• miendo


    This is my first review and unfortunately it’s negative. I’m writing this as a warning to potential users: NEVER PAY FOR THIS PLUGIN.

    First, it’s overly expensive ($40 every year!)

    Second, the payment is automatically renewed each year, WITHOUT ANY PRIOR WARNING, whether you still use the plugin or not. And the developer now refuses to refund if you forgot to cancel the subscription.

    Third, and that’s the worst, the developper is a lier and a thief.
    When I asked for a refund (I’m not using the plugin anymore but forgot to cancel the recurring payment) – minutes after the payment – he CHANGED his Terms & Conditions page to add a paragraph about a non-refund policy.
    I have the proof that he added this just after receiving my request! (Have a look at his T&C page on Wayback Machine)
    Anyway, he changed his T&C without warning me, so it’s void… And despite that, he still refuses to refund me and does not answer my messages anymore.

    He has lied to me and stolen $40.

    STAY AWAY FROM THIS SCAM. There are better plugins out there, and more importantly, more honest developers. This one does not deserve your money.

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