• Resolved talkiewalkie


    I am experiencing a couple of problems with your plugin.

    The first problem is with the “Woo product gallery” widget: I have created 4 columns within the widget but the last one on the right does not remain within the section but exits the “box” by a few pixels. This is causing me some problems with the layout as the content is ‘shifted’ to the right compared to the rest of the site content.

    The second problem is with the ‘woo product carousel’ widget: the carousel is only visible on desktop while it disappears on mobile and tablet (only the dots remain visible).

    I deactivated all plugins to see if there was some incompatibility problem (leaving only elementor active) but nothing has changed.

    Can you help me?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Support amin


    Hi talkiewalkie 

    I hope you are fine today.

    Regarding the Woo Product Gallery, I just checked on my side with 4 columns, and the items are displayed perfectly. Please check the screencast, https://d.pr/v/eVWDBn

    Also, for the product carousel widget, please check the settings items to be displayed for mobile, https://d.pr/v/NfhaYw

    Thanks for plugin conflict test, can you please check the scenario by changing the theme. It will be good if you share a screen record of the scenario along with page URLs.

    Thanks & regards

    Thread Starter talkiewalkie


    Hi Amin,
    thank you for your reply. I tried changing the theme (I applied the twenty twenty two theme) and it seems to work. The strange thing is that I have two websites on which the same plugins and theme are installed and on the second website this problem does not occur. What do you recommend me to do to resolve this situation?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Plugin Support amin


    Hi talkiewalkie

    Well, its unusual, that issue occurs on site but, not in another with same setup. You may check if there is any caching plugin used on that site, where you are facing the issue, you may purge cache from the site and as well as from server.
    Also, please share the both site URLs.


    Thread Starter talkiewalkie


    Hi Amin,
    I have tried clearing the cache and deactivating the caching plugin but unfortunately nothing has changed. These are the links to the two websites:

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Plugin Support amin


    I am sorry, but, I can not find the issue on your shared link, it seems both sites are ok, please check the screencast, https://d.pr/v/2APfWH

    Am I missing something? Please share a screen record / screenshot of the issue.


    Thread Starter talkiewalkie


    Hi Amin,
    Also in the video you sent me now you can see that the galleries in both sites are “shifted” to the right in the mobile version.
    Regarding the carousel, also from your video you can see that in RedTuft the carousel is visible also in the mobile version while in StunningSpark it is not (only the dots are visible in the mobile version). The carousel you indicated with the arrow is the one created with woocommerce shortcode (there are in fact currently 2 carousels active on the site, since in the mobile version the carousel created with your plugin is not visible).
    I am sending you some screens from your video so you can better understand what I am referring to:


    Plugin Support amin


    Hi talkiewalkie 

    Thanks for the details, I think we need to check the issue from your end. Please reach us here, and share the issue details. It will be good if you share a screen record of the issue.

    Thanks & regards

    Plugin Support amin


    Hi talkiewalkie 

    I hope you are fine today.

    We have not heard from you since our last reply. If you still face the issue, then please reach us here, and share the issue details. I am closing the topic from here.

    Thanks & regards

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