• Resolved Borja Abad


    For security reasons I have to disable WP JSON API WP. I see that your plugin has stopped counting visits. Any solution?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Nguyen Tuan


    Hi Borja

    If you disable WP JSON, you should turn AJAX Load off from our plugin settings so that plugin is calling to custom REST API with AJAX Load is enabled.

    Thread Starter Borja Abad


    But if I disable Ajax loading, my site cache does not increase the number of visits. Don’t have an alternative to the REST API with a custom Ajax?

    Plugin Contributor Nguyen Tuan


    Hi Borja

    We just release new version 2.8.0 has support for admin- Ajax

    Thread Starter Borja Abad


    Dear team, thanks for your response, but I think only is working for loggued in users.

    Try this:

    I think you have to change your code from
    wp_ajax_my_action’, ‘pvc_increase’ );
    wp_ajax_nopriv_my_action’, ‘pvc_increase’ );


    Plugin Contributor Nguyen Tuan


    Hi Borja

    Thanks for report that issue, we missed that, just release new version for fix that issue

    Thread Starter Borja Abad


    Now updated and working fine! Thanks for your support.

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