• Resolved lunarmoth


    I recently added WP Optimize to my website. It seems to work fine except for the fact that every few hours it seems to cause the homepage only to load incorrectly (it looks like it loads without the stylesheet?). It corrects itself if I log in to the dashboard and either purge the cache or simply click “save changes” without having actually changed anything….

    Anybody else experience this or have suggestion or solutions?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support vupdraft


    Under Minify >> Minified status >> can you click the “purge the minified files”

    Can you also clear your browser history and see if the issue persists?

    Thread Starter lunarmoth


    Thank you for responding. I purged the Minify files and also cleared my browser. That problem still occurs, however, it seems to be longer between occurrences.

    I should also point out that I installed WP Optimize on a second website at the sametime and have not had any issues with that one…


    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Can you install the free plugin WP Crontrol and look at your cron schedules, are there any that appear to run at the same interval as the issues with WordPress optimize plugin?

    Thread Starter lunarmoth


    I installed WP Crontrol, but I do not see anything in the events schedule that seems to coincide with these breaks.

    I keep having to check my site to see if it is broken and purge the cache every time it is. Obviously this shouldn’t happen, but I can’t seem to find what’s causing this…… I’m probably going to have to remove this plugin because I can keep on constantly having to check it…

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    I am just going to check with our developer to see if there is anything he can suggest/anything that I have missed

    Plugin Contributor Venkat Raj


    @lunarmoth Could you please post screenshots of your settings? or you can export the settings and share it using https://pastebin.com/ ?

    Please do a plugin conflict test, i.e. disable all plugins and activate it one by one to find out which one is causing the issue.

    Which theme are you using?

    Thread Starter lunarmoth


    Exported setting can be seen here: https://pastebin.com/jL9SmXNa

    I disables all plugins and activated one by one, but can’t figure out what causes the problem.

    I am using the Woocommerce Storefront Theme.

    Plugin Contributor Venkat Raj


    @lunarmoth I happen to see your unstyled page. While inspecting the source code, the webpage is looking for assets (CSS, javascript, and image files) using https protocol where as your site uses http

    Could you please go to Dashboard => Settings => General and make sure WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) are using http protocol rather than https ?

    Do you happen to use https in the past?

    Thread Starter lunarmoth


    I checked the settings as directed, but, they were already set to http. I have never changed this.

    Is it possible that the https setting is coming from the hosting account?

    Plugin Contributor Venkat Raj


    > Is it possible that the https setting is coming from the hosting account?

    No. unless you have incorrectly installed SSL certificate.

    How often does this happen?
    Could you please check the source code (URL and protocol [http/https] of static assets) when this happens?

    Same problem for me as stated in another thread. Very strange behavior.

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