• Resolved TheGentAtWPforum


    Still have issues as my archive card shows ‘Street House number’, not ‘House number Street’ when I use the %%street%% – any chance I can edit that manually somewhere?
    Thanks in advance and best regards,

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  • Plugin Author Paolo



    This docs explain how to customize the output, let me know if this helps. However in this case you need to use the GD Post Address element as a block/widget to modify the template.

    Let me know if this helps.


    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by Paolo.
    Thread Starter TheGentAtWPforum


    No, the problem is, when I enter an adress with “Mainstreet 4” the drop down suggests a place from the map and when I accept the place, it’s automatically changed to “4 Mainstreet”. So altering the %%street%% tag does not work since street includes only what’s in the OpenMac Location I accepted

    Thread Starter TheGentAtWPforum


    I now entered the Street plus House number manually without linking them to suggested places. That way I can control the order of both values, in the future it would be handy to have the house number seperately, just a suggestion!

    Thanks again and best regards,

    Plugin Author Paolo



    thanks for the feedback, Unfortunately we can’t control how the API returns the data.


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