• I have a hobby site that been running on WordPress for 10 years. Over time I’ve had multiple themes and plugins that have been ditched as WordPress evolved.

    I use two of Jordy’s tools to clean up the site:
    Meow Media Cleaner and Meow Database Cleaner.

    Both have allowed me to remove years of crud that have built up over time.

    Both are VERY powerful tools.

    Don’t take short-cuts. Read the tutorials. MOST IMPORTANT take (regular) back-up in case you delete something that is important and you need to roll-back. Having made the changes its also important to scroll though your site t discover if by accident you removed something that is important.

    My mantra in deleting – even if its suggested as something to be removed, If I don’t recognise it – I do not to delete and review it on the second or third pass.

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