• Resolved henrydozie


    Hi, I migrated a wordpress site from another server to mine, however, trying to navigate to any page other than home e.g., about, it throws a 404 (The requested URL /about/ was not found on this server).

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by henrydozie.
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  • Moderator t-p


    navigate to any page other than home e.g., about, it throws a 404

    How about posts — do all posts also throw 404?

    Thread Starter henrydozie


    Yes. Everything other than the homepage throws a 404

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by henrydozie.

    Let’s try login to WP Admin, go to Settings=>Permalinks, select option “Post name”, click “Save changes” button. If it’s still not working, open .htaccess file on the FTP server, fix anything code that doesn’t look right for the new server.

    Thread Starter henrydozie


    I found the problem. It was an issue with .htaccess as the site files didn’t have one. All the pages are now accessible.

    Thread Starter henrydozie


    It was an htaccess issue

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