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  • Thread Starter donwinchell99


    I re-mailed the log files, but unfortunately after not hearing back for a while I may have “fixed” the posts that were broken. this time I RE-mailed it from 3 different email addresses as I had already mailed it twice, but you never received them, so maybe something with my domain being blocked or something.

    Then I have a heck of a time trying to return to this thread as the search function on this forum is beyond my capability to understand. I really don’t want to post my email addresses publicly, but I have now saved this link so can get back to this thread in this forum and will check daily for your response. If I need to create new samples for the log I will do so. Thanks for the plugin, and thanks for staying on this. I do have a work-around (always posting from web mail or outlook), but it would be nice to be able to use it from any email app; I would expect you would want to get to the bottom of this in any case. All the best.

    Thread Starter donwinchell99


    I did email you to the support address. including the log files, also included here is part of my explanation.

    I did three tests.
    As you will see one of them worked and the other two did not.  (They only show the link and not an embedded video)

    What I have found is it depends on which email program I use to send the link.   Outlook (works),  pure webmail (works),   Gmail (does not work) or my Samsung tablet email (does not work).

    In the below links, the one link that works is from my Outlook mail,  the other two failures are from Gmail (app on Android) and Samsung email app.
    I hope this gives you the info you need to troubleshoot. 

    Thread Starter donwinchell99


    as this has been posted for over 3 days, I am updating it to see if that makes It visible and why the paid add on does not seem to be working as expected

    Thread Starter donwinchell99


    <div class="postie-post">
    <div dir="auto"> </div>

    purchased the add on. This is the html, which does not result in a video, only a link. Also the plug in says not compatible with current WordPress version. Don’t know if that matters. I did not find any setup instructions. Any thoughts or suggestions?

    Thread Starter donwinchell99


    I notice that you have a video add on. If this add on will solve this issue I would be glad to purchase it

    Thread Starter donwinchell99


    Thanks for the reply. I guess I expected that if it came from an unauthorized address it simply would not post at all. I do see the logic in how it works now, perhaps the option to not post at all could be useful. But if this is how it works, I will explore further. Also knowing the plug-in has active support is encouraging. If I continue to use it I will make a donation. Again, thanks

    Thread Starter donwinchell99


    Hopefully just a jog to see why there is not a response to this. seriously if I can get this to work I am glad to make a donation and possibly buy some add-ons, but right now there is a problem and the non-response on this forum is not encouraging. But yeah, I understand a lot may be going on but I am trying to make it work.

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