• Resolved aniallation



    I am hoping someone can help me, I sell a large volume of unique products on Ebay and my business also has a website.

    The website sells products that are not on Ebay.

    I want to be able to import my products that I have on Ebay to be available to purchase on my website.

    1. Is this possible given I currently have items on the website that are not on Ebay and I do not want them to appear on ebay either?
    2. I sell unique one off vintage items and with them being available on both the website and ebay simultaneously, will there be synchronisation that is fast enough to update the stock quantity to zero on Ebay if an item were to sell on the website or vice versa?
    3. Finally, if this is all possible, what is the best ad on or plugin that I can use that can accommodate these features?

    Many thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide 🙂

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  • Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @aniallation,

    Yes, it’s absolutely possible to import your eBay products to your WooCommerce website without affecting the unique products that are already on your website.

    This can be achieved using a plugin that specifically caters to this need, like eBay Integration for WooCommerce or WP-Lister Lite for eBay.

    As for your unique, one-off vintage items, you can choose not to list them on eBay and only sell them on your WooCommerce website, giving you full control over where your products are sold.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Thread Starter aniallation


    Thank you, would the category mapping work in the reverse manner, how would the plugin know which website category to place the item in from Ebay, is this something that would have to be done manually?

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello aniallation,

    Thank you for your reply.

    When using eBay Integration for the WooCommerce plugin, you will need to map the category during the configuration.

    This guide provides more details with a video demonstration:

    Feel free to reach out to us again if you have more questions.
    I am here to help 🙂

    Best regards.

    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @aniallation,

    I’m marking this topic as “resolved” due to recent inactivity. If more assistance is needed, feel free to post back here or open a new topic.


    Thread Starter aniallation


    I went ahead and got the eBay Integration for the WooCommerce plugin based on your recommendations and wanted to share my experience with it here.

    The company is refusing to issue me a refund for the plugin despite the 30-day money back guarantee promise on the WooCommerce page. So I am left $520 out of pocket for something that does not work properly.

    The issues experienced are:

    When something sells on Ebay it does not update the stock quantity on WooCommerce and vice versa.

    The quality of the images imported onto WooCommerce from Ebay are of poor quality and low resolution.

    When importing products from Ebay, it would sometimes import random images from other products so the images were incorrect – the solution given to me for this problem was to simply “delete the item and then reimport it“?

    When importing products from Ebay sometimes the product checkbox to edit or delete it would be padlocked meaning I could not do anything to it even as an administrator.

    Category mapping randomly doesn’t work so you have to edit each product to select a category.

    It has been 4 weeks since I purchased this and after having lost complete faith with the reliability of the product (I have to trust this to work on 5000+ products per year with QTY 1 as each item is unique) I requested a refund. They responded by saying they wanted to work through the issues and get them resolved, but because I had lost complete trust and faith in the plugin to operate effectively I wanted a refund.

    I was then told that because I bought it from them directly and not through the WooCommerce page that I was not entitled to my money back.

    I contacted them initially through WooCommerce and was given an invoice to pay, at no point did I know that my apparent “rights” for my money back no longer applied because of paying them directly.

    It is a really disappointing and disgusting business practice to have by CED Commerce who are clearly using WooCommerce’s page as a lead generator for their own private sales and then remove all consumer rights without informing you.

    My hope from this is that someone may come across this thread before buying the plugin and it may put them off – rightly so.

    Also if anyone from Woo is reading, would appreciate it if you could look into this business practice as I would not want to be associated with a third party plugin provider who operated in this way.

    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @aniallation,

    We sincerely apologize for your inconvenience with the eBay Integration for WooCommerce plugin. While we can’t directly fix those technical issues you’re facing with the plugin, I would suggest reaching out to the plugin developers again. Clear communication about the issues you’re facing might lead to a resolution.

    However, could you please open a ticket about this from Woo.com > My profile > Support for a closer look?

    Please include a link to this forum thread, so that we can keep track of what’s already been done.

    We will be able to help you further there.

    Thread Starter aniallation


    I have no interest in them fixing technical issues with the plugin, these are issues that should not be present in a ready to go fully developed plugin, they are simple issues that should have been resolved in any form of testing phase.

    My communication with the team at CED Commerce has been detailed and thorough, their response has not been as detailed.

    The level of incompetence is so severe I would not even trust them to have access to my site any more, no attempt has been made to resolve any of my issues at all given the fact I removed their access to my site 2 weeks ago.

    It is disgusting. I do not want a resolution, I want the world to know just how poor an experience I have had to put off other people wasting their money with that company.

    Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    We’re resolving the issue with you and CedCommerce in a support ticket. As this thread is resolved now, feel free to continue our conversation in the ticket so we can help you there.

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