• Resolved locker17


    Refering to 5.9.10
    When calling the page where the login-widgets resides I get this warning at the frontend:
    Warning: Undefined variable $login_redirect_url in F:\XAMPP\htdocs\mydomain\wp-content\plugins\essential-addons-for-elementor-lite\includes\Elements\Login_Register.php on line 6538

    Are u able to fix that?

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  • Plugin Support amin


    Hi locker17 

    We have already fixed the issue, please download the following dev version, and replace your installed plugin with this plugin.

    Download from here, https://d.pr/f/brP1Ji

    Let me know how its going.


    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hello locker17 ,
    Greetings. Hope you are doing well.

    We haven’t heard from you since then. Can you please inform me whether the issue mentioned above is fixed with the above Dev version that we provided you or not?

    Let us know the update.

    Thank you.
    Have a good day!

    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hi locker17 ,

    I am glad to inform you that, we released the updated version of the Essential Addons for Elementor plugin last week. Could you please update the plugin to the latest version 5.9.11 and check if that resolves the issue that you have mentioned?

    Hope to hear from you.
    Thank you.

    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hi locker17 ,
    Hope you are doing well.

    Could you please confirm if you have updated the Essential Addons for Elementor plugin to the version 5.9.11?

    We’d like to know if this update resolves the issue you’ve encountered.

    Looking forward to your response.
    Thank you.

    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hi locker17 ,
    I hope you are doing well.

    I wanted to follow up on the previous issue you raised and provide you with an update.

    Unfortunately, we did not receive any response from your end, leading us to believe that the issue has been resolved. As a result, we are resolving this topic for now. However, you are welcome to reopen this topic if you have any further questions or concerns regarding it.

    We encourage you to inform us promptly if you encounter any future issues. Our team is here to assist you and ensure a satisfactory resolution.

    Thank you for your attention, and I wish you a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter locker17


    As I see so far the message disappeared. But I made other changes therefore dont know if I just dont get debug messages anymore.
    Will let you know if the reported problem happens again. Thanks.

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