• Resolved imthepipe


    WPS Hide Login stopped working after I updated to WP 5.6. When I go to my login page, all I see is a blank white page. The tab for the page says 404. I can get into my site by going to the default wp-admin login page. I have WPS Hide Login 1.6.1 installed. Please advise. Thanks.

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  • Plugin Author NicolasKulka


    phpversion ?
    URL ?
    Error log PHP ?

    Thread Starter imthepipe


    PHP Version: 7.3.2
    URL: cogentcreative.com NOTE: WPS Hide Login is currently disabled
    PHP Log: Should I paste in here? Is it safe/secure to do so?

    Plugin Author NicolasKulka


    check if fatal error
    Check pass PHP to PHP 7.4 or PHP 8.0
    test refresh permalinks but plugin must be activated

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