• Resolved jarekt


    When woo-payments multi-currency is enabled, all base prices in my currency are rounded. How to disable it? I couldn’t find an option anywhere. I am not talking here about rounding to other currencies, only to the starting price.

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  • Saif


    Hello @jarekt,

    Just to confirm, are you referring to the price exchange feature of WooPayments?

    You can change the price rounding from WooCommerce > Settings > Multi-currency > Currency > Manage. :‎)

    Link to image: https://d.pr/i/buhgEW

    Link to image: https://d.pr/i/O7HFjm

    To learn more about managing WooPayments currencies please check https://woocommerce.com/document/woopayments/currencies/multi-currency-setup/.


    Thread Starter jarekt


    Hi. thanks for the answer, but unfortunately that’s not the point.
    My basic currency in the store is PLN. And I have, for example, a price 14.35 PLN.
    After enabling multi-currency in the plugin, the price changes to 14.00 PLN.
    I know about rounding in the calculator and everything is OK here, all rounding to EUR settings work correctly.




    And I have, for example, a price 14.35 PLN.
    After enabling multi-currency in the plugin, the price changes to 14.00 PLN.

    So, the default currency price is the one rounded, correct?

    Could you provide us with a sample product from your store, as well as your system status report?

    You can find the report in WooCommerce > Status. Choose “Get system report” and then scroll down a little to find “Copy for support”. After you’ve done this, please paste it here in your response or use a text-sharing service such as https://gist.github.com/.

    Look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thread Starter jarekt


    Yes. Default currency is rounded.

    Maybe it’s related to Stripe account? I do not have access to a Stripe account, and as I understood from the description, it is required and created when start using woo payments?

    Plugin Support anastas10s (woo-hc)


    Hi there @jarekt 👋

    Maybe it’s related to Stripe account? I do not have access to a Stripe account, and as I understood from the description, it is required and created when start using woo payments?

    Just to clarify, WooPayments is built in partnership with Stripe, our payments processor. This means that, during the signup process for WooPayments, a special kind of Stripe account will be created for you, called a Stripe Express account.

    Feel free to learn more about this at the document linked here.

    To help you further, I’d like to understand more about your setup.

    Could you please send me a sample product’s URL, from your store, and a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select Get system report and then Copy for support.

    Once you’ve done that, you can paste it here or into our http://Quickforget.com service and send that secret link here.

    We await your response to better assist you.

    Thread Starter jarekt


    Yes, I know the Stripe account is linked.
    I don’t have access there, but I have access to the client’s website and the system status is here:

    and sample products are:

    I turned off all plugins, checked various settings and it didn’t help. As soon as I start the multicurrency, it changes the prices and rounds the base prices and, for example, instead of 10.50 it is 11.

    Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi @jarekt,

    I’m afraid the Quickforget link was no longer available. Can you directly copy/ paste the System Status report in your reply to make sure we’ll get it? Feel free to redact any sensitive information you don’t want to share publicly.

    Let us know how it goes. We’re here to help further.

    Thread Starter jarekt


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