• Resolved sallijane


    I created this site before I was fully comfortable with the block editor. I just updated WP to 6.4.2, as I have done on a few other sites without problems, and suddenly appeared the White Screen of Death (WSoD). I had just updated plug-ins, and tested the site after doing so before updating WordPress. When I attempted to edit a page, WSoD appeared—I tried a few, and I think also a post, same result.
    It appears that this theme has been left behind by 6.4.2; is that right? Will it be updated, or is there another suggestion that will appear similar without a lot of editing? I saw a suggestion of twenty-twenty, but being of similar age, I wonder if I would have the same issue if I updated WordPress (and it appears to be less easily customizable, though with more menu locations). I have restored a back-up of the site using 6.3.2, and editing works fine, so I am not so much trouble-shooting now as thinking ahead as to what will work with future updates of WordPress, etc.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author Anders Norén


    Hi @sallijane,

    Chaplin works with the most recent versions of WordPress – I have it running on 6.4.3 locally. It could have been a conflict between 6.3.2 and a plugin on your site, but that’s just speculation on my part.

    — Anders

    Thread Starter sallijane


    Thanks for the reply; as I had just updated plug-ins, I figured it was likely the theme, but good to know that I might be wrong about that! I’ll go into safe mode and readd plug-ins individually; do you know of any specific common conflicts? (If nothing comes to mind, go ahead and mark as resolved; thanks!)

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