• Resolved Josh Fisher Nesbitt



    I have a questions regarding the zones,

    In the settings, there is the tab for weight based shipping.

    But on shipping zones you can select weight based shipping and then it goes into a seperate weight based shipping area.

    My question is if I’ve made a zone called europe and select europe then picked weight based shipping would I have to declare the countries in the weight based restriction option or is that ignore because I’ve put it in a zone?

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  • Plugin Author Dan


    Hello Josh,

    You can use the WBS Destination condition in conjunction with shipping zones. For example, if there is a US shipping zone and a WBS shipping method added to it, it might be useful to create there rules like:
    – Destination: Alaska; Base Cost: $40
    – Destination: all except Alaska; Base Cost: $20

    If you don’t need to narrow down locations inside a shipping zone, just leave WBS Destination empty.

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