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  • Plugin Support Rynald0s.a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @kds26!

    Any ideas what might be causing this?

    The internal server error is super generic and the issue could be coming from anywhere really. Haveyou had a look at the fatal-error log found under WooCommerce > Status > Logs page?

    You are welcome to send that log information here so we can take a closer look.

    Additionally, the /?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments in the URL is just an AJAX script that updates the cart widget, and other cart areas used by themes — it prevents static caching plugins from caching carts. If you don’t have or use the cart widgets in your sidebar or header areas, then you can remove it with the following code found here:

    You can add code to your site following the instructions here:`


    Thread Starter kds26


    Hi @rynald0s

    I had a look at the logs page. There didn’t seem to be anything there about ?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments error.

    However I did find fatal-errors-2021-09-07-fbfe05ecd91f911fd5a24f2b8ce4a9c7.log
    2021-09-07T00:01:28+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 31457312 bytes) in /home/website/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1417

    It basically repeats that error constantly. Any ideas what is causing it? I am thinking facebook links.

    I have recently set up facebook and google listings feeds and some of the product links are showing HTTP 5xx response. They seem to be variable products. Some times when I click the links from facebook and google merchant centre to check them they work, other times it shows a critical error on my website. I can get to these products fine when click through my website to get to them but it seems like outside links (ones who would use tracking or some sort) fail to work.

    If you don’t have or use the cart widgets in your sidebar or header areas, then you can remove it

    I do have a cart widget in my header so I won’t be able to remove it. I can’t see the errors on the actual page it was just on the gtmetrix waterfall so hopefully it isn’t really effecting anything.

    Hopefully you have some ideas about these issues. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

    Plugin Support EastOfWest a11n


    Hi there,

    It seems like your site is running out of memory while trying to perform particular functions, and as wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments has been implicated, it might be a good place to start looking there.

    Beyond the advice given above, you can do a conflict test to surface where the issue is coming from. This might be disruptive to your site, so make a backup before you proceed. If you can, set up a staging site, and do the conflict testing on that.

    Otherwise, use a plugin like Health Check & Troubleshooting that does a reasonable job of simulating a conflict test for you only, hiding it from other site visitors.

    When you activate Troubleshooting mode using the plugin above, it disables all plugins and switches the theme to something like TwentyTwenty – only you will see this. You can then reactivate WooCommerce, test the functionality to see that it works. Then, one by one, reactivate your theme and other plugins, testing as you go until you find what causes it. Here are more details:

    Let us know what you find and if there’s anything else we can help with from this side.

    Thread Starter kds26


    Hi @eastofwest

    I have increased my memory limit in my WP-config.php file and that seems to have done the trick.

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' ); 
    define( 'WP_MAX-MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

    Thank you for your help.

    Plugin Support abwaita a11n


    Glad to hear it – thanks for the update!

    If you run into any other issues or have other questions, please feel free to create a new thread.


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