• Resolved plakatraketten


    Hi there today we suddenly had a new issue.

    For some reason Woocommerce that are sending all mails with mail poet sending service, stopped sending new order notifications mails to us. Customers still receive their confirmation, when they place a new order. If we cancel a order or receive a review, we still receive the mail notifications. But for some reason, between last night and now. We stopped reciving new order notification by email. By that i mean the mails we recive ourselves.

    So first i checked woocommerce settings and everything is setup right and like always. So i decided to contact our hosting provider, to see if somehow they suddenly blocked these mails. But again all mails that was send was passed. They couldn’t see the new order mails at all, not even as blocked.

    We also testet our regular contactform on the site. They are also marked passes and are recieved. So for some reason new order notifications, are not send at all. Since all mails from Woocommerce are send out with Mail Poet, we now reach out to you guys for help.

    Please help it’s a live site and Christmas sales are on at the moment. We where even thinking about upgrading next year, as we grow. But this worries us, because what else are we missing. We are going to set up more sale mails next week in the newsletter and now, we also worry that they are not send either. Also the cron must be working, since the regular new order notofication in the woocommerce app, are pushed directly.

    Please help

    Best regards


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Same issue for us.

    WP Mail Logging shows the new order email being sent, but it doesn’t hit the inbox. All other emails seem to work. I disabled Mailpoet sending service and the new order email sent just fine through my hosts SMTP. As soon as I switch back to Mailpoet sending service the new order emails never hit the admin inbox.

    Please help, thanks!

    Also having the same issue.

    I’m also experiencing the same issue – came here to find a solution and discovered it’s not just me!

    I’ve installed WP Mail Logging and it shows emails being sent but we’re not receiving them to our mailbox. Other emails, including ones sent via Contact Form 7, are reaching us.

    Just realized the same problem is happening to me. Started a day or so ago.

    I changed the format to “text” as a work around for now, as I still get text based emails from MailPoet

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by corbindunn.

    Anything happening with this? I still have my text format set as a work around.

    Plugin Support Abhi G. a11n


    Hi @plakatraketten,

    Please contact us at Woo.com > My Account > Support. You may need to create an account before you can access that page.

    When you contact us through that link, please share:

    • A full page screenshot of your System Status from Mailpoet > Help > System Status
    • The full text log from Mailpoet > Help > System Info

    We’ll be able to assist you further from there.

    @genuin31wp, @alchemy-creative, @corbindunn – if you are encountering the same issue, please follow the same steps as above to get in touch with our support team.

    Have the same problem, but only with CF7 (Contact Form 7). Not sending the mail, only the mail 2. So I not reveice the offers.

    Thread Starter plakatraketten


    @theabhig Seems i started sending again 2 days ago for some reason. without us doing anything at all. So i guess you sending service had a problem that somehow was solved. Just happy it’s working again.

    Plugin Support Lynn J.a11n


    Thanks @plakatraketten for the update. Glad to hear the new order emails are getting through for now.

    @genuin31wp@alchemy-creative@corbindunn – just a reminder that if this issue is not resolved for you, please reach out to us directly at at Woo.com > My Account > Support. You may need to create an account before you can access that page.

    Woo owns MailPoet? MailPoet’s support page said to post on the forums here.

    Plugin Support Abhi G. a11n


    Hi @corbindunn, MailPoet is supported through the Woo.com support team. While for a number of things we do recommend the forums, when we need to request specific system or status information, we will often recommend creating a support ticket instead.

    Ugg…the same problem is now happening again. I submitted a ticket to woo.com, but I’m going to start a new thread here.

    FWIW, woo.com explicitly said they do not support MailPoet.

    Plugin Support Dani F. a11n


    Hi @corbindunn 👋🏽:!

    We always suggest opening your own forum thread.

    That said, could you please contact us via https://www.mailpoet.com/support/sales-pre-sales-questions/ and include a link to this thread?

    Your request will be triaged accordingly when we receive it and we’ll be able to provide you with more information there.




    @danielinhou I did create a new thread, and also requested support via the link. It was established that my email address at one point “hard bounced”, and was then never allowed to send to again. It shouldn’t have ever “hard bounced” — it is hosted by Apple’s iCloud, so it is very strange that it would happen. They said the server response was “user does not exist,bad-mailbox”.

    It would be nice if it didn’t immediately put it in a black list like this, and tried again.

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