor click only 1 time at days. (Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser)
    • Fix issue with coupons creation. The coupons was not displayed, if at least one coupon was not apply to all booking resources. (Hotel Edition)
    • Fix issue of showing Paypal payment form, during payment request, if the Paypal was deactivated in settings (Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser)
    • Much more...
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • WordPress 3.2 update support
    • Clean interface. No any branding anymore
    • Setting number of unavailable days in calendar starting from today
    • Hide the avilability calendar, after resrvation is done (after click on send button), so will be show thank you message only
    • Fix issue of loading correct language during first activation of plugin, if language of site not English. Previosly some sentences was in English saved to DB, now its fixed
    • Fix conflict issue with plugin Tabber-Widget
    • Code refactoring

2.9 - [29.05.2011]

  • Professional / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser versions features:
    • New Resource Managment page (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Posibility to create several new booking resources in one step. Its usefull, when needs create many resorurces or "subresources".(Hotel Edition)
    • Integration iPay88 - payment system (Mostly operation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Integration Paypal Pro Hosted Solution (iframes is not supported) (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Deposit payment - posibility for visitors to pay part of final summ. (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Support of recurrent time for several days selection. Its mean that middle days will be partially booked by actual times, if this feature is disabled so then time in booking form used as check in/out time for first and last time of reservation, middle days full reserved. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Move reservation between resources - from one booking resource to other (its usefull, for exmaple, if you want to chnage the room of reservation ) (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Enable/Disable time (selected from booking form) impact to cost calculation. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Support of multiple sidebar widgets. Posibility to set several sidebar widgets. ( Support at WordPress 2.8 or higher versions) (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Add posibility to insert language shortcodes ( example of French shortcode: [lang=fr_FR] ) for some options, like: thank you message, form fields customization, form content customization, search form, and search result form customization, emails subjects and content. Example of thank you message in English and French languages: "Thank you for your reservation.[lang=fr_FR]Je vous remercie de votre réservation." (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Posibility to set inside of advanced cost management section the additional cost for each selected day, which will dependce from selection of selectboxes or checkboxes from booking form. Exmaple of usage: "50/day" - its mean that final cost will be more in $50 for each selected day, if option will be selected, where this rule assigned. (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Posibility to dissable reservation, which can be stored in different booking resources. So if this feature is enabled, the reservation is allowed only, if all days of reservation are at same booking resources, otherwise the error message will show. (Hotel Edition)
    • Optimization of search logic for available booking resources ( Hotel Edition, MultiUser )
    • Optimization of time availability checking and disabling range time slots during single days selection (Premium, Premium Plus)
    • New shortcodes for booking form: [original_cost_hint] - show cost hint of original booking cost without additional costs for full booking in real time, depends only from days selection. [additional_cost_hint] - show cost hint of additional booking cost, ehich depends from selection of form elements. (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Custom number of visitor selections inside of search form ( Hotel Edition )
    • Fixing issue with not posibility of booking, when using several calendars and one form and general calendar have not selected days ( Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Fix of showing payment form, when visitor click at payment link from payment request email, even if Paypal and Sage is not active (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Fixing issue of showing time 12:00AM insteed of 12:00PM at tooltip, when mouse over the day. (Premium, Premium Plus, MultiUser)
    • Fixing issue of incorrect showing dates in payment request at description of this payment. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Fixing issue in additioal cost calculation, now procents from one option can apply to the fixed summ from other option of selected checkbox or selectbox (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Fixing issue of not disabling booked time slots in selectbox (range time) during single days selection in Internet Explorer 7 ( Premium, Premium Plus )
    • Much more...
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Show at the admin menu number of new bookings.
    • Showing all actual bookings for today.
    • Booking Admin Bar menu. Add booking menu (with number of new bookings) to Admin Bar, if its supported.
    • Booking widget at the Dashboard wordpress page.
    • New interface style of tables and settings.
    • Security fix for defence JavaScript (XSS vulnerability) and SQL injection at the form.
    • Support of WPML Multilingual CMS Plugin( Fix compatibility with version.
    • Fix issue of not opening popup booking window at the edit post page, when pressing booking button, because of conflicts with some themes. Right now at this page is using standard jQuery variable not jWPDev.
    • Warning message, when user click on "Delete booking data" checkbox at settings page.
    • Fix some issues with France language.
    • Fix issues of showing "\'" sign at some non English languages.
    • Improve form fields checking and sending, saving data for special characters.
    • Improve security in SQL transactions.
    • Support of the selectors quotes: [property="value"] instead of [property=value].
    • Code refactoring

2.8 - [20.01.2011]

  • Professional / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser versions features:
    • Search functionality of available dates at all booking resources. [bookingsearch] - shortcode for usage inside of posts or pages. User can click on the dates of interest, select number of visitors, hit 'Search'. Search results would be a listed output each linking to a individual Page / Post where clients would have the opportunity to book available dates. (Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Posibility to assign to each of booking resources, maximum support of visitors (Hotel Edition)
    • Set posibility to show availability based on number of available items (free booking resources /resources, which have some capacity/) or on number of visitors inside of available booking resources.(Hotel Edition)
    • Setting Maximum and Minimum number of days selections in a days range selection using 2 mouse buttons. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition )
    • Setting specific (discreet) numbers of days selections in a days range selection using 2 mouse buttons. For example: possible to selection only 3, 7 and 14 days and so on. Its usefull, when need to select weeks (or may be other number of days). Its mean that can be selected only 7+7+7+... days. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition )
    • Automatically set aproriate month, during editing of some booking, if month is grater then current month. (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Fixing of updating booking form information during upgrade from previos version.
    • Fixing of not showing correct cost (including advanced cost management sections) at cost hint, when booking form is use custom booking form (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Fixing of showing cost at tooltip, when mouse over the day of calendar. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Fixing of showing dates in correct format for Paypal description title. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Fixing issue of not blocking time range at selectbox of form, if time range was not formated correctly: without spaces near '-' sign or without start '0' near hours less then 10. Now its work in anyway. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Fixing issue with blocking dates, when all times from time range slections at form are booked the calendar is only show the partially booked icon. ( Premium, Premium Plus )
    • Fixing issue with possibility to select less days as it was setted for minimum selection at days range selection. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Add posibility to set start month and year during showing of calendar. You need to use booking shortcode in format: [ booking startmonth='2011-1'], where '2011-1' its January of 2011.
    • Auto fill some fields of booking form, if user is logged in.
    • Add multilanguage support (dynamic changing languages, translation of booking calendar, at frontend side of site) using "WPML Multilingual CMS" plugin ( ).
    • Fix of using old "From" email adress, when email is updated at the Booking General Settings page at free version of plugin.
    • Usage site_url() insteed of get_option('siteurl'), its fix "https" issue.
    • Translation to Croatian by Zoran Vodopija.
    • Code refactoring.

2.7 - [24.11.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser versions features:
    • Coupon discount systems - a way to have discounts. Customers can enter a promo code and they get some discounts (Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Automatic expiration/cancellation, when bookings aren't being confirmed by admin within a certain timeframe and not paid by visitor. Auto cancellation process start to work, when some visitor check availability, in other words open a page with booking form. So its not require then CRON functionality. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Posibility to send or not send autocancellation email and enter reason for auto cancellation preocess. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Possible to book many different items / rooms / facilties via one form - one booking form for several booking calendars. Using this feature is require creation of new additional booking form customization, where will be inserted several calendars in format: [calendar], [calendar id=Booking resource id1],... Example: <div style="float:left;margin:10px;">[calendar]</div><div style="float:left;margin:10px;">[calendar id=2]</div><div style="float:left;margin:10px;">[calendar id=3]</div></div>, where [calendar] - Default calendar (You are select this resource at popup, when insert it into post/page); [calendar id=2] - Calendar of resource ID=2; [calendar id=3] - Calendar of resource ID=3 (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Set default country selection inside of country shortcode at form fields customization page. Example of default selection "United States": [country "US"] (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Set checkbox as required field. Now you can use shortcode [checkbox* name_of_chek_box ""] inside of customization form page ( * - required symbol for shortcode ) . So your visitors, must to checked this checkbox for submiting booking form (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Show inside of popup insertion shortcodes dialog additional options for insertion shortcodes: [ bookingedit], [ bookingform] (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Fix of showing booked time as 24-mode or 12-hour with am/pm at mouse over tooltip, depends from saving time format at the general booking settings menu. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Show Pending and Approved tables for "parent" booking resource with capacity more then one as a one table, and not as sepearte tables as it was before. Its make more easy managment of bookings in this view mode. (Hotel Edition, MultiUser )
    • Set invisible booking forms of booking resources, which is not exist anymore, at front end. (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Email templates new shortcode: [id] - ID of reservation (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Show booking resources line with many booking resources at booking page in more comfortable view. Set "Toggle Down"/"Toggle Up" box, when mouse over this line and if number of booking resources more than 5. (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Posibility to set "Thank you" message or redirect to "Thank you" page after user is made reservation. Its usefull, for exmaple, when need to use google analitycs for the bookings checking. At premium and higher versions this feature active only in situation, when cost is not zero.
    • Add translations of thank you message to use it inside of PO and MO files
    • New style of showing block days in calendar, after visitor make reservations. Now days become unselectable and no time icons, when visitor press submit button.
    • Fix issue with "Show all booking tables" button in Safari browser, when this button is pressed before all page is loaded.
    • Fix of not showing "Reason of cancellation" at email template during decline process of booking at version 2.6.
    • Fix of showing Notice at DEBUG MODE ON "has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0!"
    • Fix of showing Notice at DEBUG MODE ON "Notice: Undefined index:..."
    • Fix of activation plugin, when DEBUG MODE ON
    • Code refactoring

2.6 - [25.10.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser versions features:
    • New version - Booking Calendar MultiUser . Creation of sites, where can be several property owners (users) at the same time. Each owner will see only his booking resources and bookings. Posibility to make independent customization of forms fields, emails, payments and so on for each owner. (Multi User)
    • Posibility to Activate and Deactivate users from wordpress for using Booking system (Multi User)
    • Showing and independent configuration booking resources for each active non super booking admin user, which belong only to this specific user (Multi User)
    • Showing of bookings for each active non super booking admin user, which belong only to this specific user (Multi User)
    • Independent, seperate configuration of form fields for each active non super booking admin user (Multi User)
    • Independent, seperate configuration of email templates for each active non super booking admin user (Multi User)
    • Independent, seperate configuration of costs and payments options for each active non super booking admin user (Multi User)
    • Independent, seperate configuration of rates, advanced cost management and season availability for each active non super booking admin user (Multi User)
    • Fixing issue with initial values of child objects at Hotel Edition verison (Hotel Edition)
    • If selected booking resource with some capacity as a default booking resource for showing at Booking and Add booking admin pages, so then by default showing booking resource as a container of units not first child as it was before (Hotel Edition)
    • Email templates have 2 new shortcodes: [check_in_date] - check in date (first day of reservation) and [check_out_date] - check out date (last day of reservation) (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Refactoring of source code.
    • Showing legend of days also nearly calendar (when you are insert not booking form with calendar but only availability calendar)
    • Polish translation done by Wlodek from Wydarzenia z Polski
    • French translation done by Anastase from Horoscope hebdomadaire
    • Optimize some text at descriptions.
    • Fix issue: not showing of calendar, when selected some translation file, which contain ' sign (this issue was at Spain and French translation).
    • Fix issue "Error during inserting in DB" at some versions which use Mysql 5.0.85

2.5 - [08.10.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition versions features:
    • New Hotel Edition. This version is completly redeveloped. Now Booking Resources (which have capacity per day for reservation) can conatin independent CHILD resources. After reservation is done, booking are store inside of one specific child booking resource. Each child booking resource have Prioritet, its mean that items (booking resources, like rooms or seats...) with higher prioritet will reserved firstly, then booking resources with lower prioritet. ( Hotel Edition )
    • New view of calendars at the admin panel for resource, which have childs objects (capacity of available items per day) (Hotel Edition)
    • More comfortable look of all available/unavailable days for all booking resources. New view of calendars at the admin panel for "All reservation" menu - showing one month in 1 row. (Professiona, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Calculation of final cost based on % from the number of selected days for booking (option "togather" at the payment configuration settings page, where cost depends from number of selected days ) (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Posibility to send copy of Approval, Cancellation, Modification or Payment request emails copy to Administrator also. (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Activation of auto approve or auto cancellation of booking settings, if visitor make successfull payment or click at cancellation payment link. ( Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition )
    • Show cost hint of bookings in real time, depends from days selection and selecation of elements inside of form. You need to use inside of form fields cutomization page this shortcode: "<div style="text-align:left;line-height:28px;"><p>The cost for payment: [ cost_hint]</p></div>" (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Add possibility to enter directly cost at admin panel during adding new booking at "Add booking" page. Shortcode for using inside of form fields customization page: [ cost_corrections] (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Fixed issue with Successfull Payment URL dueing successfull payment using Paypal account (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Posibility to change hash after bookings approvement. Its will disable posibility for visitor to edit or cancel booking after approvement. (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Optimization of the logic, refactoring of source code.
    • Fixing issue of multiple days selection during using Italian translation
    • Translation to Dutch (partly) by Jeroen

2.4 - [06.09.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition versions features:
    • New Premium Plus version: support features: advanced cost management, setting rates per day, setting availabilit of days and many other...
    • Show all bookings from all booking resources (all calendars) at one page of admin panel. (Quick look up for free and unavailable days for all booking resources for administrator) (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Posibility to show reserved days at one calendar from several booking resource. So its mean that one calendar can aggregate dates from several booking resource. Usage: Now available new parameter for [ booking] shortcode - agregate='2;4;5', where 2;4;5 - ID of booking resources. Example: [ booking nummonths=2 type=3 form_type='standard' agregate='1;2' ] (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Changing request payment icon after payment request is done (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • More flexible configuration of cost, which depends from number of selected days for booking. Now available posibility to set direct cost, % from cost and additional cost to the base day cost. (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Seetings for saving Default booking resource during opening of booking table (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Fixing some issues during calulation of cost, which is depends from the number of selected days for booking, and based on % (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New 2 skins: traditional and traditional light.
    • Translation into Italian language by Edoardo Langasco
    • Changing number of calendars at the admin panel at Booking page. Saving number of calendars at the admin panel for each user personally.
    • Settings for saving Default sort order of bookings during opening of booking table
    • Saving state (opened/closed) of meta boxes at settings page for each user
    • Changing loading of Languages from load_textdomain to load_plugin_textdomain function

2.3 - [26.08.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Posibility to edit reservation by visitors of sites. (For this operation need to create new page with shortcode [ bookingedit ]. At emails settings you need to use this [ visitorbookingediturl ] shortcode for inseerting edit link) (Professional, Premium, Hotel Edition)
    • Posibility to cancel reservation by visitors of site (For this operation need to create new page with shortcode [ bookingedit ]. At emails settings you need to use this [ visitorbookingcancelurl ] shortcode for inseerting edit link) (Professional, Premium, Hotel Edition)
    • Direct editing cost of reservation by admin. ( Premium, Hotel Edition)
    • Send payment request to visitor of site by email. Posibility to enter reason of this payment. (For this operation need to create new page with shortcode [ bookingedit ]. At emails settings you need to use this [ visitorbookingpayurl ] shortcode for inseerting edit link) ( Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • New email template for senfing payment request to customer. ( Premium, Hotel Edition)
    • Fixxing issue with checking time (which are already at the past for today) during filling booking form. ( Premium, Hotel Edition )
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Posibility to Aprove / Decline bookings without sending emails to visitors. New checkbox under Aprove and Cancel buttons for sending or not sending emails.
    • Posibility to Add new booking by admin without sending email to visitor. New checkbox for sending or not sending emails.

2.2 - [31.07.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Set posibility to activate calculatation of the capacity for available days, depends from number of visitors, which was at the form during previos booking(s) (Hotel Edition)
    • Add AM/PM time format for time shortcodes: [rangetime], [starttime] and [endtime]. You need to set at the General Booking settings page time format in AM/PM format, but bookmarks time format will show in AM/PM format, but at the form fields customization page, you still need to enter predefined values of time in military format. ( Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Add posibility to show payment description nearly Payment button ( Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Fixed issue with rates calculation, when fixed range time is activated (usual time also) and cost is set per night or day (Hotel Edition)
    • Hiding time, which are already booked at the selection box during single day selections. Available at the [rangetime] shortcode. ( Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Adding % to the customization cost at "cost depends from number of selected days of reservations"- CDFND . So now its possible to combine rates with CDFND, is CDFND was set as %. Its mean that previosly is calculated rates cost and then applying % from CDFND. So if you set 0% for 6th day, its mean that cost of 6th selected day will be 0 and visitor will pay only for 5 selected days. If no % at the CDFND, its will calculated as early independent from rates. (Hotel Edition)
    • New shortcode of usage only Booking Form without calendar for reservation of sinle day at Hotel Edition version with usage option: "Visitors number apply to capacity". Ex.: [ bookingform selected_dates='20.08.2010' type=1 ] (Hotel Edition)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fixed selection of a day (properly background and color selection), which have already some time reserved, at CSS skins.
    • Fixing several issues
    • Oprimization CSS and JS files (need browser cashe clearing after update of previos version)

2.1 - [11.07.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Added SandBox - test payment, using PayPal payment (Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Autofill button for automatic filling all booking fields during "Adding new reservation" from admin panel. Its will save time of administrator for fast making reservations. (Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Added GBP and JPY signs for showing currency (Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Fixed issue with returned URL from Paypal (Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Fixed issue for cost calculation, which is depends from number of selected days for booking. Issue was with option "togather". ( Hotel Edition )
    • Fixing issue at advanced cost calculation, when no time is using at the booking form. ( Hotel Edition )
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Add some hooks for compatibility with new Customers and orders support wordpress plugin
    • Removes .htaccess file from plugin installation. (At some servers have problems with configuration)
    • Fixed small issue with sorting at booking table
    • Fixing issue with loadin JS file, which is not requred for Eng. version

2.0 - [13.06.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Fixing issue with showing warnings during serialize exeution at WP3.0 ( Hotel Edition)
    • New design of selection booking resources items
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Optimize CSS at skins
    • New design of Settings Menu
    • Some new icons
    • Show help tooltips for some actions
    • Translation into Spanish by Nortasun Digitala (Basque Sarea S.L.)
    • Add additional checking for issue: "500 Internal Server Error", and set link for solving it.
    • This feature (file .htaccess) is excluded from current version {06/19/2010} . Some server configuration have problems with this. So now its fixed Old description of feature: "Optimize security of execution script. Restrict permission from listing of folders at some servers. Deny direct execution of script from browser. Show message about it."

1.9.3 - [29.05.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Show all new incoming bookings from all resources at one page - Incoming
    • Make disable some options at the rangetime selections (drop down list with time intervals), during single day selections at the calendar, when some time (in selected day) already booked
    • Set posibility to show time in diferent formats (using AM/PM and not using it) at rangetime selections (Premium, Hotel Edition)
    • Fixing issue with editing of bookings with checkbox, which are include multiple values for checking (Professional, Premium, Hotel Edition)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fixing IE7 issue of showing calendar at some wordpress themes
    • Fixing some spelling

1.9.2 - [16.05.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Customization and sending email to visitor of site, after visitor is made booking. By default its turned Off.
    • Posibility to set costs of several days, depends from number of days during selection these days at the booking form. This new option is available at the advanced day cost, which is depends from number of selected days for booking. ( Hotel Edition )
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Inserted moderate link into email for admin after new booking is done.
    • Setting default date view as a short dates view ( its mean by default dates will show in format 05/15/2010 - 05/17/2010, but you can still chnage it at settings to this view 05/15/2010, 05/16/2010, 05/17/2010 )

1.9.1 - [10.05.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Advanced costs using checkbox option. You can add additional cost or discounts, which will calculated if visitor of your site will check ON specific check box (Hotel Edition)
    • Added posibility to set advanced day cost, which is depends from number of selected days for booking. This feature work only if cost per day is selected. If this feature is activated, rates season system will not work. (Hotel Edition)
    • Fixing HTML at remark fields.
    • Optimizing of showing advanced costs at the settings page ( Hotel Edition version )
    • Cost implementation into emeil (Premium, Hotel Edition)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • CSS optimisation
    • Fixing issue with sorting dates at the booking table

1.9 - [03.05.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • New Sage payment system
    • Added new countries field list ( Professional, Premium, Hotel Edition)
    • Multi booking form customization. Posibility to create and assign several booking forms into posts/pages for some booking resources.
    • Optimize workflow of Hotel Edition version for booking resource, which set maximum number of items (seats, rooms) to 1. In this situation its work in the same way as Premium version.
    • Optimize of workflow rates season, when payment set as "fixed deposit" (Hotel Edition)
    • Fixing issue with durationtime, when start time set as a select box (Premium, Hotel Edition)
    • Added feature of showing Name ([name]) and Second name ([secondname]) inside of emails subject (Professional, Premium, Hotel Edition)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation into Belorussian by Marcis G
    • Fixing some small IE7 issue
    • Fixing samall issue with user rights

1.8 - [18.04.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Discounts or additional costs at Advanced cost management - cost depends from any "select" fields (for example for using some objects or depends from number of visitors and so on). So you can set additional cost or discounts depends from option selected by visitor. This additional cost can be fixid cash or set in procent from original booking cost. Its very flexible. You can set it at the "Paypal and cost" settings page at advanced cost block. ( Hotel Edition version )
    • Hourly season filter - rates. Beta! Rates depends from hour entered by visitor. ( Hotel Edition version )
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Admin booking email modification. From now toy can change admin emeil for bookings at the settings page at Booking Calendar Standard version (free version).
    • Setting maximum number of monthes inside of booking calendar. Early was 1 year. Right now can set from 1 month to 10 years

1.7.4 - [11.04.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Advanced cost management - cost depends from number of visitors ( Hotel Edition version )
    • Hourly season filter. Beta! Need additional testing !!! ( Hotel Edition version )
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • WordPress 3.0 compatibility
    • Support new WordPress theme - Twenty Ten 0.7
    • Hide booking form, if the booking form with the same booking resource are already inside of actual page. Booking Calendar Standard have only 1 booking resource, so its can show only 1 booking form at the page (its actual for situation of showing widget and booking form inside of post/page)

1.7.3 - [05.04.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Time duration of booking (at the Premium, Hotel Edition)
    • Instant (ajax) update of showing tooltip remarks during updating of remarks (Pro, Premium, Hotel Edition)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • More easy managemnt of bookings using sort by Dates, ID, Name and Email at the booking table
    • Some grammatical changes at emeils and booking form

1.7.2 - [28.03.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Add posibility to select time of booking using 1 selectbox, where in dropdown list hav values like these: "10:00 - 12:00" "12:00 - 14:00" and so on. Usefull whenbooking is possible only for prdefined times. (Premium and Hoel Edition version)
    • Fixing of showing bookings, which are belong to the default booking resource which are deleted, so then by default takes fisrst exist booking resource.
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fixing several JS.
    • Optimize CSS in standard skin at admin panel.

1.7.1 - [22.03.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Posibility to enter direct cost of a day/night/hour in rate season filter. Direct curency rate type have top prioritet in seson filters. For example: we have several seson filters: weekends, summer and winter. And we are have booking resource wih day cost $100, and we are set next rates: Weekend = 50%, Winter 75%, Summer = $300. So then its mean if we are select WORK DAY at Winter its will cost $100 + 75% = $175, if we are select WeekEnd day at winter $100 + 75% + 50% = $262,5 but if we select workday or weekend at the summer its will return $300, because of top prioritet for curency rate type. (Hotel Edition version)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Posibility to insert into post/page only availability calendar. You can select whether to insert booking form or booking calendar.
    • Replaced text field for entering number of calendar month to dropdown lists.

1.7 - [17.03.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Added 2 new premium skins - Premium steel and Premium - marine (default for paid versions)
    • Admin edit bookings functionality - from now at paid versions you can edit booking (for some corrections), which was made by visitor of your site. Emeil according modifications is also will send to the visitor of site, after saving of modification.
    • New emeil template, which is sending after booking modifications are done by admin.
    • Remarks for bookings. From now admin also can add some own remarks to each bookings. Remarks are visible only for admin.
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Set additional checking for saving default count of calendars at admin panel
    • Set checking for posibility to show at admin booking page more then 3 monthes down to the page (for example 12 monthes)
    • Optimize CSS styles at skins for showing booking calendar at admin and client side

1.6 - [08.03.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Added 2 premium skins - Premium black and Premium - light
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New skins manager, from now all skins (CSS) will be at the folder booking/css/skins . So if you will create new sking you just need put it to this folder
    • Added 1 new skin - Black
    • Remove top Today line from calendar, create it more compact and stylish.

1.5.8 - [01.03.2010]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • New shortcode [ bookingcalendar ] for showing only Booking Caendar without booking Form at post /page. For showing avalaibility. [ bookingcalendar nummonths=2 type=1 ]
    • Added Danish language file
    • Optimize CSS style for showing booking form
    • New title icons
    • New screenshots and descriptions

1.5.7 - [12.02.2010]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Optimize CSS at admin menu
    • Fixed compatibility with xLanguage plugin
    • Fixed compatibility with Pagemash plugin

1.5.6 - [01.02.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Do not link to the paypal, when cost price is 0 ( Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Fixed issue of highlighting tooltip undefined showing info, after booking is done. ( Premium, Hotel Edition )
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Remove images descriptions of paid version from main Booking Calendar Admin panel page and from Booking Calendar General settings page (advnaced settings image description).
    • New Menu links design
    • Some CSS improvements

1.5.5 - [24.01.2010]

  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fixing error showing during updating plugin to version 1.5.4 at WordPress version 2.8 and older.

1.5.4 - [22.01.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Showing availability of booking resources at the highlighting tooltip ( Hotel Edition )
    • Setting start day of selection in dynamic range selection, using 2 mouse click for selection (Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Setting minimum number of days for selection in dynamic range selection, using 2 mouse click for selection (Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • More easy selection/editing of time format (Premium, Hotel Edition )
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • More easy selection/editing of date format

1.5.3 - [18.01.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Showing cost of day at the highlighting tooltip ( Hotel Edition )
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Short view of severeal days at emeils and booking table. For exmaple during booking 01.06.2010, 02.06.2010, 03.06.2010, 04.06.2010 now you can set option to show it like 01.06.2010 - 04.06.2010

1.5.2 - [10.01.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Rates feature - costs depends from the season. Example: Payment cost calculation depends from the period - July and August the price for a day is € 100,00. From January until March the price is € 50,00 and during April and May the price is € 70,00 and so on. (Hotel Edition)
    • Activate / Deactivate sending of emeils at the Professional, Premium and Hotel edition version. [visitoremeil] - shortcode (at field "To" of form "Email to "Admin" after booking at site") for sending emeils also to the visitor after booking is made( Professional, Permium, Hotel Edition )
    • Added new way of range selections by mouse selection begin and end days of range (in 2 mouse clicks) (Premium, Hotel Edition )
    • Optimising of range selections: more correct selections checking on already booked days / times ( Premium, Hotel Edition)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fixing some Internet Exploreer CSS issues
    • Added website url at emeils, where visitor made booking (at preofessional versions its customised feature)
    • Set showing of some settings only when its needed
    • Optimize showing of inline hints inside of input box of cancelation reson

1.5.1 - [04.01.2010]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • Season avalaibility filter functionality (Hotel Edition )
    • Posibility to set avalaible / unavailable dates inside of calendar (Hotel Edition)

1.5 - [26.12.2009]

  • Professional / Premium / Hotel version features:
    • New version - Booking Calendar Hotel Edition (Hotel Edition )
    • Posibility to set number of items inside of booking resource. For exmaple maximum number of rooms/seats/places/count of visitors of the specific type(booking resource). So days will be availbale untill all rooms (itms) are not reserved. (Hotel Edition )
    • Filter for showing only specific booking from selected items of some booking resource. In practice, for example, its mean that you can see only all bookings of standard (booking resource) room #101 (booking item) (Hotel Edition )
    • Fixing issue with not showing booking field value (at booking table and emeils), if field value consist some specific digits.
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Optimisation of highliting days at the admin panel from booking tables and from calendar.
    • Legend of dates under booking calendar


  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Support WordPress 2.9.


  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Adding Captcha to the booking form. Activate/deactivate captcha from admin panel.
    • Optimising internal code structure.


  • Professional and Premium version features:
    • Improve highlighting of days at range (week) days selections. (Professional, Premium)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • 12,000 ms pause in error form message before the letters fade, gives slower readers time to figure it out!
    • Set user unavailable days for the booking, like Saturday, Sunday or any other days of week.
    • Improve some translations


  • Professional and Premium version features:
    • Fixing checking of start time at today if time is gone already.
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • User access management for access inside of plugin pages


  • Professional and Premium version features:
    • New versions - Booking Calendar Premium. Booking Calendar Deluxe is closed.
    • Bookings for specific time. Divide day to the parts according to the booking time (Booking Calendar Premium)
    • Posibility to enter costs per day, per night, per hour and fixed price.
    • Set start and end time at the range days selection (week selection) (Booking Calendar Premium)
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Set time for showing thank you message after new booking is done
    • Multiple / Single day(s) selection feature
    • Admin panel checkbox - selection all booking in one time at booking tables (aproval, reserved)
    • Fixing bug with PHP 4 - "Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency" during activation of Widget
    • Fixing bug with PHP 5.3.0 - "Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in ... "
    • Fixing issue of not correctly showing this ' symbol at the emeils and reservation forms.
    • Correct showing translation for the dates inside emeil and booking tables.


  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Show aproved and pending dates in diferent colors at client side view


  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Correction issue with Ajax error (this bug is apper when URL at the location bar was diferent from the saved location of blog. Common situation 'www' is not at location bar)
    • Set footer "powered by copyright" - as not default during installation


  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fixed some issues at calendar style
    • Fixed not showing booking calendar button at toolbar, when user deactivated visual editor.


  • Professional and Deluxe version features:
    • Paypal static Deposit payment do not depends from count of booking days for some booking properties (deluxe version).
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Translation support to other languages. Russian language added.
    • Fixed issue with uncorrect showing dates at the Booking administration (approval / reserved) tables in some timezones (for example in Losangeles).


  • Professional and Deluxe version features:
    • Support of selection several days at once - range selection, for example make a minimum booking a 5 or 7 days (deluxe version).
    • Support of start day of week for range selection, for example make a selection from monday till friday only (deluxe version).
    • Rename "Booking Calendar Professional with paypal module" to "Booking Calendar Deluxe"
    • Added full list of 23 currencies, which are available at PayPal.
  • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Fixing issue with not showing calendar, when theme or some plugin use other version of jQuery
    • Booking form widgets ( show only booking calendar or show full booking form)
    • Inseting booking form at any place not only into post or page, using action hook: "wpdevbkaddcalendar" - showing only calendar, "wpdevbkaddform" - showing booking form. Check FAQ for usage of it.


  • Professional version features:
    • PayPal support online payment for booking. Enter price of day for each booking types.
    • Emeil customization form support new bookmrak - [name]. Its name of person, who made reservation.
  • Features and issue fixings in Free and Professional versions:
    • Customization of Date Format inside of emeils and booking table.
    • Posibility to enter message, which are show after reservation is done
    • Fixing issue with deactivation previous version before install new version, or during automatic update


  • Professioanl version features:
    • Multiple booking types (property) support. { Possibility to make several bookings ( for example for different rooms) at the same date}
    • Email customization for approve, decline and new reservation (custom emails, subject, content... )
    • Booking fields customization from reservation form, customization of showing data from form after booking.
    • Time of start and finish booking, using additional time fields inside booking form
    • Time validation at the client side
    • Inserting calendar using 'Calendar TAG' in any place of booking form
  • Features and issue fixings in Free and Professional versions:
    • Fixed issue of showing calendar button at the TinyMCE at Safari and IE browsers
    • Fixing "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected TVARIABLE, expecting TFUNCTION in … wpdev-booking.php on line 1453"
    • Added decline reason of booking at the admin page
    • New Ajax message system
    • Solving problem with showing Ajax error window
    • Do not hiding reservation form after booking at the Admin part
    • New Validation of required fields and email field


  • Completly replaced calendar to new jQuery version
  • Solving issue with not showing calendar at client side of blog (because of conflicts mootols and prototype library from other wp-plugins)
  • New skin of calendar
  • Select startday of week


  • Fixed PHP4 issue of do not showing calendar at admin page
  • TiniMCE button at editor toolbar for inserting calendar
  • Created several sub menus pages - Booking calendar, Add booking from Admin page, Settings
  • New page - Admin reservation page, where admin can reserve some days
  • New Settings page - Save different options like start day of week, count of calendars, deactivation option and other
  • Adding Icons to the admin pages

0.5 [2009-08-15]

  • Inital beta release