• Resolved subashchandraa


    advanced ads plugin is used for displaying ads in the sidebar widget. Litespeed cache is turned on. This causes the advertisement banners not display in the sidebar due to the path change. There is a space character added to the path of the /wp-content/ like /wp-content%20/ . Due to this space the images are not displayed in the sidebar. But other site images are properly displayed.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support schmidt25


    Hi subashchandraa,

    I tried to replicate your issue on a test site but was unsuccessful. I noticed that you use the pro version of Advanced Ads.

    Can you please reach out to our support, refer to this forum thread and attach an export of your LiteSpeed plugin settings, that you can download in Dashboard > LiteSpeed Cache > Toolbox > Import/Export?

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter subashchandraa


    Thank you for your reply. We have already raised this issue in the support forum from our client account.

    Plugin Support Henning


    Hi subashchandraa,

    Thanks for reaching out to our customer support.
    I will close this thread for now and post an answer to the question once we figured out the exact reasons for the described behavior.

    Best regards,

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