• Resolved yudhafebrian


    Hi, help,

    Website Can’t access after activating some code snippet code, i set wp redirect code in code snippet, but now my site can’t be accessed, i already follow your tutorial using safe mode, but still not work, how to delete the snippet?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Shea Bunge


    If safe mode is not working for some reason (though I would recommend double checking that you have added the constant properly), then you can access your database and remove the row containing the snippet from the wp_snippets table, where wp_ is your database table prefix.


    2 ways I’ve found to fix this…

    1. Access your plugin folder and rename the snippets folder name. This will allow you to access your site, BUT deactivate snippets……


    2. Access you DB using PHPMyAdmin. Find Wp-snippet table. edit the row of the last snippet you were working on, and change the “Active” column to “0”. This is most effective, as it allows you to keep any other working snippets.!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by samjco.
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