• I inherited a site that was custom coded by another company and now I noticed that I can scroll to the right on mobile or Safari and there’s white space there.

    Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it? I’ve tried searching for widths in the css and can’t find anything that may be causing this. Thanks!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • To me, it looks to be coming from the slider.

    Thread Starter carlosbullseye


    I think I may have found the culprit but I can’t seem to find where to make the type of change I can make on a Browser Inspection. When I Select-All I can see that the links in the footer expand off to the right at 1400+ pixels and I can bring it down to 400px or so under an Inspection and fix it but I can’t find where that might be in the actual file structure of the site. I found 3 places on the css stylesheet that reference the large 1142px code and I change it and nothing happens on the frontend.

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