• Resolved amateurhr


    Do you guys have any plans for your webhooks to support authentication? I’d like to use it to send events to my analytics provider but I need to be able to send a username/password.

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  • Plugin Author Kuba Mikita


    Hi @amateurhr

    there are many types of authentication in webhook call. Do you need any extra field for this? I mean, sometimes you just can send it as the header, like Authentication -> Bearer TOKEN

    Can you send me a link to your analytics provider docs?

    Thread Starter amateurhr


    I’ve been using Customer.io. They allow for updating Attributes on Customers and sending Events attached to those Customers: https://customer.io/docs/api/

    Appreciate you helping out with this, I’ve never worked with headers. If I can connect directly from Notification to our providers, we can skip the steep fees of Zapier!

    Plugin Author Kuba Mikita


    Ahh basic auth. Hmm… we don’t have a field for this and it cannot be sent as a header.


    Can you try to provide it in the URL? It should work. You can do it like this:


    Fingers crossed!

    Thread Starter amateurhr


    @kubitomakita SO CLOSE! It works for sending Events via POST but unfortunately it will not let us send Customer Attributes because that requires we can send as PUT.

    Any plans to support PUT?

    Plugin Author Kuba Mikita


    Ahhh that makes sense to support other request methods!

    I’m adding this to our roadmap but I’m afraid it’ll have to wait for the next release

    Thread Starter amateurhr


    sounds great, thank you. One last note on POST. I think the key/value pair doesn’t work for all providers, some are expecting raw json because they might nest some of the values. For instance, on Formidable Forms, they provide the key/value pair method that yours does, but they also offer a raw json method, which opens up a text field and allows me to send something that looks like this:

        "name": "AgreementSubmitted",
        "data": {
            "Type": "Independent",
            "WorkAuthorization": "United States"
    Plugin Author Kuba Mikita


    Stop reading our internal roadmap! 🙂 This is also the plan to allow for raw JSON input (with validation).

    Here’s another vote for raw JSON input. Looking forward to that release!

    Is it possible for me to send a trigger to a url of another website after a specific woocommerce order is completed with the values of those completed orders, i own a website that sells mobile networks data subscription in Nigeria and i have gravityforms and woocommerce working on the site just that i need does orders made on my specific products to create an order on my merchant account on another site.

    I’ll appreciate your fast responses!

    Plugin Author Kuba Mikita


    Hey Isaac, yeah I think so, but it depends on which data you want to send. We do have the WooCommerce extension and you can use all the merge tags included within the New order trigger in Webhook.

    It may be problematic to send the correct JSON schema, but if you rather have a flat structure, then it shouldn’t be a problem.

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