• I never never never write reviews for wp plugins. Because, honestly they are seldom better then average. And if, companies ask outrageous prices, much more than the value. I found e.g. Divi such a thing. It looked nice, so i bought it, once using it, it seems to have been built by a non wordpress user. But this, ELEMENTOR, is wonderful. And everything works great without hesitation. It is so good, that i break my habit not to write reviews. I never saw such a value for money plugin, really. My compliments to the developers. So please keep making more of these kind of great tools. The theme builder is also a great thing the logic of reusing templates again wherever you want, saves a lot of time. I didnt find a way yet to have a way to implement templates in another site export and then import or so. Hope it is there or please put it on the wish list. Great layout, great tool!

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