• Hi,

    My page sitemap generated with yoast doesn’t work anymore. My other sitemaps work normally: https://www.varianthuis.nl/sitemap_index.xml

    When I inspect the page it only says: <p class=”price”>
    When I look into my logs console it says: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_price_html() on boolean in /home/webstijl/domains/webstijlcms.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/single-product/price.php:26

    I’ve tried to regenerate the sitemap with yoast, also tried to regenerate the permalinks.
    It’s a multisite installation so I can’t just put codes into the theme to fix it.

    Any suggestions?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Stefan.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Stefano


    Hi @sangenent !

    That indicates, that you have, most probably a plugin (or theme) conflict.
    Without access in the website, there aren’t many things we can do, but you can try to:
    1) Check for common XML sitemap errors
    2) Deactivate plugins one by one, and then check the site map every time you deactivate a plugin, to see if it’s working.
    3) Check your plugin XML settings.
    4) Trigger the “debug” mode throughout WordPress, and check for any related error.

    On a multisite, you can spawn a child theme specific for one site from the theme you wish to use.

    You can then attach that child theme to the specific site via the Network site editor instead of making the child theme available to all the sites by network enabling it. None of the other sites would know it was even there.

    Additionally, you could make a custom child theme with features that you’d like to make available site-wide (your network) by enabling that child theme as as network theme.

    Looking at your problem though I think your issue is with WooCommerce instead of Yoast. Yoast can’t make a sitemap containing a non-existent page. I think the error is dictating that WooCommerce can’t make the page so it’s not there for Yoast.

    The people to ask would be the WooCommerce support staff and then the Yoast support staff.

    I’d also take a good hard look at my input for the item listings to make sure there’s no illegal content there at or possibly proceeding the price data. It’s possible something there is causing the actual problem failure.

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