• 247AppsStudio


    Last month my hosting provider updated WP core to 4.8 without my notice. Yesterday when WC updated to latest version 3.1.1, all “Add to Cart”, “Proceed to PayPal”, “Subscribe Now” buttons were broken. In fact, customer clicked on it but nothing happens on front-end. The error is “500-Internal Server Error”. It didn’t redirect customer to PayPal page but in the back-end it did save to DB, and Storeadmin can see the pending orders multiple times (due to customers kept clicking on Proceed to PayPal button many times). So what I did was I reverted back to old WC, then everything works again. The Avada theme is still old version that has a few WC template custom pages like thank.php, form_pay.php.

    Is that something else that need to be updated as well after I update WC to 3.1.1?
    I’m running these Versions:
    WP 4.8
    Woocommerce 2.6.14
    WC Subscription
    WC Product Add-on

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  • superkot


    The old templates of Avada must be incompatible with the latest WC. If you have your old templates customized then the same needs to be done with a newer ones (dont forget to copy-save custom code before updating).

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