• Resolved fortunewave


    A message after installing and activation of this plugin:

    The plugin generated 341 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

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  • Plugin Author supsystic


    Hello, @fortunewave
    Thank you for contacting us regarding your question!
    Have you checked and the plugin doesn’t work?

    Please contact us through our 
    internal support.
    We will help you to solve the problem.

    Thread Starter fortunewave


    Thank you for your reply.
    At the moment I don’t see any issues. It works fine.
    Maybe something was wrong during activating but somehow it sorted out.

    Plugin Author supsystic


    Don’t hesitate to contact me in case of any questions. We are always glad to help you!

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