• If there is a way this plugin can nag you to see their other products, it will find a way to do it. It will also default to enabling all 91~ features at once and make the site gobble up memory. The first step is to disable ALL features and only enable the one or two you actually want to use. Very user hostile product.

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  • Plugin Author Rafin


    Hi @gmariani405,

    You don’t actually have to enable anything if you use the Setup Wizard during the installation. It has the option to choose whichever widget that you want to keep enabled actually. Maybe you have missed that.

    Regarding the Essential Blocks notice, sorry that you felt that way, but there’s a “Dismiss” option for it as well. If you press it, it won’t ever show up on your screen again too.

    Regardless, thank you for your feedback. Have a nice day!

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