• Resolved Ced


    Hello there,

    First of all, thank you for your plugin. I’m using it on a website where I’m still on 6.4.x branch (6.4.17 exactly).

    Yesterday, PatchStack published a security issue with version <= 7.1.6… Right now, I can’t update because it will require a lot of work due to the changes you made on version 7+. I have to plan the update, but it’s impossible to do it in a short time period. But I want to stay as “secure” as possible…

    Is it possible to tell me/us what’s needed to be changed in 6.4.17 to patch this security issue?

    Kind regards,


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  • Thread Starter Ced


    Hello there 🙂

    Is it correct that I should “only” change things in these 2 files: theme-my-login-admin.js and class-theme-my-login-admin.php ?

    In theme-my-login-admin.js
    Transform this:

    $.post(ajaxurl, {
    	action: 'tml-dismiss-notice',
    	notice: notice.data('notice')

    Into this:

    $.post( ajaxurl, {
    	action: 'tml-dismiss-notice',
    	notice: notice.data( 'notice' ),
    	nonce: notice.data( 'nonce' )

    In class-theme-my-login-admin.php
    Transform this:

    <div class="notice notice-info tml-notice is-dismissible" data-notice="7">

    Into this:

    <div class="notice notice-info tml-notice is-dismissible" data-notice="7" data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'version-7' ); ?>">

    Thank you in advance,


    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Ced.
    Plugin Author Jeff Farthing


    The “vulnerability” (that allows a non-admin user to dismiss new TML extension notices – hardly a vulnerability) did not exist in versions before 7, and has been patched in 7.1.7.

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