• Resolved pocketnurse


    Our public IP address which has been whitelisted under settings is still showing the restricted access message.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Siddharth Thevaril


    Hello @pocketnurse

    Can you tell us which version of the plugin you’re using?

    If it is the latest one, can you try rolling back to the previous versions so that it is easier for us to narrow down the problem?

    You can download the earlier versions here.

    Thread Starter pocketnurse


    We are using 7.4.0 I just recently updated it hoping it would fix the issue but we had the same issue on the older version.

    Good afternoon, we have the same problem on several sites..

    Working with a site:
    PHP 7.3.28
    WordPress 6.1.3
    Restricted Site Access 7.3.1

    Not working with a site with newer software:
    PHP 8.0.28
    WordPress 6.2.2
    Restricted Site Access 7.4.0

    I don’t know if it’s due to newer WP or newer PHP or newer plugin software is.

    My issue is solved! I checked IP address to be sure and… the provider changed IP address. So now it’s working with the latest version 7.4.0.

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