• Resolved wpclee


    Hi, we recently relaunched our site after migrating the whole site to WordPress. For some reason the wildcard redirects don’t work, do you have any solutions?

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  • Plugin Author Mian Shahzeb


    Hi wpclee,

    Please try this format to use wildcard redirects for only subpages.

    Try this format to use wildcard redirects for whole website.

    It will redirect all requests from old-name.com/hello to new-name.com/hello

    Thread Starter wpclee


    We’ve tried the subpage wildcard redirect, for example:


    go to


    which doesn’t work, but the instructions say that it should?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by wpclee.
    Plugin Author Mian Shahzeb


    You should try this:
    go to
    This is the correct format for wildcard redirects.

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