• Resolved Sylvain L



    I have a multilingual website with a Shape Hover option with text “view” but I’m trying to have “Voir” on french side.

    Is the plugin compatible with WPML ? Or is there a way to translate only that ?


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  • Plugin Author hrs2015


    Sorry but it is not yet fully WPML compatible. One solution is to add 2 different cursors for different sites. For example the French site probably has a attribute of “lang=fr” in the html tag so you can create a special cursor for french site and activate it on html tag with “lang=fr” attribute.

    Let me know if you need any help setting this.

    Thread Starter Sylvain L


    Yes, it does the job. Thank you !

    Great plugin by the way !

    Plugin Author hrs2015


    I’m glad the issue is fixed.


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