• I’m shocked how unusable this is. Configuration is not simple and not documented. Appearance is primitive at best, not even basic. But in the end it’s totally worthless as all the basic access functionality is missing or does not work. No registration page/ link on login page. No documentation on setting this up. blogs all point to manually making a registration page using shortcodes?? But the codes don’t work, so the plugin is just useless. From here I tried Asgaros and while simple, it actually works in full out of the box with easy configuration all in one place (not 3 like bbpress). Sure if you want a nice registration form you need another plugin, but that was already the case for WordPress anyway.

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  • You didnt read the documentation

    bbpress is the best wordpress forum by far

    of course there are login and register pages

    looks like you are just trying to promote asgaros…

    bbpress is the official wordpress forum

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