• When i tried with coupon with guest checkout i am not be able to get discount to repay payment, but at the same time it show “Current balance” will be “0”.

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  • Plugin Author YITHEMES


    Hello there,
    hope you are doing well! 🙂

    To understand better where is the problem, could you make a video where we can check the process you are following, please?

    Are you using a coupon or a gift card code?

    Let us know any news, please.

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter ravi Singh


    Thanks for your replay, Here i am sending you the link for the video.

    Plugin Author YITHEMES


    Hello there,

    Thanks for the video!

    I have been checking it and seem that the problem is related to the payment method, which is not taking in gift card amount as a discount. Could you let us know what plugin are you using to add this payment method, please?

    Also, could you make a test with another payment method?

    Let us know any news.

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter ravi Singh


    Hi there,
    I am using https://da.wordpress.org/plugins/reepay-checkout-gateway/ plugin – “Reepay Payment”.

    Thread Starter ravi Singh


    Event I checked the issue when i use the default woocommerce coupon its working fine with the reepay payment but when i use https://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-woocommerce-gift-cards/ its creating an issue. I guess the yith not passing the amount after discount instead it provides the product price without deducting gitfcard amount. May be if its not working, unfortunately i have to use another plugin.

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