• Resolved dannybo


    Hi all,

    since I activated the varnish cache on the server I noticed a strange behavior when updating woocommerce (and only for woocommerce). When I do an update after the normal update time I get the following message:

    Update failed: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “http://www.w3.org /TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd”> 503 Service Unavailable Error 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable Guru Meditation: XID: 1789423382 Varnish cache server.

    However, once the page has been refreshed, woocommerce is updated to the next version and everything works properly. I’m missing something?

    I also lengthened the seconds on the server to avoid time-out but nothing. And only after activating the varnish cache. He has never given such messages before.

    Despite everything, however, the version is updated.

    Any Ideas? Thanks in advance.


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  • Thread Starter dannybo


    UPDATE: The server said to me they emptied the cache and also the varnish one. But at the moment I can’t understand. Varnish cache needs to be stopped/emptied/paused before upgrading plugins? They said to me to check now… so i need to wait for a plugin upgrade to see what’s happen. :-/


    Anyone have an idea?



    Hello @dannybo,

    Thank you for reaching out!

    Looks like there are specific server configurations required for Varnish cache to work effectively.

    Please check this section of the Configuring caching plugins guide: https://woocommerce.com/document/configuring-caching-plugins/#varnish

    Additional resources:

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter dannybo


    Thank you for your reply @babylon1999.

    I’m using WP Fastest Cache free plugin and about “exclusion” i didn’t touch nothing at the moment.

    But my question is woocommerce seems to work ok. It’s a little bit difficult because i’m italian and things inside the plugin are all in english. I’m partially understanding what the links (you show me) means, but it’s better to stop varnish cache if i can’t handle the situation?

    Everything always worked great. I’m just worried about updating woocommerce.

    Thank you


    Ps. If i cancel the cache just before updating woocommerce can help?

    Thread Starter dannybo


    In one of my websites now i’ve escluded (inside WP fastest Cache) these cookies… ( _items_in_cart was already present inside a menu to add to be honest)

    Exclude from Varnish these WooCommerce cookies

    • woocommerce_cart_hash
    • woocommerce_items_in_cart
    • wp_woocommerce_session_
    • woocommerce_recently_viewed

    this is the first think I made.

    then i need to do these steps:

    Exclude from Varnish these WooCommerce pages

    • cart
    • my-account
    • checkout
    • addons
    • \?add-to-cart=
    • add-to-cart

    Hoping to do it right…


    Thread Starter dannybo


    Ok @babylon1999 , now I also added these exclusions pages from WP Fastest Cache:

    Exclude from Varnish these WooCommerce pages

    • cart
    • my-account
    • checkout
    • addons
    • \?add-to-cart=
    • add-to-cart

    Hoping this will avoid the varnish error message updating woocommerce. I’ll wait to check inside this first website (during the next woo update), if works, then I’ll do the same with a few other sites of mine.


    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @dannybo

    You’ve done a great job in excluding certain WooCommerce pages from WP Fastest Cache. This action should indeed help in avoiding any Varnish error messages when updating WooCommerce. The pages you’ve listed are dynamic in nature and should not be cached to ensure they display the most recent and relevant information to your users.

    Please note that the effectiveness of this solution can vary depending on the configuration of your server and the specific behavior of your site. Therefore, it’s a good idea to monitor the first website closely after the next WooCommerce update to see if the solution works as expected. If it does, you can then apply the same changes to your other sites.

    Meanwhile, I will be marking this thread as resolved. In case you still experience the same issue, please don’t hesitate to create a new topic here.


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