• Resolved Rick



    I have the WooCommerce Modal Fly Cart plug in and all is working well apart from one issue. When I add a product to my cart, the floating cart icon does not update to indicate that an item has been added to the cart. For example, if I already have a item in my cart and add a second item, my cart at the top right of my web page in the header updates to show 2 items in the car, however the floating cart is still showing “1” item next to the floating cart icon. This will not update until I refresh the page or click onto another page.

    Same goes for when I remove an item from my basket. If I remove an item from my floating basket, my main basket shown in the header of my webpage does not update. Also, if I remove a item from my main basket in my header, the floating basket will not update.

    Here’s a link to my webpage:
    Any advice would be much appreciated.


    • This topic was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by James Huff. Reason: redundant link removed

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Rick


    I have uploaded a video to youtube to demonstrate the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7REU1Mq-gs

    Plugin Author aThemeArt



    It appears that you are using two floating carts—one in your header and another from this plugin.

    Please disable one of them, as the scripts may be conflicting with each other.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Rick


    thanks I’ve tried that but doesn’t make any difference. The cart in the header is the default cart that comes with the theme.

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