• Resolved monica123



    I’m using your The SEO Framework. Can you please explain this to me?

    I get the message from my Dashboard, in the list of Posts, there’s the SEO heading. The ‘T’ (Title) shows blue on a published post and when I hover over it, it says it’s ‘built from page SEO meta input. Is this OK?

    It also says, ‘Title is not branded’. If I add the site name to the keyword it’s too long. It also says ‘Search engines may ignore the title’. My Meta Title says it’s good at 64 characters without the brand name. I know the max is 60 characters for Meta Title.

    Do I ignore this? Any advice?

    Thank you.



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi Monica!

    We use different colors in the plugin to convey meaning:

    • Red is an error that you must resolve.
    • Yellow is a non-critical warning that you may want to address.
    • Green is good.
    • Blue is informational and situational.
    • Gray is undefined or unprocessable.

    TSF warns about unbranded titles because Google is prone to replace your titles, regardless of whether they’re the correct length. You are free to ignore this warning.

    But, if your site name is “Example Site Name”, and your custom page title is “My page title that is about 60 characters long now and fits,” Google will likely replace it with “My page title that is about 60… – Example Site Name” in Google Search, stripping the “characters long now and fits” part.

    From Google’s documentation:

    Brand your titles concisely. […] Consider including […] your site name at the beginning or end of each <title> element, separated from the rest of the text with a delimiter such as a hyphen, colon, or pipe, like this:
    <title>ExampleSocialSite: Sign up for a new account.</title>

    We test every title to see whether it includes the custom “Site Title” set at “SEO Settings > Title Settings > Additions,” which defaults to the value set at “WordPress Settings > General Settings > Site Title.” I chose the blue color because there are situations where it’s better to leave out the brand name.

    I hope this makes sense. Have a lovely weekend!

    Thread Starter monica123


    Hi Sybre,

    I’m sorry to be so late in responding.

    Thank you for your clear explanation of my question. I appreciate it. My first time here on your forum so I wasn’t sure.

    Kind regards,


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